one of the eight bones of the cranium; a small bone filled with air spaces that forms part of the eye sockets and the nasal cavity
- 1. To ensure ethmoid sinus and maxillary sinus orifice complete epithelization.
- 保证筛窦腔和上颌窦开口手术区完好的上皮化;
- 2. Results Of 15 mucoceles, 9 were found in ethmoid sinuses, 6 in frontal sinuses.
- 结果9个粘液囊肿发生于筛窦,6个粘液囊肿发生于额窦。
- 3. To discuss the image anatomy characters in the height and contour of the ethmoid roof.
- 探讨筛窦顶壁高度及形态影像解剖学特征。
- 4. Objective: To study the pneumatization of the supraorbital cell of frontal-ethmoid sinus.
- 目的:观察额窦、筛窦气房向眶顶气化情况。
- 5. Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess.
- 筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。
- 6. The correlationship of bacterium between the middle nasal meatus and ethmoid sinuses is little.
- 筛窦与中鼻道细菌的相关性较小。
- 7. Objective: to discuss the image anatomy characters in the height and contour of the ethmoid roof.
- 目的:探讨筛窦顶壁高度及形态影像解剖学特征。
- 8. There are three kinds of relationships between the lacrimal sac fossa and anterior ethmoid artery.
- 泪囊窝与筛前动脉存在三种毗邻关系。
- 9. The ethmoid sinus is the most common location, followed by the maxillary, frontal, and sphenoid sinuses.
- 筛窦是最常见的发病部位,接下来是上颌窦、额窦及蝶窦。
- 10. Purpose: to report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess.
- 目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。
- 11. Objective: Provide image anatomy basis of the ultimate ethmoid sinus for the surgical approach via saddle area.
- 目的:为临床开展鞍区手术提供一组最后筛房的影像解剖资料。
- 12. The posterior ethmoid cells are easily identified as they are larger, wider, and fewer in number than anteriorly.
- 后组筛窦的气房一般大而宽,在数量上也少于前组筛窦,容易确定。
- 13. When disease involves the sphenoid, the sinus can be penetrated either intranasally or through the posterior ethmoid.
- 当病变累及蝶窦,可以经鼻内和后组筛窦进入蝶窦。
- 14. Objective: To find out the influence of development of the posterior ethmoid sinus on surgical approach via saddle area.
- 目的:为了了解后筛窦气化发育对前颅底外科及蝶鞍区手术的影响及术前指导意义。
- 15. The ethmoid sinus presented at birth and its appreance were not synchronous, but their location were relatively invariable.
- 各组筛窦在发生时间上不同步,但其位置则相对恒定。
- 16. Conclusions: the anatomic structures of the uncinate process and ethmoid infundibulum have close relation to chronic sinusitis.
- 结论:筛漏斗及钩突的解剖形态是慢性鼻窦炎发病的重要解剖因素。
- 17. The result shows that CT can display the sub-group and the type of the anterior ethmoid sinus and its adjacent structures clearly.
- 表明CT扫描能充分显示前筛窦气房的气化变异及其邻近结构的影像学特征。
- 18. OBJECTIVE to investigate the characteristic computer tomography (ct) changes in cases of one-sided chronic ethmoid-maxillary sinusitis.
- 目的探讨单侧筛上颌窦炎性病变的CT特征。
- 19. Objective: To explore anatomical variations of the anterior ethmoid sinus in Chinese people and to provide reference for clinical management.
- 目的:探讨国人前组筛窦的相关解剖变异,为临床手术提供参照数据和资料。
- 20. The central supporting system of the nose is the septum, which articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid posteriorly and the vomer inferiorly.
- 鼻部的中央支持系统是鼻中隔,其与后方的筛骨垂直板和下方的犁骨接合在一起。
- 21. Objective to investigate the histopathologic study of the ethmoid bone in chronic sinusitis (CRS) and the role of bone pathology in the pathogenesis of CRS.
