a gauge boson that mediates strong interaction among quarks
- 1. The difference between gluon jet and quark jet is analyzed on these basis.
- 在这基础上分析了胶子喷注与夸克喷注的区别。
- 2. The ALICE experiment has confirmed the quark-gluon plasma is a ultra-low viscosity liquid at these energies.
- ALICE实验已经确认了在这样的能量下,夸克——胶子等离子体是一种超低粘度的液体。
- 3. This indicates that the conclusion on gluon jets being "fatter" than quark jets is valid only for hard gluons.
- 这表明,只是对于较硬的胶子,胶子喷注比夸克喷注“胖”的结论才能成立。
- 4. Brief status on quark matter (quark-gluon plasma) both in theoretical and in experimental fields are reviewed.
- 本文简要评述了夸克物质(夸克-胶子等离子体)在理论和实验两个方面的研究现状。
- 5. At these temperatures, matter is thought to take on an entirely different state; a state called a "quark-gluon plasma."
- 在这样的温度下,物质被认为处于一种完全不同的,被称为“夸克-胶子等离子态”的状态。
- 6. At RHIC, the biggest surprise was that the quark-gluon plasma, instead of being a gas, acts like a perfect liquid.
- 在RHIC上,最令人感应诧异的是跨克-胶子等浪子不是气体,其默示更象是液体。
- 7. A short thermalization time for gluon matter and a long thermalization time for quark matter are results of the transport equations.
- 输运方程给出了胶子物质热平衡化时间短和夸克物质热平衡化时间长的结果。
- 8. The super-hot 'quark-gluon plasma' is believed to have been the entire cosmos a fraction of a second after the Big Bang 13.7billion years ago.
- 人们相信,在137亿年以前的大爆炸几分之一秒后,这种超高温的“夸克-胶子等离子体”充满了整个宇宙。
- 9. The multiparticle Bose correlations of bosons emitted from dispersed thermal droplets of quark-gluon plasma are simulated by Monte Carlo.
- 对由空间离散分布的夸克-胶子等离子体热滴发射的玻色子,本文进行了多粒子玻色关联的蒙特卡罗模拟研究。
- 10. The evolution and dilepton production of a chemically equilibrating quark-gluon plasma system at finite baryon density have been studied.
- 研究了正在进行化学平衡的具有有限重子密度的夸克 -胶子等离子体系统的演化和双轻子产生。
- 11. They are gluons, multi-quarks and gluon-quarks bound states respectively. In this thesis, we discuss the properties of these New Hadrons.
- 胶球、多夸克态和混杂子是三种可能的新强子构造,它们分别是胶子、多夸克以及夸克与胶子的束缚态。
- 12. This is the first time that physicists were able to positively confirm the creation of the much sought after quark-gluon plasma, or ‘quark soup’.
- 这是物理学家第一次明确地证实了梦寐以求的夸克胶子等离子体(或叫“夸克汤”)反应。
- 13. The experiments will allow scientists to study a substance called the quark-gluon plasma, which existed in the fleeting first moments after the Big Bang.
- 科学家们将通过此次实验来研究一种名为夸克-胶子等离子体的物质,它是宇宙大爆炸后极短瞬间形成超高能量密度。
- 14. Quantum chromodaynamics predicts that at high temperature and high density a deconfined phase from hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma will occur.
- 量子色动力学预言在高温高密条件下,有可能发生从强子物质到退紧闭的夸克-胶子等离子体的相变跃迁。
- 15. In some respects, the quark-gluon matter looks familiar, still the ideal liquid seen at RHIC, but we're also starting to see glimpses of something new.
- 从一些方面看,夸克——胶子物质看上去非常眼熟,和相对论重离子对撞机的理想液体一样,但我们还从中得以发现一些新的东西。
- 16. With the contribution of sea quarks, the generating functional of pure gluons is derived, which providing the theoretical basis for gluon-ball studies.
