fit on
- 装上; 穿上
- 1. Their text might no longer fit on the screen, or it might run off the edges.
- 他们的文本可能不再适合屏幕,或超出了边框。
- 2. Do you know if the entire workload can still fit on one side of the cluster?
- 难以判断集群的某一端是否还能容纳整个工作负载。
- 3. If the reminder won't fit on the Subject line, type it in the body of the message.
- 如果提醒消息不适合于subject行,那么可以在消息正文中输入它。
- 4. That's 800 billion gigabytes, or the amount of data you can fit on 75 billion 16-gig iPads.
- 那是8000千亿兆字节的庞大数据啊。也就是说,这个庞大数据足够你装配在750亿16 -gig的iPad中了。
- 5. Some of its transistors are so tiny that 2m would fit on the ". "at the end of this sentence.
- 一些它的电晶体是如此小巧以至在这句结束时可以在·上安装2百万个。
- 6. If permitted, the queue manager segments a large message when it does not fit on a queue.
- 如果允许,队列管理器会在消息太大以至于队列不能容纳时将消息分段。
- 7. Life and business today doesn't let you count how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.
- 但今天的生活和商业可不允许你在一个问题上纠缠太久。
- 8. The trend is that the number of transistors we can fit on a circuit will double every two years.
- 该定律认为我们能够在一块电路上放置的晶体管数量每两年会翻一番。
- 9. The view component has the flexibility to render the data for a best fit on the destination display.
- 视图组件具有处理数据使它们最适合目标显示器的灵活性。
- 10. That could improve a screen's resolution, by tripling the number of pixels which will fit on it.
- 这能够提高屏幕的解决方案,通过把像素的数量增大三倍。
- 11. Even mobile-phoneapps often rely on scrolling to present more than will fit on theirtiny screens.
- 甚至手机版程序也会使用滚动条来呈现一个屏幕放不下的内容。
- 12. Arrows are added on the end for moving to tabs that don't fit on the screen, as shown in Figure 3.
- 箭头被添加到尾部,用于移到屏幕上容不下的选项卡,如图3所示。
- 13. Medieval scholastics are reputed to have enjoyed debating how many angels you can fit on the head of a pin.
- 中世纪的哲学家们十分热衷于讨论这么一个问题,那就是一根针头上可以容纳多少个天使一起跳舞。
- 14. In the long run you can expect a slimmed-down version of PHLAK that will fit on a 128-mb or 256-mb USB key.
- 在长期运行过程中,您可能期望使用一个精简版本的PHLAK,它可以安装在一个128MB或256 MB的US b闪存上。
- 15. When you are used to a team sport, it can be difficult for an individual to keep completely fit on his own.
- 当你习惯了一项团队运动,对于个人来说很难通过自己去保持状态。
- 16. OTC traders like to deal directly with each other, and their products are often too specialised to fit on an exchange.
- 场外交易者们愿意互相直接交易,他们的产品经常因为过于特别而无法适用于普通证券交易。
- 17. To be fair: 1 minute won’t be enough to get you fit on its own, but it will be enough to get you in the exercise habit.
- 公平的说:1分钟的锻炼不足以让你变得健美,但是它足以让你养成锻炼的习惯。
- 18. To be fair: 1 minute won't be enough to get you fit on its own, but it will be enough to get you in the exercise habit.
- 公平的说:1分钟的锻炼不足以让你变得健美,但是它足以让你养成锻炼的习惯。
- 19. If a document does not fit on a page, the number of splits per document depends on the page size (4kb, 8kb, 16kb, or 32kb).
- 如果一个文档大小超出了一个页面,每个文档分成的子块的数量取决于页宽(4kb、8kb、16kb或32kb)。
- 20. It's a little distracting using the cups since they don't fit on table and also, you can't see what they previously looked like.
- 在这儿并不太适合再用杯子,因为你们不能看到它之前是什么样的。
- 21. But nanotechnology experts have unveiled a Christmas card so small that more than 8, 000 of them could fit on a first-class stamp.
- 但是纳米专家们已经展示了一种极小的圣诞卡,在一枚平信邮票上就能放超过8000个!
- 22. This means that if the row size is over (about) 4k, only one row will fit on a page and (about) 4k of space is wasted on the page.
- 这意味着如果行大小超过(或者接近)4k时,一页只适合一行,这样该页大约有4 k的空间就浪费了。
- 23. The artwork must then be created to fit on the newly designed packaging and meet any marketing, legal, and corporate requirements.
- 然后必须创建美术作品来满足新设计的包装需求和市场营销、法律和公司等方面的要求。
- 24. Your 592-page cookbook wouldn't make for a very large database table-almost certainly small enough to fit on a 32 MB USB memory stick.
- 如果把592页的烹调书保存在数据库中,它算不上非常大的数据库表;实际上相当小,用一个32MBu盘就能够保存它。
- 25. It's roughly the same size physically as those floppy disks and yet how many, how much, how many bytes fit on a typical hard drive today?
- 从物理大小上来说几乎相同,那么现在的硬盘的存储大小,一般有多少字节呢?
- 26. P&G puts products into packages small enough to fit on crowded shelves and uses a network of local representatives to keep the shops stocked.
- 宝洁公司就把产品放入小小的包装盒内,以便在拥挤的货架上占有一席之地,利用当地的经销代表网确保商店货物满满。
- 27. Web page addresses have to be both lengthy (key words help search-engine rankings) and terse (to be snappy and memorable, and to fit on Twitter).
- 网址必须既有一定的长度(关键词有助于搜索引擎排序),又必须精简(短小精悍让人过目难忘,并且适合在Twitter使用)。
- 28. But lack of definitive fossil evidence has many guessing whether this primate was really a biped-and just where she might fit on the human family tree.
- 但由于缺少决定性的化石证据,关于这种灵长类动物是否是两足动物——以及她在人类的家族树中究竟占据什么位置——存在着许多猜测。
- 29. It was created by nanotechnologists at the University of Glasgow. It is so small that it could fit on to the surface of a postage stamp 8,276 times.
- 这张圣诞贺卡是由英国格拉斯哥大学的纳米技术科学家制作的,它是如此之小,其面积仅为200x290微米,只相当于一张普通邮票的8276分之一。
- 30. The researchers demonstrate that it is possible to generate odor in a compact device that can fit on the back of a TV with potentially thousands of odors.
- 研究员表示,将一个可以散发上千种气味的小型设备安装在电视背后,从而实现电视(根据情景)生成气味是可能的。
- Please fit a new handle on my case.
请给我这箱子装上一个新手把。 - They fit up the house with electric light.
他们在屋里装上了电灯。 - He flung his things on and rushed out the door.
他匆匆穿上衣服,奔出门去。 - Put on your skis before you slide down the chute.
- fit the axe on the helve 解决难题
- fit the cap on 承认别人的话是针对自...
- fit the ax on the helve 解决难题
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