floor price
- 最低价
- 1. This is really our floor price.
- 这确实是我们的最低价了。
- 2. This is our floor price.
- 这是我们的低价。
- 3. I'm awfully sorry. This is our floor price.
- 很遗憾,这是我们的底价。
- 4. In your country, what is a fair floor price for an hour of work?
- 在贵国,什么是一个公平的工作小时最低价格?
- 5. For the city improper, land price is still applied as an aid price of the floor price.
- 对于城市未建成区,仍然采用地面价作为楼面价的辅助价。
- 6. The EFSF could guarantee to buy, at a floor price, short-term bonds from programme countries.
- EFSF可以保证按底线价格从该计划涵盖的国家购买短期债券。
- 7. A carbon floor price, announced in late 2010, makes dirty coal-generation more expensive.
- 2010年底宣布的碳最低保证价,使煤电生产成本更高。
- 8. A floor price was set for the purchase of key grain varieties in some major grain producing areas.
- 对部分粮食主产区的重点粮食品种实行最低收购价政策。
- 9. I'm awfully sorry. This is our floor price. If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off.
- 很遗憾,这是我们的底价。如果你觉得价格不可行,我们只好取消这笔交易。
- 10. Such, although the website gives what I bring everyday, be 'jumps only floor price', but I still insist to come down.
- 就这样,尽管网站天天给我带来的只是'跳楼价',但我还是坚持下来了。
- 11. By radically simplifying production and by stripping down the design, Tata's engineers managed to cut that supposed floor price in half.
- 通过完全简化生产过程,去掉设计,塔塔的工程师尽力把原先的底价减了一半。
- 12. The department would also set a floor price for cigarettes at about Bt20 per pack so more taxes could be collected from cheaper imports.
- 该部门还为每包卷烟设了大约20泰铢的最低价,这样可以从便宜的卷烟中征收到更高的税收。
- 13. We will continue and improve the floor price policy for key grain varieties and keep prices for agricultural supplies from rising too quickly.
- 坚持和完善重点粮食品种最低收购价政策,抑制农业生产资料价格上涨。
- 14. This year the floor price for the purchase of wheat and rice will be increased by 0.22 yuan and 0.26 yuan per kilogram on average respectively.
- 今年小麦、稻谷最低收购价平均每斤分别提高0.11元和0.13元。
- 15. The NFFC is one of several farm groups urging Congress and the U. S. Department of Agriculture to set an emergency floor price of $18 per 100 pounds of milk.
- NFFC是几家牧场集团之一,这些集团敦促国会及美国农业部制定每100磅牛奶最低18美元的价格底线。
- 16. Moreover, the scheme theoretically exposes the individuals and the state to risk-if banking shares crash below their floor price-and could be expensive to administer.
- 而且从理论上来说,这项计划将个人和国家置于风险之中——如果银行股份跌破最低价——管理起来成本高昂。将股份分发给全部选民,还是只给纳税人?
- 17. My factory was established in 1999, presently has the staff 50 people, by floor price retail sales and wholesale as well as processing with provided samples and so on.
- 我(厂)司成立于1999年,现拥有员工50人,以最低价零售和批发以及来样加工等。
- 18. A tax on carbon is hardly going to stop the lights going out in a few years, but it would provide a floor price for power, giving investors a clearer sense of likely profits.
- 在未来几年内碳税几乎不能阻止电灯熄灭,但它将给电力提供一个底价,给投资者一个更清晰的对可能利润的判断力。
- 19. Mr Cameron's promise on March 18th to bring in an economy-wide floor price for carbon did much to revive his reputation for greenery, which had sagged as the economy slumped.
- 卡梅隆先生在3月18日做出的在整个经济领域推行碳底价的承诺,对于恢复他在环保上的声誉作用很大,先前他的声誉由于经济下滑而一度低落。
- 20. Agreement on an international carbon-price floor would be a good starting point in that process.
- 就国际碳价格下限达成的协议将是这进程中一个良好的起点。
- 21. According to a regulation in 2004, airlines should not sell tickets at less than 45% of the nominal price. However, travelers are against the price floor.
- 根据我国2004年的一项规定,民航票价不得低于名义价格的45%。但乘客们均表示反对实行最低限价。
- 22. He agrees on a floor and a ceiling price with the bank—again, say $95 and $110.
- 他与银行就价格的上限与下限达到了一致意见,仍然是95美元与110美元。
- 23. That would involve putting a floor under the price of fossil fuels by imposing a price on carbon emissions and import duties on oil to keep the domestic price above, say, $70 per barrel.
- 这要求将化石燃料的价格保持在一定水平之上。 具体可以通过确定二氧化碳排放价格,征收石油进口关税等,以使国内石油价格维持在一定水平(比如说每桶70美元)之上。
- 24. People in the industry are arguing for a price floor.
- 业内人士正在呼吁一个价格底线。
- 25. "Market orders", which ask for a stock to be sold at the best available price without specifying a minimum-as opposed to "limit orders", which set a floor-are also coming under fire.
- 和确定最低价格的“限价订单”相反,“市场订单”要求股票在价格最好时卖出,却没有限定最低价,如今受到各方责难。
- 26. With no increase in the minimum wage over his full eight years in office, the negative impact of this price floor on employment was lessened.
- 八年内维持最低薪金不变,使这项就业价格底限制度的负面效应大大减小。
- 27. With no increase in the minimum wage over his full eight years in office, the negative impact of this price floor on employment was lessened.
- 八年内维持最低薪金不变,使这项就业价格底限制度的负面效应大大减小。
- Please offer the lowest price for this commodity.
请报这一商品的最低价。 - "A sweet temper" is a figurative expression, but "sweet coffee" is not.
"甜蜜的性情"是个比喻的说法,而"甜咖啡"则不是。 - Only 7 items wire bid but all lower than the basic price.
仅有七项投标,且都低于底价。 - If your bidding is higher than other biddings and the sellers base price, you will be the winner of the auction.
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