fallow land
- 休闲地
- 1. But with the drought, the farmers began to fence off their land-even fallow land-for fear it would be ruined by passing herds.
- 但当干旱来临,农民开始保卫自己的耕地,甚至是尚未耕种的土地,因为担心牧群的破坏。
- 2. Some views are put forward for future development, such as development of forage in winter fallow land, interplanting crops with pasture plants, b...
- 今后,需要深入开展冬闲田饲草开发、作物与牧草间种套种、人工草地示范基地建设以及草业科学研究工作。
- 3. Some views are put forward for future development, such as development of forage in winter fallow land, interplanting crops with pasture plants, building pasture ba...
- 今后,需要深入开展冬闲田饲草开发、作物与牧草间种套种、人工草地示范基地建设以及草业科学研究工作。
- 4. Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow.
- 农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。
- 5. Farmers know that soil needs rest, so they rotate their crops and systematically leave a portion of their land fallow.
- 农夫们知道土地是需要休息的,因此他们轮流种植农作物并系统地留一部分土地休耕。
- 6. It also wants to turn some fallow or confiscated land over to landless people, as a way to reduce Colombia's high unemployment rate.
- 当然也想把一些休耕或没收的土地分给无土地的人,作为降低哥伦比亚高失业率的一种途径。
- 7. West of the boundary, the land appears as a patchwork of brown fallow fields and green growing crops.
- 边界西边的土地由灰色的休耕地区与绿色的生长作物组成。
- 8. Its low value encourages owners of land to leave much of it fallow or sparsely grazed by a few cows.
- 土地的低价值促使土地所有者弃耕或只有少量牛放牧。
- 9. And so Jama Khan's land lay fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabbling over his inheritance all the while.
- 所以,在贾马汗死后,他的土地休耕了30年,他的家人一直在他的继承权上争论不休。
- 10. Experts believe that Russia has huge potential for growth - millions of acres of farmland lie fallow and vast expanses of fertile land have never been farmed at all.
- 专家们认为俄罗斯有非常大的增产潜力——她幅员辽阔的肥沃土地上还拥有数百万英亩还不曾开垦的农田。
- 11. Once-productive land lies fallow. The deadline of 2014 for completing the reform has been postponed; 2025 has been mooted but even that may be too ambitious.
- 曾经多产的土地陷入休耕,而原本预定2014年完成土地改革的期限也已推迟到2025,即使如此也看来过于野心勃勃了。
- 12. This autumn, Israel begins the one year in seven when Jewish farmers are meant to let their land lie fallow; observant Jews will not eat food from Jewish farmers who break the ban.
- 今秋在犹太农夫准备让他们的土地荒芜时,以色列将开始七年计划中一年,严守戒律的犹太人也将不会食用破坏戒条犹太农夫生产的食物。
- 13. Most of the land where tobacco and maize used to grow lies fallow, taken over by wild vegetation.
- 那里许多曾种满烟草与玉米的土地如今荒芜一片,取而代之的是大片大片的野菜。
- 14. For centuries African farmers allowed for this by letting the land lie fallow for eight or nine years after a harvest.
- 几个世纪以来,非洲农夫通过休耕土地八,九年来获得下一个丰收。
- 15. But the fact is that with a very high proportion of arable land, there is still a lot of arable land which is not cultivated, which is lying fallow.
- 不过事实上,尽管印度可耕地比例很高,但是还有很多土地处于闲置。
- 16. They take in fresh land in order to fallow the exhausted soil.
- 他们另行耕种新土地,使耗竭的土地得到休耕。
- 17. Better still, farmers can plant biofuel crops on "set aside" fields, land that Europe's agriculture policy would otherwise require be left fallow.
- 更好的是,农民可以在“搁置”地上种植生物燃料作物,欧洲的农业政策曾要求这些地休耕。
- 18. Andso Jama Khan 's land fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabblingoverhis inheritance allthewhile.
- 所以,在贾马汗死后,他的土地休耕了30年,他的家人一直在他的继承权上争论不休。
- 19. Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation.
- 灌木林修耕地,灌木林闲地:灌木丛生的劣质土地。
- 20. Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow .
- 农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。
- 21. The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year.
- 农夫决定让土地休耕一年。
- 22. Rather than eliminate subsidies, and to introduce new payments to encourage farmers to treat their land in environmentally friendlier ways, or to leave it fallow .
- 在欧盟及中等文明国家里,共同的趋势是削减补贴而不是取消补贴,还增设新的支出科目以鼓励农民根据环保要求善待土地,或是予以休耕。
- 23. Brussels has repeatedly urged growers to cut costs by letting nearly 500,000 acres of land lie fallow, and swap plonk production for more expensive, higher quality wine.
- 布鲁塞尔一再崔促种植户通过修耕500公顷以及改种能够酿造更高质量更昂贵的葡萄酒的葡萄品种来降低成本。
- 24. That is why farmers can benefit from policies that induce them to leave land fallow.
- 这就是农民会从“抛荒政策”中得益的原因。
- 25. Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation.
- 灌木丛林地带和多岩的山坡地区的鞭蛇。
- 26. The field tests are carried out to study the characteristics of heterogeneous soil water flow in tilled land and fallow field respectively.
- 通过田间试验研究探讨了土壤水非均匀流动特性及其描述方法。
- 27. The field tests are carried out to study the characteristics of heterogeneous soil water flow in tilled land and fallow field respectively.
- 通过田间试验研究探讨了土壤水非均匀流动特性及其描述方法。
- The farmer kept his cows in a fallow field.
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