- 目的观察评价慢性鼻窦炎(CRS)筛窦骨质的病理变化特点和病变规律。
- 22. Results Paranasal sinus malignant tumor root mainly in maxillary sinus 17 cases (54.8%), then ethmoid sinus 10 cases (32.3%), and frontal sinus 4 cases (12.9%).
- 结果:鼻窦恶性肿瘤多原发于上颌窦17例(54.8%),其次是筛窦10例(32.3%)和额窦4例(12.9%)。
- 23. FESS had obvious advantage, such as cleaning of affected tissue in ethmoid sinus or sphenoid sinus with mycosis, postoperative nursing of sinus cavity and so on.
- 柯-陆氏手术是本病的主要治疗选择,而鼻内窥镜手术在清理筛窦或蝶窦病变组织及术后窦腔护理有明显的优点。
- 24. OBJECTIVE To study the histomorphology of the ethmoid sinuses mucosa in the patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) complecated sinusitis after radiotherapy.
- 目的了解鼻咽癌放射治疗后鼻窦炎患者筛窦黏膜的组织形态学结构。
- 25. Tumor invasion involved nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus(13 cases), maxillary sinus (12 cases), sphenoid sinus(10 cases), frontal sinus (2 cases), orbit (7 cases).
- 病灶侵犯鼻腔与筛窦13例,上颌窦12例,蝶窦10例,额窦2例,眼眶7例,颅内3例,颌面部2例。
- 26. Results The penumatization rate of total or inferior part of middle turbinate correlated positively to the inflammation of anterior ethmoid and maxillary sinuses.
- 结果全中甲或中甲下部气化的发生率随前筛、上颌窦内软组织影增厚而升高;
- 27. Methods:37 cases of PAR anterior-ethmoid nerve cautery were performed with Ho:YAG laser. Efficacy was evaluated by measurement of nasal symptom scores and sign scores.
- 方法:使用钬激光行筛前神经终末区域烧灼及下鼻甲黏膜下激光凝固治疗PAR患者37例,并比较治疗前后症状及体征分级记分。
- 28. Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of the double approaches of the ethmoid sinus under nasal endoscope and the subciliary incision on orbital blowout fracture.
- 目的评价经睫下皮肤切口与鼻内窥镜下经筛窦联合入路行眶爆裂性骨折整复术的应用效果。
- 29. Objective: We observed 3 ~ 5 years follow uip results of the patients with mucoceles of sphenoid frontal and ethmoid sinuses on the marsupialization using nasal endoscope.
- 目的:应用鼻内窥镜对蝶、额、筛窦粘液囊肿的病人施行袋状化手术,分别随访3 ~5年,观察治疗结果。
- 30. Objective: We observed 3 ~ 5 years follow uip results of the patients with mucoceles of sphenoid frontal and ethmoid sinuses on the marsupialization using nasal endoscope.
- 目的:应用鼻内窥镜对蝶、额、筛窦粘液囊肿的病人施行袋状化手术,分别随访3 ~5年,观察治疗结果。
- His ethmoid bone was broken in the accident.
他在这次车祸中筛骨骨折。 - Forobtaining the bets result,the height of maxillary-ethmoid and the height from the up-edgeof maxillary-ethmoid plate to the roof of posterior ethmoid were measured.
用作名词 (n.)
- ethmoid curette 筛窦刮匙
- ethmoid bone 筛骨
- ethmoid crest 筛骨嵴
- ethmoid chisel 筛窦凿
- ethmoid plate 筛板
- ethmoid bone and tooth remover 筛骨和猪牙剔除器...
- ethmoid antrum 筛窦
- ethmoid bulla 筛骨泡
- ethmoid forceps 筛窦钳, 筛窦镊...
- ethmoid sinusitis 筛窦炎
- ethmoid drill 筛骨钻
- ethmoid rongeur 筛窦咬骨钳
- ethmoid bone 筛骨
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