funeral service
- 丧礼
- 1. Many people at the funeral service were wearing black armbands.
- 在葬礼上许多人戴着黑纱。
- 2. The bishop conducted her funeral service.
- 主教引导了她的葬礼仪式。
- 3. The priest began the funeral service for her.
- 牧师开始为她举行葬礼仪式。
- 4. More than 200 people came to her funeral service.
- 有200多人来参加她的葬礼。
- 5. Civil rights icon Dorothy Height is remembered during a funeral service in Washington.
- 在华盛顿的殡仪服务期间,公民权利多萝西高度的图标被用来纪念的。
- 6. Her funeral service will be held at the local church, st John the Baptist in Buckhurst.
- 她的葬礼仪式将会在巴克·赫尔斯特的圣施洗约翰地方教堂举行。
- 7. A private funeral service is expected, but no further details will be released to the public.
- 或许将会有一场私人葬礼,但不会有更多的细节对公众发布。
- 8. Moreover, we hold the funeral service with Buddhism type and visit to a grave during the bon holiday.
- 日本人的葬礼深受佛教影响,盂兰盆节时会去扫墓。
- 9. It's become a trend in recent years to act out a mock funeral service as a way of better appreciating life.
- 为了更珍惜现在的生活,模拟殡仪服务近年流行起来。
- 10. When the Duchess died in 1986, she was given a funeral service at St George's Chapel and buried beside the Duke.
- 公爵夫人于1986年去世,她的葬礼在圣乔治礼拜堂举行,并埋在公爵身边。
- 11. When their bodies arrived in Shanghai, all walks of life in Shanghai held ceremonious funeral service for them.
- 其灵榇抵达上海后,上海社会各界为之举行了隆重的祭奠活动。
- 12. Students of funeral service and mortuary science programs prepare for careers as funeral directors and morticians.
- 这个专业的学生将来从事丧葬承办人和殡仪业者。
- 13. Awhile back my friend Michelle said to the congregation at her husband’s funeral service: “He never spoke an unkind word to me.”
- 不久以前我的朋友在她丈夫的葬礼上对众人说道:“我的丈夫从来没说过伤害我的话”。
- 14. We went back to our ominous base, and in that day they were holding a funeral service for the dead soldier, we all stood in sadness and grief.
- 我们回到我们不祥的基地,而在这一天,他们正为阵亡的那位士兵举行葬礼,大家都悲哀而忧伤地肃立着。
- 15. Funeral service managers are also responsible for the attainment and sale of funeral home merchandise and services, such as caskets or cremation.
- 葬礼服务经理同时也要负责获得和销售殡仪馆的商品和服务,如棺材或是火化。
- 16. After funeral service, her body will be sent right away to Cape Collinson Crematorium for cremation. But it hasn't been decided where to put the ashes.
- 岑建勋亦表示,梅艳芳的遗体会在大殓仪式后,运至哥连臣角火葬场火化,但暂未决定骨灰的安放位置。
- 17. Funeral service managers oversee the operations of a funeral home, and may also be involved in the planning and coordination of individual memorial services.
- 葬礼服务经理负责监督殡仪馆的操作,也会规划与协调个人追悼会。
- 18. Check the coffin color and design, the deceased's apparel, the background music, and the chair set-up, as well as plans for the funeral service at the scheduled time.
- 检查棺材的颜色和设计,逝者的服装,背景音乐和椅子的摆放等,以及确定提供葬礼服务的预定时间。
- 19. "I feel my heart pumping," one participant wrote in a blog post, where she confessed to having thought about suicide before the mock funeral service. "I am alive!"
- “我感觉到自己的心在跳,”一个参与者在一篇博客帖子中写道,她承认在体验模拟殡仪服务之前曾考虑自杀。“我还活着!”
- 20. When I read they buried food, drink, and personal belongings with their dead, I recalled a similar custom among my people, the Gullahs, who call a funeral service a "home going."
- 当我从书上看到他们把食物,饮料和个人物品与死者一起埋葬的时候,我不由想起我的族人,我们嘎勒黑人把葬礼称作“回家”。
- 21. No church was big enough to hold all Mother’s friends and it was too cold to hold the funeral service at her preferred venue, the racetrack, so we scheduled it for the Convention Center.
- 没有哪个教堂可以容得下母亲的所有朋友,在她自己喜欢的地点——赛马道——举行葬礼又太冷了,于是我们决定在会展中心举行。
- 22. I think we've all seen "that guy" at a solemn event like a funeral desperately trying to refrain from checking his BlackBerry during the service.
- 我想我们都在类似葬礼这样的庄重场合下看到过拼命试着压抑自己想要查看黑莓手机的冲动的人。
- 23. One relative accused him of rigging the guest list at the funeral and even took exception to the way he mourned his children during the service.
- 一个亲戚指责他篡改出殡宾客名单,甚至反对他在仪式期间哀悼孩子的方式。
- 24. Speaking at a funeral or memorial service is probably one of the most difficult speaking assignments imaginable.
- 可以想象,在葬礼或者追悼会上的发表演说必然十分困难。
- 25. Speaking at a funeral or memorial service is probably one of the most difficult speaking assignments imaginable.
- 可以想象,在葬礼或者追悼会上的发表演说必然十分困难。
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