- n. 类低共熔体;共析混合物;共析体
- adj. 共析混合物的;共析的
- 1. It is verified that SnNi eutectoid may results as they coexists.
- 证实了锡和镍共存时能发生共析。
- 2. Pearlitic transformation in steel is a typical diffusion eutectoid transition.
- 钢中珠光体转变属典型的扩散型共析转变。
- 3. Hypereutectoid steels are steels that contain greater than the eutectoid amount of carbon.
- 过共析钢是含碳量大于共析量的钢。
- 4. Both steel iron and cast iron have the structures of eutectoid, hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid.
- 钢和铸铁都有共析、亚共析和过共析这三种组织。
- 5. Steels having less than the eutectoid amount of carbon (less than 0.77%) are known as hypo-eutectoid steels.
- 含碳量少于共析体(低于0.77%)的钢称为亚共析钢。
- 6. It is important to understand the difference of bainite transformation and eutectoid decomposition in steels.
- 研究贝氏体相变的特点,弄清贝氏体相变反应与共析分解的区别极为重要。
- 7. Steels shaving less than the eutectoid amount of carbon (less than 0.77%) are known as hypo-eutectoid steels.
- 含碳量少于共析体(低于0.77%)的钢称为亚共析钢。
- 8. Usually, excellent Superplasticity of Zn-Al eutectoid alloy could be obtained by pre-deformation (rolling or forging).
- 锌铝共析合金具有良好的超塑性,但通常需要经过预变形(轧制或锻压)来得到。
- 9. At the last, the steps mechanism of pearlitic growing and some eutectoid structures of non Fe-C alloys are pointed out.
- 最后讲述了珠光体生长的台阶机制及一些非铁碳合金的共析组织。
- 10. The main characteristics of the rail steel are low manganese and high carbon which content is being closed to eutectoid.
- 其成分特征是碳含量在共析点左右的高碳低锰钢轨钢。
- 11. It was found by experiments thatboron increased the growth rate of pearlite, both in hypoeutectoid and eutectoid steels.
- 硼有加速珠光体成长率的作用,无论在亚共析或共析钢中皆有同样的现象产生。
- 12. The resulting structure is a mixture of primary or pro-eutectoid ferrite (ferrite that formed above the eutectoid reaction) and regions of pearlite.
- 作为结果的组织结构是初步的共析铁素体(在共析反应前的铁素体)和部分珠光体的混合物。
- 13. A simplified diagram, such as the one in Fig. 2.1, focuses on the eutectoid region and is quite useful in understanding the properties and processing of steel.
- 如图2.1所示的简化铁碳状态图将焦点集中在共析区,这对理解钢的性能和处理是十分有用的。
- 14. To reheat hardened steel or hardened cast iron to some temperature below the eutectoid temperature for the purpose of decreasing hardness and increasing toughness.
- 重新加热硬化钢或硬化铸铁至某一温度,低于共析温度下,使硬度降低,韧度增加。
- 15. The microstructure and fracture process of an eutectoid pearlitic steel have been observation and analysed by means of electron-diffraction-contrast technique and SEM.
- 应用电子衍衬技术和扫描电镜等手段,对共析珠光体轨钢的微观结构和断裂过程,进行了观察和分析。
- 16. Above this point the hardness can be increased only slightly, because steels above the eutectoid point are made up entirely of pearlite and cementite in the annealed state.
- 高于此点,由于超过共析点钢完全由珠光体和退火状态的渗碳体组成,硬度增加并不多。
- 17. Above this point the hardness can be increased only slightly, because steels above the eutectoid point are made up entirely of pearlite and cementite in the annealed state.
- 由于超过共析点钢完全由珠光体和退火状态的渗碳体组成,因此高于此点硬度增加并不多。
- 18. The eutectoid decomposition is a self organization process, which is characterized by the integrated mechanism that ferrite and cementite acted as prevenient phase alternatively.
- 共析分解是个自组织过程,具有铁素体和渗碳体互为领先相的整合机制。
- 19. When such steel cools, as shown in zz 'of Fig. 2.1 the process is similar to the hypo-eutectoid case, except that the primary or pro-eutectoid phase is now cementite instead of ferrite.
- 当这种钢冷却时,就像图2.1的z - z线所示,除了初步的或预共析状态用渗碳体取代铁素体外,其余类似亚共析钢的情况。
- 20. The strength and tenacity of super-eutectoid steel wire have been improved notably by increasing the carbon content of the steel to more than 0.9% and controlling the heat-treatment system.
- 钢含磷量提高到0.9%以上,控制钢丝的热处理制度,使过共析钢丝强韧性显著提高。
- 21. The massive microstructure after annealing above the eutectoid temperature changed greatly. The microstructure became more uniform and more fine and the defects within it nearly disappeared.
- 块状组织在高于共析温度退火时,组织形态变化较大,组织变得细密均匀,且缺陷已趋于消失。
- 22. The main reasons are the forming of eutectoid structure, the increase of the phase interfaces, the enhance of the plastic deformation resistance, as well as the increase of the hard particles.
- 这是因为该复合材料中形成了共析组织,且相界面增多,塑性变形抗力增大,硬质点数量增多。
- 23. By cr microalloying, the fore eutectoid ferrite eduction is restrained, the distance between rows of pearlite is decreased, then the tensile strength, section shrinkage and drawing property of high...
- 高碳钢中加入的铬元素抑制先共析铁素体析出,减小珠光体片层间距,可明显提高抗拉强度,提高断面收缩率,改善线材的拉拔性能。
- 24. By cr microalloying, the fore eutectoid ferrite eduction is restrained, the distance between rows of pearlite is decreased, then the tensile strength, section shrinkage and drawing property of high...
- 高碳钢中加入的铬元素抑制先共析铁素体析出,减小珠光体片层间距,可明显提高抗拉强度,提高断面收缩率,改善线材的拉拔性能。
- eutectoid mixture 共析混合物
- eutectoid reaction 共析转变
- eutectoid decomposition 共析分解
- eutectoid point 易熔点,共析点,固态...
- eutectoid temperature 共析温度
- eutectoid transformation 共析蜕变,共析转变...
- eutectoid steel 共析钢
- eutectoid ferrite 共析铁素体
- eutectoid alloy 共析合金
- eutectoid interval 共析转,变范围...
- eutectoid system 共析系
- eutectoid horizontal 共析水平线,共析线...
- eutectoid structure 共析结构
- eutectoid composition 共析成分
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