- 在计算上可利用路径积分技术来处理海夸克的贡献,我们导出了纯胶子(物理胶子)生成泛函,为胶子球物理的研究提供了理论基础。
- 17. It is found that the difference is large between two kinds of exchanges, and the experimental data on such mixing angles favor one gluon exchange clearly.
- 结果表明,两种交换之间的差别较大,混合角的实验数据更倾向于支持单胶子交换。
- 18. The major goal of high energy heavy ion collision is to investigate nuclear matter properties under extreme conditions and detect quark-gluon plasma (QGP).
- 高能重离子碰撞物理学主要目的是研究极端条件下核物质的性质,探测夸克—胶子等离子体(QGP)。
- 19. At that brief time, some 13.75 billion years ago, matter didn't exist as the solids, liquids, and gasses we are familiar with, but as a kind of quark-gluon soup.
- 在那段短暂的时间里,大约137.5亿年前,物质并不以我们熟悉的固体、液体以及气体形式存在,而是以一种夸克-胶子汤的形式存在。
- 20. One of main objects of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions experiments at RHIC and LHC is to discover this kind of new state of matter-quark gluon plasma.
- RHIC和LHC上的相对论性重离子实验的一个主要目标就是寻找这种新的物质形态—夸克胶子等离子体。
- 21. Study of high-energy heavy-ion collisions found quark-gluon plasma of this new material forms will help us better understand confinement , a crucial feature of QCD.
- 通过高能重离子碰撞发现夸克胶子等离子体这一新物质形态有助于我们更好地理解量子色动力学的禁闭特性。
- 22. LHC scientists made the quark-gluon plasma last year by smashing together lead ions-lead atoms that have been stripped of their electrons-at nearly the speed of light.
- 大型强子对撞机的科学家们去年通过粉碎铅离子即在接近光速的状态下被剥掉电子的铅原子的方法制造出了夸克胶胶子等离子体。
- 23. A "quark-gluon plasma" can be created if the collisions are energetic enough, a state of matter that existed during the high-energy conditions just after the Big Bang .
- 如果对撞的能量足够大,就可能制造出一种“夸克——胶子等离子体”,这是在宇宙大爆炸之后的高能环境下存在的一种物质状态。
- 24. In the thermal medium, the stimulated thermal gluon emission reduces while absorption increases the parton's energy. The net contribution result in a reduction of the parton energy loss.
- 在热介质中,受激的热胶子发射降低部分子的能量,而热吸收增加部分子的能量,其净贡献导致部分子能量损失的减少。
- 25. Scientists announced Monday that in a quark-gluon plasma, achieved by smashing gold nuclei together at 99.995 percent of light speed, quarks briefly lost their ability to tell right from left.
- 周一科学家们宣布,在夸克胶子等离子体中,以百分之99.995光速粉碎金原子核,夸克就会短暂丧失分清左右的能力。
- 26. Meanwhile, the LHC is still operating at only half of its maximum energy, and the ALICE team expects to create even denser forms of quark-gluon plasma as the machine ramps up in the future.
- 同时,大型强子对撞机仍在开动状态,但只有它最大能量的一半。大型离子对撞机实验的研究小组希望随着对撞机能量的增加能在将来制造出密度再大些的夸克胶子等离子体。
- 27. Meanwhile, the LHC is still operating at only half of its maximum energy, and the ALICE team expects to create even denser forms of quark-gluon plasma as the machine ramps up in the future.
- 同时,大型强子对撞机仍在开动状态,但只有它最大能量的一半。大型离子对撞机实验的研究小组希望随着对撞机能量的增加能在将来制造出密度再大些的夸克胶子等离子体。
- It doesn't do combinatorics like the gluon, so it should be out in the open and detectable in principle.
它不会像胶子那样组合,因此理论上它也是可以探测到的。 - It turns out that one type of gluon chain behaves in the four-dimensional spacetime as the graviton, the fundamental quantum particle of gravity.
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