guarantee deposit
- 押金,存出保证金
- 1. Males between 18 and 20 had to leave a deposit as a guarantee of returning to do their military service.
- 18岁至20岁的男性必须留下押金作为回来服兵役的担保。
- 2. Sometimes her intervention has been welcomed, as when Ireland unilaterally extended a deposit guarantee to its banks, putting other countries’ banks at a disadvantage.
- 一些时候她的调停工作还是受到欢迎的,例如爱尔兰单方面扩大对其银行的贷款保障,对其他国家的银行带来不利影响的时候。
- 3. The sale is due to close on December 19. PGG Wrightson Finance has a guarantee under the New Zealand retail deposit guarantee scheme.
- 债券的发售将于12月19日结束,PGGWrightsonFinance也是新西兰零售存款担保计划中的一员。
- 4. Village officials were told to guarantee that households under their watch supplied the standard answers, and were warned they would lose a cash deposit and even their jobs if something went wrong.
- 村长被要求保证在他管理下的村民回答标准的答案,被警告如果这儿出了乱子他们会丧失存款或者工作。
- 5. To plug the hole, it borrowed money from the Credit Guarantee fund, a deposit-protection scheme that is funded and run by Banks.
- 该集团从信用担保基金,一个由银行出资和操作的存款保护计划借款来弥补该亏空。
- 6. Party B agrees to pay deposit for monthly settlement as credit guarantee.
- 乙方同意向甲方支付月结保证金,作为月结信用担保。
- 7. There is no deposit guarantee scheme.
- 它们没有存款担保计划。
- 8. In addition to cash, the bid deposit may be provided in the form of a bank letter of guarantee issued by a bank, certified cheque, bank draft or money order.
- 投标保证金除现金外,可以是银行出具的银行保函、保兑支票、银行汇票或现金支票。
- 9. In the mean while, it shall write off the relevant deposited reinsurance guarantee according to the refund of the deposit-out reinsurance guarantee of the previous period as stated in the bill.
- 同时,按照账单标明的返还上期扣存分保保证金转销相关存出分保保证金。
- 10. You may want to pay the deposit to guarantee a room before you come.
- 如果你选择交纳押金,那么我们一定会给你留房子。
- 11. In deposit contract, deposit as guarantee of performing contract can prove contract establishment and play a role of punishment.
- 在定金合同中,定金作为履行合同的担保,可以起到合同成立的证明作用,同时还具有惩罚性。
- 12. Meanwhile, it shall write off the relevant deposited reinsurance guarantee in light of the refund of the deposit-out reinsurance guarantee of the previous period as stated in the bill.
- 同时,按照账单标明的返还上期扣存分保保证金转销相关存出分保保证金。
- 13. During the contracting term the contractor shall, in the first quarter of each year, submit to the joint venture risk guaranty money, letter of guarantee or risk deposit.
- 承包经营期内,承包者须于每年第一季度内向合营企业提交承包经营风险保证金保函或风险抵押金。
- 14. That it is able to provide adequate risk deposit and a letter-of-guarantee for the risk-guaranty money.
- 能够向合营企业提供足够数额的风险抵押金或风险保证金保函。
- 15. To guarantee your order, a non-refundable 50% deposit will be required.
- 为了确保您的订购,需交付50%预订金,不可偿还。
- 16. In order to guarantee the interests of depositors, stabilize the financial order and perfect the control and management of central bank, the establishment of deposit insurance system must be enforced.
- 为保护存款人的利益、稳定金融秩序、完善中央银行监管,建立存款保险制度势在必行。
- 17. As a system to guarantee that the people can directly involve in the justice, Jury system is further strengthened in the trial practice in China after argument between the deposit and repeal.
- 陪审制度作为保障人民直接参与司法审判的制度设计,在我国经过存、废之争后,在审判实践中进一步得到加强。
- 18. In order to guarantee the safety of the finance, deposit insurance system, prudential supervision and lender-of-last-resort form the three fundamental elements of one nation's financial safety net.
- 为确保金融安全,存款保险制度和金融监管当局的审慎监管、中央银行的最后贷款人功能一起构成了一国金融安全网的三大基本要素。
- 19. I'm afraid, the cost one should pay to me bank for the letter of guarantee would surely be no less than the interest he can get from the money he is required to deposit in the bank.
- 恐怕向银行申请出具保证函所付的钱,不会少于存入银行一定数额款项所产生的利息。
- 20. Even the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's $100,000 guarantee is no longer exclusively available to banks and S&Ls.
- 连联邦存款保险公司的每人10万元存款保险也不再限于仅给与银行和信用合作社。
- 21. According to international practice, bidder need to hand in a cash deposit or letter of guarantee from the bank.
- 你可以那样理解,但是保证函不需要你在银行里存上一笔款项。
- 22. Article 7 Deposit certificate of a hypothecated loan may be used to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan, penalty interest, damages, penalty and expenses for the obtainment of pledge.
- 第七条存单质押担保的范围包括贷款本金和利息、罚息、损害赔偿金、违约金和实现质权的费用。
- 23. Article 7 Deposit certificate of a hypothecated loan may be used to guarantee the principal and interest of the loan, penalty interest, damages, penalty and expenses for the obtainment of pledge.
- 第七条存单质押担保的范围包括贷款本金和利息、罚息、损害赔偿金、违约金和实现质权的费用。
- How much can I get back from my deposit?
押金不晓得能拿回多少。 - His deposit was refunded when he returned the car.
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