grass roots
- n. 基础;基层群众
the essential foundation or source;
"the problem was attacked at the grass roots"
the common people at a local level (as distinguished from the centers of political activity)
- 1. I want to hear from civil society at the grass roots.
- 我愿意聆听基层民间社会的声音。
- 2. He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island.
- 在荒岛上他只能靠树皮和草根维持生命。
- 3. Then I realized, as long as a grass roots still can live.
- 这时我才明白,作为一棵小草只要根还在,就能活下去。
- 4. "The film contains elements which show concern for the grass roots," he told Variety.
- “这部影片包含了因素,表现了对草根问题的关心,”他告诉《综艺》杂志。
- 5. The grass roots of any industry always represent the future and if neglected failure is inevitable.
- 任何产业的基层往往代表了它的未来,一旦忽视了这一点,失败就是必然的了。
- 6. In Sahara Desert live some gerbils who would hoard large amounts of grass roots before the dry season to avoid starvation.
- 在撒哈拉大沙漠中,有一种沙鼠,每当旱季到来之时,这种沙鼠都要囤积大量的草根,以备度过这段艰难的日子。
- 7. In Sahara Desert, live some gerbils who would hoard large amounts of grass roots before the dry season to avoid starvation.
- 在撒哈拉大沙漠中,有一种沙鼠,每当旱季到来之时,这种沙鼠都要囤积大量的草根,以备度过这段艰难的日子。
- 8. That is thanks in large part to the grass roots movement known as the Tea Party and the efforts of conservative commentators like Glenn Beck.
- 这主要是因为所谓的茶叶党基层保守派运动和格伦·拜克等保守派媒体人的努力。
- 9. ALEX: These are grass roots blogs in African languages. But there is real excitement here about the possibility of the mainstream Internet speaking other languages too.
- 阿列克斯:这些用非洲语言书写的博客都很平民化,但其蕴含的可能性却很令人兴奋,在主流的互联网上也可以用其它语言。
- 10. Descriptions of these grass roots endeavors are posted on the Pepsi Refresh project website, where the public votes on their favorites in a series of prize and project categories.
- 有关这些草根项目的描述已发布在“百事焕新项目”网站上,公众可对他们最喜欢的奖励和项目进行投票。
- 11. And it is also because the strength of football lies in its grass roots that we have to preserve the local, regional and national identities of our game, always in accordance with the law.
- 我们必须保留比赛在本地方,本地区和本国的特色,并总是使其符合规则,这也是因为足球的魅力在于它的基层。
- 12. We need support at grass-roots level.
- 我们需要基层的支持。
- 13. Another opposition group, ActionAid, has been organizing grass-roots support in Brazilian farming regions to rouse consumer sentiment against legalization.
- 另一个反对派团体“行动救援组织”一直在巴西农业地区组织基层支持活动,以激起消费者对(转基因农作物)合法化的反对情绪。
- 14. Another opposition group, Action Aid, has been organizing grass-roots support in Brazilian farming regions to rouse consumer sentiment against legalization.
- 另一个反对派组织“行动援助”一直在巴西农业地区组织基层支持活动,以唤起消费者对大麻合法化的反对情绪。
- 15. "People are cheering and holding their carts in the air," says Giovanni Giorgio, who helped organize the march with a grass-roots organization called Generazione 90.
- 乔瓦尼·乔治曾与一个名为 Generazione 90 的基层组织一起帮助组织了这次游行,他说:“人们在欢呼,并把他们的手推车举到空中。”
- 16. "People are cheering and holding their carts in the air," says Giovanni Giorgio, who helped organize the march with a grass-roots organization called Generazione '90.
- 乔瓦尼·乔治与一个名为“90一代”的基层组织一起帮助组织了这次游行,他说:“人们欢呼着把他们的手推车举到空中。”
- 17. Cadres have gone down to different grass-roots units to take part in manual Labour.
- 干部们分别下基层参加劳动去了。
- 18. Haiti has suffered from disasters more than its neighbors, partly because its institutions have been disrupted for many decades, even at the grass-roots level.
- 海地比其邻国受到了更严重的灾害损害,部分原因是其制度已经崩溃了几十年了,即使是在草根层面。
- 19. But she said it was an example of a "grass-roots" movement beginning on the social networking site.
- 但她认为,这一始于社交网站的“草根运动”是一个很好的例子。
- 20. In New Hampshire Ovide Lamontagne, a hardline grass-roots favourite, came within a whisker of defeating Kelly Ayotte, the more mainstream candidate, in the Republican primary for Senate.
- 在新罕布什尔共和党参议院预选赛中,奥维德•雷赖蒙堂(草根最喜爱的一个强硬派人物)差点击败凯莉•爱若特(一个更加主流的党派候选人)。
- 21. On the bottom rung are an estimated 300, 000 grass-roots organizations that are unregistered or set up as commercial enterprises.
- 最底层的是大约30万个草根组织,它们并没有注册或者是作为商业性的企业建立起来的。
- 22. For grass-roots anger is being channeled and exploited by corporate interests, which will be the big winners if the G.O.P. does well in November.
- 因为草根阶级的愤怒正在被共和党引导和利用。只要在11月表现良好,共和党将成为最大的赢家。
- 23. Perhaps you have a grass-roots story of overcoming adversity, or you're bringing a product or service to an underserved market.
- 也许你有一个普普通通的克服逆境的故事,或者你想将你的产品和服务打入草根市场。
- 24. The Quantified Self grass-roots initiative provides a powerful example of a pack ecosystem.
- 量化自我网站的草根活动为群体生态系统提供了一个有力例证。
- 25. But AIDS advocates say they face a wealth of restrictions that make it hard to carry out grass-roots activities.
- 但是保护艾滋病患者的提倡者们面临着极大地阻力,使得他们很难在基层展开活动。
- 26. In Burkina Faso, TAP USES large networks of small patient organizations that were built up from the grass-roots level by people living with HIV and others affected by the AIDS epidemic.
- 在布基纳法索,“治疗加速项目”利用了由艾滋病病毒感染者和其它受艾滋病影响的人在基层建立的小型病人组织的广泛网络。
- 27. In Burkina Faso, TAP USES large networks of small patient organizations that were built up from the grass-roots level by people living with HIV and others affected by the AIDS epidemic.
- 在布基纳法索,“治疗加速项目”利用了由艾滋病病毒感染者和其它受艾滋病影响的人在基层建立的小型病人组织的广泛网络。
- The roots of their binding force lie in their acceptance by the majority.
这些规则的约束力的基础在于他们为大多数人所接受。 - The plough became a rarity on these farms, and the whole of the feeding was based on permanent grass.
在这些牧场里,犁实际上已很少使用了,整个放牧过程都是以多年生草场为基础的。 - The senator is sure that he will get support from the grass roots.
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