someone who persistently (and annoyingly) follows along
- 1. Now I'm the hanger-on at these parties - the lame duck.
- 现在我是依附在这些聚会上-的一个无用的人。
- 2. A second endosymbiont, found in aphids, illustrates another possible fate for the genes of a hanger-on.
- 在蚜虫中发现的另外一种内共生体则阐明了必须基因的另一种可能的命运。
- 3. Life was not so great for the peasants who did all the work, but I'm presumptuously assuming that I'd be a hanger-on at court.
- 当然对于当时承担了所有劳苦的农民来说生活就没那么美好了,不过我自作主张假设我会是一个高门大院里的闲人。
- 4. Every autumn and winter, the size of the lamb all over the streets and lanes Store (Museum) fragrance lamb, hanger-on stream.
- 每逢秋冬,遍布街头巷尾的大小羊肉店(馆)羊肉飘香,食客络绎不绝。
- 5. Honors violent is the Mowang villages strongholds tradition, Mowang person hanger-on disciple is famous by the intrepid battle efficiency.
- 崇武崇勇是魔王寨的传统,魔王门下弟子以强悍的战斗力著称。
- 6. Mowang person hanger-on disciple is famous by the intrepid battle efficiency, Honors violent is the Mowang villages strongholds tradition.
- 魔王门下弟子以强悍的战斗力著称,崇武崇勇是魔王寨的传统。
- 7. Sofia Charlotte of Brandenburg — I don't know who the hell that is, but it's got to be some royal hanger-on — wrote that "it is evident that he has not been taught how to eat properly."
- 勃兰登堡的索菲亚·夏洛特,我不知道那是谁,不貌似是位皇家食客,她写道,“很明显没人教过他吃饭的礼仪”。
- 8. Hanger appeal refers to the attractiveness of a garment when viewed on a hanger (rather than being worn).
- “衣架魅力”指一件衣服挂在衣架上(而不是穿在身上)时候展现出来的吸引力。
- 9. Include socks, jewelry, hose, etc., so on those mornings when you sleep through the alarm or simply need an extra 10 minutes, you can just pluck it off the hanger and go.
- 包括短袜,珠宝,长筒袜等等。所以在那些闹钟没有听到或者想多睡10分钟时你可以从衣架上拿下来就走。
- 10. It fitted her well, but she eventually decided against it and put it back on the hanger. Instead she found a more casual, less revealing dress and put that on.
- 真合身,但她最后决定不穿它,又把它挂回去了,又从里面找了一件随意一点的,不怎么暴露的裙子然后穿上。
- 11. All you have to do is put them on an hanger in your closet with the earbuds facing downwards.
- 你所需做的是将之耳塞朝下挂在衣柜里。
- 12. Whether that's a shirt or a relationship, we can often make educated guesses but until we take it off the hanger and put it on, we don't really know for sure.
- 不管是一件衬衫,还是一段感情,我们经常是去靠着经验来猜测,但是我们必须去尝试才能确定。
- 13. I have a friend who would take her old clothes into Topshop and swap them on the hanger for new ones.
- 我有一个朋友,她把她的旧衣服带到Topshop,然后把它们挂到衣架上换走那些新衣服。
- 14. Across the aisle, James Wright, 31, was dressed casually, sitting beneath a dark suit and starched white shirt on a hanger.
- 地铁过道里,31岁的詹姆斯·莱特(James Wright)身着白t恤黑外套便装,斜坐在扶杆上。
- 15. You can see the whole world! A burrow Under that beech hanger... with a great hall and no smell of death or disease. Frith on the hills!
- 你可以看到整个世界,有个兔窝在山毛榉下面,闻起来没有死亡和疾病的味道,棒极了。梵斯在这个小山上!
- 16. Hang the shirt on a hanger.
- 把衬衫挂在衣架上。
- 17. A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron.
- 飞机库前面停机坪上,一架战斗机正在起动。
- 18. The suspension system of claim 3, further including a torque rod linking said lower axle cap to a hanger on said chassis.
- 悬挂系统的索赔3,进一步包括扭矩杆说,较低的连接轴帽的衣架上说底盘。
- 19. The speed reducer upper on the main machine makes central axis rotate through shaft coupling and roller hanger rotates with central axis and rollers on the hanger roll around the inside of ring.
- 安装在主机顶部的减速机,通过联轴器连接中心轴旋转,中心轴带动磨辊吊架旋转,磨辊装在吊架上沿磨环内周一起滚动。
- 20. Keep the fronts of the shoulders open like a shirt on a hanger, instead of a shirt on a peg.
- 保持前肩打开,就像衬衫挂在衣架上而不是挂在挂钩上。
- 21. I hang my coat up on a hanger.
- 我把外衣挂在衣架上。
- 22. Its main products include a comprehensive range of stainless steel rack, metal accessories, plastic hanger, window-display and so on.
- 主要产品包括不锈钢齿条,金属附件,塑料吊架,橱窗陈设等范围。
- 23. Wife: They're over there in the dresser. And your shirt is on a coat hanger.
- 太太:在衣柜里,还有你的衬衫在衣架上。
- 24. I am ready to take your idea and stick it in your closet on a hanger.
- 我准备采取你的想法,坚持在您的衣柜衣架上。
- 25. To well control the tube wall temperature of reformer, well adjust top spring hanger on the reformer tube and well control the flame from burner on the top of furnace is important during operation.
- 在操作中,要控制好转化炉管的壁温,调整好转化炉管顶部的弹簧吊架,调节好炉膛顶部的烧嘴火焰。
- 26. To well control the tube wall temperature of reformer, well adjust top spring hanger on the reformer tube and well control the flame from burner on the top of furnace is important during operation.
- 在操作中,要控制好转化炉管的壁温,调整好转化炉管顶部的弹簧吊架,调节好炉膛顶部的烧嘴火焰。
- The great actor was surrounded by his usual crowd of hangers-on.
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