- n. [药]芬太奴(主要用作止痛剂)
- 【药】芬太奴(主要用作止痛剂)
- 【药】芬太尼
- 【药】吩坦尼
n. (名词)
trade names of a narcotic analgesic that can be inhaled and that acts on the central nervous system and may become addictive; used as a veterinary anesthetic and with other drugs before, during, and after surgery; also used as a nonlethal gas to incapacitate people in hostage situations; also abused as a recreational drug
- 1. Conclusion Compared with traditional treatment group, early analgesia by fentanyl could repress the posttraumatic stress reaction.
- 结论与传统疼痛处理相比较,早期规范化镇痛治疗可显著减轻创伤后应激反应。
- 2. Conclusion The application of propofol, fentanyl, Shi Tai suppository combined application, operation safety, good effect, no side effect, is worth popularizing.
- 结论应用丙泊酚、芬太尼、仕泰栓联合起来应用,手术安全,效果较好,无副作用,值得推广。
- 3. Conclusion Transdermal fentanyl in pain treatment after interventional therapy for liver cancer has reliable efficacy, safety and less incident of adverse effects.
- 结论芬太尼透皮贴剂用于治疗肝癌介入治疗后疼痛,疗效确切,安全可靠,不良反应小。
- 4. Objective to analyse the influencing factors for patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA) by infusing fentanyl and improve the effect of postoperative pain relief.
- 目的探讨影响芬太尼病人自控静脉镇痛(PCIA)的因素,提高术后镇痛效果和质量。
- 5. Objective:To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of fentanyl per patient-controlled analgesia(PCA) intravenous- ly and intravenous morphine(CAT) after cardiac surgery.
- 目的:对比研究心外科术后静脉芬太尼病人自控镇痛(PCA)与传统间断肌肉注射镇痛(CAT)的临床效果及安全性。
- 6. Objective:To study the therapeutic efficacy and safety of the Fentanyl transdermal patch on the aged patients with moderate or severe cancer pain and swallowing difficulty.
- 目的:探讨老年癌痛患者使用芬太尼透皮贴剂的效果和安全性。
- 7. Conclusion the effect of analgesia is the best when fentanyl and epidural anaesthesia are used at the same time under general anaesthesia combined with epidural anaesthesia.
- 结论硬膜外复合气管内麻醉时,硬膜外麻醉与芬太尼同时使用,术后镇痛效果最好。
- 8. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of low-dose fentanyl in combination with laryngeal anesthesia and magnesium sulfate in the surgery of congenital heart disease.
- 目的:评价小剂量芬太尼辅以喉麻和硫酸镁在先天性心脏病手术中应用的安全性和有效性。
- 9. Objective To evaluate the effects of low dose fentanyl infusion analgesia on behavioural and neuroendocrine stress response and short term outcome in ventilated preterm infants.
- 目的评价小剂量芬太尼持续滴注对机械通气早产儿的镇痛作用、神经行为以及短期预后的影响。
- 10. Objective to investigate whether a small dose of fentanyl can predict the effectiveness and safety of fentanyl continuous intravenous postoperative analgesia in elderly patients.
- 目的探讨小剂量芬太尼试验能否预测老年患者芬太尼静脉镇痛的效果和安全性。
- 11. Conclusion TCI propofol-fentanyl total intravenous anesthesia in operation under thoracoscope could keep better respiratory circulatory function and could have high quality recovery.
- 结论与常规静吸复合麻醉比较,异丙酚复合芬太尼靶控静脉麻醉用于胸腔镜手术麻醉期间呼吸循环维持良好,苏醒质量优良。
- 12. Conclusion: the application of low-dose fentanyl in combination with laryngeal anesthesia and magnesium sulfate in the surgery of the congenital heart disease in safe and efficacious.
- 结论:小剂量芬太尼辅以喉麻和硫酸镁在先天性心脏病手术中应用安全有效。
- 13. ConclusionThe Fentanyl Transdermal System is a safe, simple and better effect medicament type for ease the pain when treating hemorrhoids with method of micro wave heating among tissue.
