- n. 出发;出发时间;出门
动词 go off:
run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
be discharged or activated
go off or discharge
stop running, functioning, or operating
happen in a particular manner
burst inward
- They posted off the moment they received the order.
他们一接到命令就匆匆地出发了。 - We set off in a northerly direction.
我们向北出发。 - We shall put off our departure in case it rains.
我们将推迟出发时间以防下雨。 - The police warned us not to go out at night.
警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。 - We don't go out much these days.
用作名词 (n.)
- go off the deep end 仓促行事
- go off at a tangent 跑题,突然做起其他事...
- go off the air 停止广播
- go off at half-cock 着急
- go off 爆炸
- go off half-cocked 在不知道全部事实的情...
- go off at 怒斥
- go off like a candle in a snuff 突然死掉
- go off a half cock 走火
- first go off 最初
- go off gold 废除金本位
- tell someone where to go off 教训某人,斥责某人(...
- off go 离开, 出发
- go off feed GnRH脉冲发生器...
- go off at half cock 枪走火
- go off like a damp squib 不兑现,失败...
- go off the hooks [口]死
- go off the rails 越轨
- go off like the snuff of a candle 突然死掉
- Off you go! 去你的吧!
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