- n. 激子
- 1. And it makes the absorption peak of the exciton move to higher energy.
- 并使激子吸收峰从红外波段进入可见光波段。
- 2. The exciton transport and recombination characteristics are also discussed in this work.
- 此外,还进一步探讨了该器件中激子复合及传输的特点。
- 3. The efficient energy transfer due to exciton trapping on the narrow band gap sites was observed.
- 还观察到极为有效的分子内能量转移。
- 4. In this paper, we introduced the dressed exciton model of the semiconductor micro cavity device.
- 本文建立了半导体微腔的缀饰激子模型。
- 5. The enhancement of efficiency is attributed to high density of exciton due to confinement of EBL.
- 效率的提高是由于EBL的限制作用而提高了激子浓度。
- 6. In this paper, some properties of a strong-coupling exciton in piezoelectric crystal are studied.
- 本文研究压电晶体中强耦合激子的性质。
- 7. The influence of interaction between phonons on ground state energy of exciton has been discussed.
- 讨论了声子之间相互作用对激子基态能量的影响。
- 8. The exciton absorption resonaces (HH and LH) and step accumu-tive density Of state have been observed.
- 观察到轻、重空穴对应的激子吸收峰(LH和HH)及台阶状态密度。
- 9. A photon is explained as an exciton of the electromagnetic mode, and the photon has an internal motion.
- 把光子理解为一个电磁模的元激发,光子亦具有内部运动。
- 10. The exciton coherent transport in above aggregates is analysed to be a transfer before vibrational relaxation process.
- 主要叶绿素分子间的激子相干迁移属弛豫前转移过程。
- 11. The physical processes of electro-luminescence include injection, migration of carriers, creation of exciton and emission of photons.
- 有机电致发光包括载流子的注入、载流子的迁移、激子的产生、光子的发射等过程。
- 12. Our results imply that the exciton binding energy is weak, or that singlet bound states are formed with higher probability than triplets.
- 我们的的这个结果意味着,这种激子的束缚能很弱,或者是形成单线态的几率可能要比形成三线态的几率高得多。
- 13. In the copolymers of fluorene and DBT, the efficient energy transfer due to exciton trapping on narrow band-gap DBT sites has been observed.
- 在芴与dbt的共聚物中,观察到了由于激子在低带隙单体DBT位置的捕获而产生的有效的能量转移。
- 14. However, the variation of the effective exciton radius with film thickness and its influence on the structure of energy levels have been considered.
- 但本文中考虑了激子有效半径随薄膜厚度的变化及其对能级结构的影响。
- 15. In the paper, the properties of weak-coupling exciton in semiconductor quantum dot are studied by using the method of a linear-combination operator.
- 采用线性组合算符方法研究了半导体量子点中弱耦合激子的性质。
- 16. Strano's team is now working on ways to minimize the energy lost as excitons flow through the fiber, and on ways to generate more than one exciton per photon.
- 斯特拉诺小组现在正致力于研究如何将激子从纳米纤维的一层游弋到另一层时所带来的能量损失降到最小,和如何能够使一个光子可以激发不止一对激子。
- 17. A numerical model for investigating the localization of surface exciton polaritons in the presence of random roughness and spatial dispersion was established.
- 在存在着随机粗糙和空间色散时,利用了一个数字模型研究表面激子极化激元的定域化。
- 18. Theoretical results show that the exciton-phonon coupling reduces both the exciton binding energies and the Stark shifts by screening the Coulomb interaction.
- 研究结果表明,激子-纵光学声子相互作用通过屏蔽的库仑势减少了激子结合能及其相应的斯塔克能移。
- 19. The advantage of phosphorescent materials is that they can utilize both singlet and triplet exciton states which can reach 100% internal quantum efficiency theoretically.
- 磷光材料在发光过程中可以利用单线态和三线态激子,理论上内量子效率达到100%,这类材料的使用成为提高器件效率的主要途径之一。
- 20. A new white organic light emitting diode(WOLED) was constructed by sandwiching an exciton blocking layer(EBL) between the emitting layer(EML) and the electron-injection layer.
- 通过在发光层(EBL)与电子注入层之间增加激子阻挡层(EBL)制备了新型白色有机发光器件(WOLED)。
- 21. When the exciton system closes to the statistical equilibrium, this exciton state density automatically approaches to the Fermi-gas nuclear level density with angular momentum.
- 当激子系统趋近统计平衡时,该公式就自动过渡到具有角动量的费米气能级密度公式。
- 22. We point out that the equation can be approximated by a set of linear ones and the exciton polarization wave can be regarded as a Bose field only in the limit of low excitation.
- 我们指出只有在激发比较弱时,这组方程才可近似为一组线性方程,电子空穴极化波才可以看作玻色场。
- 23. Numerical calculations are performed for GaAs semiconductor as a example and the results show that the mean number of optical phonons of weak-coupling exciton decrease with the.
- 研究了电子-体纵光学声子弱耦合情况下,抛物量子点中激子的性质。
- 24. A negatively charged exciton is a system of three charged objects, making the numerical computations difficult due to the large size of the basic vector set and the Hamiltonian matrix.
- 负电荷激子是三个带电粒子的体系,构成本征函数的基矢数以及哈密顿矩阵元都极大,数值计算艰浩。
- 25. Transition three-level model channel analysis showed that three-level dipole coupled with enhanced not only with the B exciton transition state, but also closely related with the CT state.
- 三能级模型下跃迁通道分析表明,三能级偶极耦合增强不仅与B带激子跃迁态有关,还与CT态密切相关。
- 26. The interaction between the energized electron and the hole it leaves behind is called an exciton, and the difference in energy levels between the hole and the electron is known as the bandgap.
- 这种获得能量的电子和他留在原来能级上对应的位置的空穴的相互作用叫做一个激子激发过程,而这两个不同能级之间的部分被称作带隙。
- 27. The interaction between the energized electron and the hole it leaves behind is called an exciton, and the difference in energy levels between the hole and the electron is known as the bandgap.
- 这种获得能量的电子和他留在原来能级上对应的位置的空穴的相互作用叫做一个激子激发过程,而这两个不同能级之间的部分被称作带隙。
- Then, the bipolaron hit the triplet exciton and converts to two polarons.
然后,双极化子会碰上三重态激子转化成两个极化子。 - Because of this large binding energy, the exciton is stable at room temperature even in bulk crystals.
用作名词 (n.)
- bound exciton state 束缚激子态
- exciton band 激子能带
- exciton level 激子能级
- exciton transfer 激子转移
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