- 结论芬太尼透皮贴剂是微波组织间加热法治疗痔疮术后疼痛的一种应用安全、方法简单、镇痛效果好的药物剂型。
- 14. Abstract Objective To evaluate the effects of low dose fentanyl infusion analgesia on behavioural and neuroendocrine stress response and short term outcome in ventilated preterm infants.
- 目的评价小剂量芬太尼持续滴注对机械通气早产儿的镇痛作用、神经行为以及短期预后的影响。
- 15. Conclusion The propofol and fentanyl painless surgery with propofol was more than a single precise, and fewer postoperative adverse events, recovery faster, and is worthy of clinical use.
- 结论异丙酚联合芬太尼应用于无痛人流手术相比单一使用异丙酚效果更加确切,并且术后不良反应更少,苏醒更快,值得临床推广使用。
- 16. Objective to observe the analgesia effect of propofol fentanyl combined with intravenous anesthesia in painless artificial abortion and the influence upon the circulatory and respiratory system.
- 目的观察异丙酚芬太尼复合静脉麻醉应用于人工流产术的镇痛效果和对循环及呼吸系统的影响。
- 17. Results the difference in patients 'age, weight, fentanyl doses, anesthesia time, pneumoperitoneum time, infusion volume and underlying diseases was of no statistical significance in four groups.
- 结果四组病人的年龄、体重、芬太尼总量、麻醉时间、气腹时间、输液总量和基础疾病的差异无统计学意义。
- 18. Conclusion: In group B(PCVA) injected by fentanyl continually, about 95%patients have comfortable result of easing pain and have low side effect. It's a good method of easing pain after operating.
- 结论:B组病人选用PCVA术,持续注入枸橼酸芬太尼,有95%的病人达到了优良的镇痛效果,并且副作用发生率很低,是一种比较理想的术后镇痛疗法。
- 19. Conclusion Small dose fentanyl anesthesia can increase the effect of painless gastroscopy reduce the number of patients in the pain response, improve patient satisfaction, is worthy of clinical use.
- 结论小剂量芬太尼可提高无痛胃镜的麻醉效果,降低术中痛苦反应次数,提高患者满意度,值得临床推广使用。
- 20. Objective To study the effects of co induction with diazepam fentanyl sodium hydroxybutyrate on systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with cardiac valve disease and pulmonary hypertension.
- 目的研究安定-芬太尼-羟丁酸钠复合诱导对不同程度肺动脉高压心脏瓣膜手术病人体、肺循环血液动力学的影响。
- 21. Conclusion Dexmedetomidine is safe and effective for the sedation of eclampsia patients, which can reduce the demand for antihypertensive medicine and fentanyl, and shorten the duration of ICU stay.
- 结论右美托咪定应用于子痫患者镇静安全、有效,能减少降压药物及芬太尼的用量,并能缩短住icu时间。
- 22. Objective To compare the hemodynamic effects and oxygenation state of propofol and midazolam combined with fentanyl for total intravenous anesthesia in patients undergoing cardiac valve replacement.
- 目的比较异丙酚和咪唑安定静脉复合麻醉对心脏瓣膜置换手术患者麻醉期血液动力学和氧代谢的影响。
- 23. Objective To compare the hemodynamic effects and oxygenation state of propofol and midazolam combined with fentanyl for total intravenous anesthesia in patients undergoing cardiac valve replacement.
- 目的比较异丙酚和咪唑安定静脉复合麻醉对心脏瓣膜置换手术患者麻醉期血液动力学和氧代谢的影响。
- Fentanyl can shut down the respiratory system.
芬太尼能使阻止呼吸。 - Cancer patients make up the majority of fentanyl patch users.
癌症病人是芬太尼贴片的主要使用者。 - All these incorrect usages resulted in dangerously elevated blood levels of fentanyl.
用作名词 (n.)
- fentanyl citrate 枸橼酸芬太尼...
- Sublimaze 芬太尼制剂(含fenta...
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