- n. [棒]封杀
a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base;
"the shortstop got the runner at second on a force"
- 1. The end of in 2001, in order to importing country to establish the technique trade barrier, our country in succession, the chicken export gets difficulty in everywhere, situation force-out.
- 2001年底以来,由于进口国纷纷设置技术性贸易壁垒,我国,鸡肉出口处处受阻,遭遇封杀。
- 2. Brain against brute force—and brain came out on the top—as it's bound to do.
- 智力对抗蛮力——智力占据了上风——这是必然的。
- 3. The company locked out the workers, and then the rest of the work force went on strike.
- 公司把那些工人拒之门外,接着其余工人举行了罢工。
- 4. I managed to force the truth out of him.
- 我设法迫使他说出了真情。
- 5. Protesters turned out in force.
- 有很多抗议者出席。
- 6. Police are out in force to prevent a recurrence of the violence.
- 警察大规模地行动防止暴力的再次发生。
- 7. Voters turned out in force for their first taste of multiparty elections.
- 选民大批到场初次体验多党选举。
- 8. If they force me out, I'll be homeless.
- 如果他们把我赶出去,我就无家可归。
- 9. Do you think home video players will replace movie theatres and force them out of the entertainment business?
- 你认为家庭视频播放器会取代电影院,迫使它们退出娱乐业吗?
- 10. When this is impractical you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth to force out any particles of food.
- 当你做不到这样的时候,你可以确保你至少有口水喝,让水通过你的牙齿,排出所有食物残渣。
- 11. When this is impractical, you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth to force out any particles of food.
- 当你做不到这样的时候,你可以确保你至少有口水喝,让水通过你的牙齿,排出所有食物残渣。
- 12. It's my position that gentlemen should reason thing out rather than resort to force.
- 我主张君子动口不动手。
- 13. You just kind of swept them under the rug, but now, you are out there in full force with your knives sharpened.
- 你本只是把他们藏在地毯下面,但现在,你拿着锋利的刀,全副武装。
- 14. It's my position that gentlemen should reason thing out rather than resort to force.
- 我主张君子动口不动手。
- 15. I force myself out of my comfortable slumber and jot down the ideas and I'm usually grateful I did in the morning.
- 我强迫自己从舒服的被窝里爬出来,记下那些思想,早上醒来我通常满怀庆幸。
- 16. Cohen: Basically, someone figured out how to force the bikes out of the docks.
- 科恩:基本上是这样,有人会想方设法强行将自行车从车槽中弄出去。
- 17. Sculley helped force Jobs out of Apple in 1985.
- 1985年他帮助将乔布斯赶出苹果公司。
- 18. What can puny human strength take by force out of the hand of Omnipotence?
- 微弱的人们能用武力从全能者的手中夺取祝福么?
- 19. Evil from nature brings fear and fear can force out the evil in human: mistrust everyone think only of self preservation.
- 来自自然界的恶,给人带来恐惧,恐惧再逼出人自身的恶,不信任他人、只顾保全自身。
- 20. And if we don't want to figure out what's important, they force us to figure out why.
- 并且,如果我们不想要推测什么是重要的,他们迫使我们推测为什么。
- 21. Concerns have been raised in many countries about the safety of fracking, a technique in which high-pressure fluids are pumped into shale to fracture the rock and force out natural gas.
- 许多国家都对水力破裂法的安全性表示担心,这种技术是把高压液体注入页岩致岩石破裂从而挤出其中存储的天然气。
- 22. But holding out may force Ballmer to up the ante.
- 但是,继续僵持恐怕会迫使鲍尔默提高赌注。
- 23. Children are vulnerable to TB as well, and the disease may force them out of school, limiting their future job prospects.
- 儿童也易患结核,该病可迫使他们辍学,从而使他们未来的就业前景受到限制。
- 24. Are the Iraqis trying to force foreigners out?
- 伊拉克人在试图赶走外国人吗?
- 25. Israel's air force carried out a large-scale exercise in June that was interpreted by many as a rehearsal for a possible attack on Iran \ 's nuclear facilities.
- 以色列空军六月进行了大规模的军演,这被许多人理解成是对伊朗核设施有发动攻击之前的彩排。
- 26. Just how many times can hear the same joke and force out a laugh?
- 要有多少次重复地听到相同的笑话时挤出一声大笑?
- 27. During the design phase, architects and developers can use the diagram to force out the system's object interactions, thus fleshing out overall system design.
- 在设计阶段,架构师和开发者能使用图,挖掘出系统对象间的交互,这样充实整个系统设计。
- 28. During the design phase, architects and developers can use the diagram to force out the system's object interactions, thus fleshing out overall system design.
- 在设计阶段,架构师和开发者能使用图,挖掘出系统对象间的交互,这样充实整个系统设计。
- They got the third base runner on a force out at home.
他们的一记封杀让从三垒出发的跑垒手出局。 - When you have a perfect man checklist, it's cutting you off from boat loads of men that are out there.
用作名词 (n.)
- force out 挤(出去)
- out of force of habit 由于习惯而做某事...
- pull out force 拔力
- force a way out 冲出
- force play 封杀
- force out 挤(出去)
- force 武力
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