- adj. 眼的(常用于合成词)
- 有(某种)眼的,长着…眼睛的
- 有着…眼光的
- 有(眼状)斑点的
- 眼的(常用于合成词)
- 埃耶德(音译名)
adj. (形容词)
having an eye or eyes or eyelike feature especially as specified; often used in combination;
"a peacock's eyed feathers"
- 1. Sally eyed Claire with interest.
- 萨莉饶有兴味地注视着克莱尔。
- 2. Gloria eyed them jealously.
- 格洛丽亚当时嫉妒地看着他们。
- 3. I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled.
- 我抵达时睡眼朦胧、头发凌乱。
- 4. The cat eyed him warily.
- 那只猫警惕地注视着他。
- 5. They eyed us with alarm.
- 他们警觉地注视着我们。
- 6. He eyed Coyne dubiously.
- 他怀疑地注视着科因。
- 7. A sharp-eyed shop clerk spotted the fake.
- 一名眼尖的售货员发现了假货。
- 8. She stared at him in wide-eyed amazement.
- 她睁大眼睛惊讶地注视着他。
- 9. She eyed the fish on her plate suspiciously.
- 她不放心地看着自己盘子里的鱼。
- 10. An eagle-eyed tourist found the suspicious package.
- 一位眼尖的游客发现了可疑的包裹。
- 11. Sleepy-eyed commuters were wending their way to work.
- 睡眼朦胧的通勤者拖着沉重的步子去上班。
- 12. He appeared at breakfast bleary-eyed and with a hangover.
- 他吃早餐时两眼迷糊,宿醉未醒。
- 13. A sharp-eyed reader spotted the mistake in yesterday's paper.
- 一个眼尖的读者发现了昨天报纸上的错误。
- 14. We all anthropomorphize pets, looking for a certain spirit in beautiful shepherds, blue-eyed Siamese cats, and fat belly piglets.
- 我们都将宠物拟人化,在漂亮的牧羊犬,蓝眼睛的暹罗猫,胖肚皮的小猪身上寻找某种精神。
- 15. We were bug-eyed in wonderment.
- 我们惊奇得目瞪口呆。
- 16. We eyed each other thoughtfully.
- 我们若有所思地看了看彼此。
- 17. She eyed Natalia jealously.
- 她妒忌地看着纳塔利娅。
- 18. I'm not starry-eyed about Europe.
- 我对欧洲并不充满幻想。
- 19. He's the manager's blue-eyed boy.
- 他备受经理的青睐。
- 20. He was long-limbed and dark-eyed.
- 他四肢修长,有黑色的眼睛。
- 21. He looked flushed and glassy-eyed.
- 他显得满脸通红,目光呆滞。
- 22. She took the money and eyed me nastily.
- 她拿了钱,厌恶地盯着我。
- 23. He eyed her vulgarly.
- 他色迷迷地瞅着她。
- 24. She remained dry-eyed throughout the trial.
- 整个审讯过程中她没掉一滴眼泪。
- 25. She watched open-eyed as the plane took off.
- 她瞪大眼睛看着飞机起飞。
- 26. At the funeral she was dry-eyed and composed.
- 在葬礼上她没有流泪,也很镇静。
- 27. This generation has lost a lot of its wide-eyed innocence.
- 这代人已经失去了许多单纯和天真的品质。
- 28. The woman eyed him coldly. "Don't be facetious," she said.
- 那妇人冷冷地看了他一眼。“别那么轻浮,”她说道。
- 29. Three marijuana plants were found by eagle-eyed police officers.
- 目光锐利的警官们发现了三株大麻。
- 30. Three marijuana plants were found by eagle-eyed police officers.
- 目光锐利的警官们发现了三株大麻。
- He's the manager's blue eyed boy.
他是经理的亲信. - Emaciated, wild eyed rats darted about fitfully in a small cage.
一些瘦瘠、狂暴的老鼠在一个小笼子里一阵阵地蹿跳碰撞不止。 - The single eyed old man begin to draw the juju, it cost 1,000 each.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- blue-eyed boy 宠儿
- Argus-eyed 警惕的
- bleary-eyed 视线模糊的
- -eyed 表示"长...眼的...
- bug-eyed 暴眼的
- eye 眼睛
- cross-eyed 斜视的
- dewy-eyed 天真的
- bright-eyed 眼睛亮晶晶的...
- eyed structure 网眼结构
- thrum eyed 雌蕊短的
- quick eyed 眼睛尖的
- eagle eyed 眼光敏锐的
- pop eyed 飞机在云中飞行的...
- bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 警觉地准备做某事...
- green-eyed monster 嫉妒
- eyeless 盲目的
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