soldiers who are regarded as expendable in the face of artillery fire
coarse food (especially for livestock) composed of entire plants or the leaves and stalks of a cereal crop
give fodder (to domesticated animals)
- 1. The alfalfa plant is widely used as animal fodder.
- 苜蓿科植物广泛用作动物饲料。
- 2. Old movies were the cheapest broadcast fodder.
- 老电影是最廉价的播放素材。
- 3. The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder.
- 应征入伍者被当做炮灰。
- 4. Many cynical managers see employees as cannon fodder.
- 许多自私自利的经理视员工如草芥。
- 5. This story will be more fodder for the gossip columnists.
- 这个传闻会是闲谈专栏作家的又一素材。
- Timothy can be used as fodder for cattle.
猫尾草可以作为喂牛的牧草。 - The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder.
牲畜靠丰美的饲料养得膘肥体壮。 - Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses.
兵马未动,粮草先行。 - We are not just voting fodder for professional politicians.
我们不仅仅是专门为职业政客们投票的工具。 - These documents are useless - they are only wastebasket fodder.
这些文件毫无用处,只配扔进废纸篓里。 - This story will be more fodder for the gossip columnists.
用作名词 (n.)
- cannon fodder 炮灰
- lobby-fodder 为院外活动的说客效劳...
- oilseed fodder 油粕
- fodder yeast 饲料酵母
- green fodder 青饲料
- fodder cutter 切饲料机,饲料切碎机...
- fodder crop 饲料作物
- coarse fodder 秕壳类饲料
- fodder mixing machine 饲料混合机,饲料搅拌...
- cake fodder breaker 油饼饲料粉碎机...
- fodder plant 饲料植物
- fodder distributor 饲料分配器
- fodder grinder 饲料粉碎机
- succulent fodder 多汁饲料
- corn fodder 带穗整株青玉米...
- pulled fodder 晒干的谷物叶类饲料...
- cut one's own fodder 自己谋生
- fodder or no fodder 安于自己的命运(负起...
- hay 干草
- forage 粮草
- straw 稻草
- food 食物
- silage 青贮饲料
- feed 喂养
- feedstuff 饲料
- provender 刍草
- fresh fish 新囚犯,青年囚犯...
- cannon fodder 炮灰
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