hammer drill
- 风钻
- 1. Hiti te-9 hammer drill (or equivalent) for each bay.
- 为每个海湾的Hiti te - 9槌钻孔机(或同等物)。
- 2. The technology and the die design of cold extruding for the electric hammer drill is described.
- 介绍了电锤钻头冷挤压工艺及模具设计。
- 3. You only need basic carpentry skills for framing and one special tool-a hammer drill for concrete fasteners.
- 你只需要一些基本的木工技能和一把特别的工具:打水泥紧固件的钻机。
- 4. Even pace is a piece of rock, it would burst out sparks, as long as you pick up the hammer drill steel.
- 即使脚步下是一片岩石,它也会迸发出火花,只要你拿起铁锤钢钎。
- 5. The invention relates to a handheld electrical tool (1) in particular drill, rock drill or hammer drill.
- 本发明涉及一种手持式电动工具机(1)尤其是钻机、冲击钻机或者锤钻。
- 6. According to the exploration problems in an open-pit mine, a new drilling method using reverse circulation DTH hammer drill is put forward.
- 针对露天矿钻探施工中存在的问题,提出了利用贯通式反循环潜孔锤进行施工的新方法。
- 7. Elements of stonework excavation: Use down-hole drill assisted with hammer drill drilling. Control blasting loosely and side slope molding smoothing wall blasting.
- 石方开挖施工要点:采用潜孔钻机配以凿岩机钻眼,松动控制爆破和边坡成型光面爆破。
- 8. Here is the detailed instruction: All you need is a hammer, drill, tubes and a bottle for SAP.
- 下面介绍具体步骤:所需工具为锤子、电钻、导管和用来装桦树汁的瓶子。
- 9. Hung is the last blacksmith on Blacksmith Street forging heavy iron goods like crowbars, hammer heads, files and drill bits. (Justin Mott/The International Herald Tribune)
- 他是铁匠街的最后一名铁匠,打造类似铁撬棍、锤头、锉刀和钻头的铁器。
- 10. If you cannot test geothermal heating principle to the construction, and the ground is absolutely not allowed to drill hammer and hammer nails, to prevent the destruction of the heating coil.
- 如果无法进行地热加温试验原则上不给施工,而且地上绝对不允许电锤打眼和锤钉,防止破坏加热盘管。
- 11. And the main products we manufacturing are: electric hammer, electric drill, wall hole saw, metal hole saw, woodworker hole saw, cemented carbide drill etc.
- 公司生产的主要产品有:电锤电钻墙璧开孔器,金属开孔器,木工开孔器,硬质合金钻头等系列。
- 12. Our company mainly specialized in: electric hammer, electric drill, Angle grinder, electric-ho, rechargeable electric drill series.
- 本公司主要经营:电锤,电钻,角磨机,电镐,充电式电钻系列。
- 13. Two men working on the door with a drill and a hammer made so much noise that concentration was very difficult.
- 两个在大门口用冲击钻和鎯头工作的工人制造出的噪音也让孩子们很难集中精力学习。
- 14. Mechanical model of the drill carriage with rotation and vibrating hammer for the new type taphole drill is established.
- 建立了新型开铁口机电动钻冲机构的力学模型,计算了它的固有频率和主振型。
- 15. Excellent on Power Tools Co. , Ltd, founded in 2005, the company mainly produce cutting machine, grinder , electric drill, electric hammer and other tools.
- 上海颖优电动工具有限公司,成立于2005年,公司主要生产切割机,磨光机,电钻,电锤等电动工具。
- 16. "A" Taper Drill Bits are designed for use in a rotary hammer equipped with an "a" Taper type chuck.
- 型锥形钻头适用于装配了“A”型圆锥型夹头的电锤。
- 17. Rukushinoh. Weapon includes a drill gun and hammer. I think the aerial on its head is very cute XD. Besides, the hammer makes Rukushinoh much more lovely XD.
- 陆震王。武器包括钻头枪和锤子。个人觉得头上的天线非常可爱XD。而且锤子让陆震王更萌了XD。
- 18. Specializing in all kinds of excavator drill rod and accessories production, and undertook a variety of excavators breaking hammer home repair.
- 专门从事各类挖掘机钎杆及配件生产,并承接国内外各种挖掘机破碎锤修理。
- 19. Mechanical model of the drill carriage with rotation and vibrating hammer for the new type taphole drill is established. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of the model are calculated.
- 建立了新型开铁口机电动钻冲机构的力学模型,计算了它的固有频率和主振型。
- 20. Used with our down-hole hammer, it can drill through complicated formations in which drilling holes are easy to collapse.
- 配合我厂生产的潜孔锤,可以钻穿复杂,易坍塌底层。
- 21. Our main products are electric drill, marble cutter, angle grinder, rotary hammer, pipe dredger, etc.
- 主要产品有手电钻、石材切割机、角向磨光机、电锤、管道疏通器等。
- 22. The competition began. John Henry kissed his hammer and started working. At first, the steam-powered drill worked two times faster than he did.
- 比赛开始前,约翰。亨利亲吻了一下他的铁鎚并开始工作。
- 23. The competition began. John Henry kissed his hammer and started working. At first, the steam-powered drill worked two times faster than he did.
- 比赛开始前,约翰。亨利亲吻了一下他的铁鎚并开始工作。
- The noise from that pneumatic drill outside gets on my nerves.
外面风钻的噪音真使我心烦。 - As the men refused to stop working,the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill.
由于工人拒不停工,警察试图强夺风钻。 - The rock drill is indispensable for digging coal mines.
凿岩机是煤炭采掘不可缺少的工具。 - The factory was set up for drill production in TAI-CHUNG.
于台中县青山设工厂,打造凿岩机用钻头。 - Jule demonstrates the use of a roc hammer drll.
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