(ecology) of a lake or other body of water rich in nutrients and subject to eutrophication
- 1. Microcystin(MCYSTs, MCs)is a common algal toxin in eutrophic fresh water body.
- 微囊藻毒素为富营养化淡水中最常见的藻类毒素。
- 2. Recent data showed 57.5% lakes were in eutrophic and hyper trophic status of the 40 surveyed lakes.
- 比来的数据显现,57.5%的湖泊富营养化和高的40个湖泊的营养状况停止查询拜访。
- 3. Meanwhile it had the level of medium-nutrient, light-eutrophic, meso-eutrophic and hyper-eutrophic.
- 就各湖区而言,太湖同时拥有中、轻-富、中-富、重-富四种营养型。
- 4. Studies indicated that various algae in eutrophic water bodies depend on the different content of phosphorus.
- 研究表明富营养化水体的不同藻类对磷含量的依赖性各不相同。
- 5. It is match with in the eutrophic sediment spatial distribution of elements and in the water in the same period.
- 同时期的底泥中富营养化元素空间分布趋势与水体中的相吻合。
- 6. Then, the methods of algae control in eutrophic lake and the processes of algae removal in the raw water are described.
- 综述了富营养化的供水原水中,藻类控制与去除方法的国内外研究进展。
- 7. Lake Nanhu is in serious eutrophic state, and needs to take measures to prevent the water quality from worsening further.
- 长春市南湖水体呈现较为严重的富营养化状态,需要采取措施防止南湖水质进一步恶化。
- 8. At the water intake , the YDT elastic space Packing is used in Purify the eutrophic Qingdian Lake water of Shaoxing city.
- 本研究针对绍兴市青甸湖微污染水源水,使用YDT弹性立体填料,在水厂取水口附近,进行生物预处理试验。
- 9. Using enclosure ecosystem bags, the control of algal overgrowth with chemical methods is studied in eutrophic Chaohu Lake.
- 本文报道了在湖泊现场用围隔生态系统对藻类进行化学控制的研究。
- 10. The paper shows high accuracy for evaluating the displacement effect of drawing water from river to a typical eutrophic lake.
- 本研究在评价富营养化湖泊引水替换效果方面具有高的精度。
- 11. And eutrophic state of five major lakes in our country were studied with more satisfactory result compared with other methods.
- 并研究了我国五个主要湖泊的富营养化状况,和其它方法比较,取得了满意的结果。
- 12. This paper introduced the present study conditions of harnessing eutrophic water by man-made floating culture beds in summary.
- 本文综合介绍了人工生物浮床技术治理富营养化水体研究现状。
- 13. The bacteria and their phosphorolysis characteristics of two eutrophic ponds in Dongli District and Xiqing District were studied.
- 对天津市东丽区和西青区两个富营养化池塘中的细菌及其解磷特性进行了研究。
- 14. In this paper, a new predicting model of single eutrophic index of water quality is developed by grey systems GM (1, 2) modelling.
- 本文应用灰色GM(1,2)建模方法,提出了水质富营养化单项指标的一种新的预测模型。
- 15. Then eutrophic state of Taihu Lake was evaluated by measured hyperspectra data, and the evaluating index was eutrophic state index(TSI).
- 水体富营养化程度的评价指标为营养状态指数(TSI)。
- 16. In this paper, chemical forms, release rules and their affecting factors of phosphorus in the sediments of eutrophic water were discussed.
- 综述了富营养化水体沉积物中磷的化学形态、释放规律及其影响因素。
- 17. The evaluating results by both methods show that most lakes are meso-eutrophic, and some of them have neared or even reached hypereutrophic states.
- 在用两种方法同时评价的八个湖泊中,有四个湖泊的评价结果完全一致。
- 18. The corrosion behaviors of A3 steel in eutrophic water and clean water were studied by locale corrosion specimen and experiments in simulant condition.
- 通过现场腐蚀挂片、室内模拟实验和电化学测量研究了A3钢在富营养化淡水环境中和洁净淡水环境中的腐蚀行为及影响因素。
- 19. So, reestablishment of floating macrophytes was also a significant method to reconstruct the eutrophic lake ecosystem and control inner loading release.
- 因此,恢复以水生植物为丰的水生生态系统足重建富营养湖泊生态系统和控制湖泊内源负荷的重要措施。
- 20. When eutrophic condition of water body is serious, algae on water surface proliferate and cover the water surface flakily to form water blooms or red tides.
- 水体严重富营养化时,水面藻类增殖,成片或成团地覆盖在水体表面,形成水华或赤潮。
- 21. Urban runoff pollution is serious especially for earlier runoff and it is one of the reasons that lead to water body eutrophic algal bloom and red tide on sea.
- 城市雨水径流特别是初期雨水污染严重,是水体富营养化、华以及海域赤潮等环境问题产生的根源之一。
- 22. Urban runoff pollution is serious especially for earlier runoff and it is one of the reasons that lead to water body eutrophic, algal bloom and red tide on sea.
- 城市雨水径流特别是初期雨水污染严重,是水体富营养化、华以及海域赤潮等环境问题产生的根源之一。
- 23. In this paper, the polluted sediment capping technique was used to control the eutrophic water from the Dianchi Lake on the basis of field simulating experiments.
- 采用底泥掩蔽技术,选取天然红土,添加适量的粉煤灰及石灰粉作为掩蔽覆盖物,对滇池富营养化水体进行现场修复实验。
- 24. Bad water quality in Taihu Lake was worthy the other cities of learning a lesson, for we may have to pay more energy to solve eutrophic problem when blue algae pr...
- 太湖水质变坏值得其他城市引以为戒,如果等到暴发水华,就需要付出更多的人力物力来解决富营养化问题。
- 25. The quality of eutrophic waters was improved by the algae-bacterium biofilm, which covered over the artificial aquatic mat made from a kind of mend macromolecule material.
- 将一种由改性高分子材料制成的人工水草作藻菌生物膜的载体,来改善富营养化水体水质。
- 26. The results will give some advice for environmental management of Lake Taihu and can be used to set up the standard for evaluating ecosystem health of shallow eutrophic lakes.
- 该结果对进一步研究湖泊生态系统健康评价指标阈值具有重要的参考意义。
- 27. The results will give some advice for environmental management of Lake Taihu and can be used to set up the standard for evaluating ecosystem health of shallow eutrophic lakes.
- 该结果对进一步研究湖泊生态系统健康评价指标阈值具有重要的参考意义。
- The extremes of the rangs represent relative oligoltrophic and eutrophic conditions.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- eutrophic stream 富营养河
- eutrophic plant 富养植物
- eutrophic environment 富养环境
- eutrophic wastewater 富营养化废水...
- eutrophic lake 富营养湖,滋养湖...
- eutrophic swamp 富养沼泽
- eutrophic state 富营养状态
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