hard currency
- n. 硬通货
a currency that is not likely to depreciate suddenly in value;
"the countries agreed to conduct their bilateral trade in hard currency, replacing previous barter arrangements"
"Germany once had a solid economy, good fiscal and monetary policies, and a hard currency"
money in the form of bills or coins;
"there is a desperate shortage of hard cash"
- 1. You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.
- 你得有硬通货才能买到像样点儿的东西。
- 2. The country is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.
- 该国目前缺乏硬通货来支付进口货物。
- 3. Over all, then, even as both Ireland and Nevada have been especially hard-luck cases within their respective currency zones, Nevada’s medium-term prospects look much better.
- 总的来讲,尽管爱尔兰和内华达州在其各自的货币范围内均为非常倒霉的案例,但看来内华达的中期前景要好得多。
- 4. Members of a new, “hard” European currency would leave behind a stock of depreciating euro debt and might be rewarded by lower borrowing costs on debt issues in the new currency.
- 新的硬欧洲通货的成员将面对一些贬值的欧元债务并且采用新货币的好处是债务的借贷成本将减少。
- 5. In other words, Britain is suffering from the very "asymmetric shock" that is so hard to adjust to within a currency union.
- 换句话说,英国所承受的这个极端的“不对称冲击”是如此严重,已无法在一个货币联盟中进行调整。
- 6. To become a true currency, the SDR would have to be a fully convertible instrument, not a line of credit, underwritten by countries with "hard" currencies.
- 如果特别提款权要成为一种真正的货币,它就得是一种可完全兑换的工具,而不仅仅是一种信用额度,而且必须由具有“硬”货币的国家签署认可。
- 7. So long as the dollar is the world's reserve currency, it's hard to imagine too much decoupling taking place.
- 只要美元还是世界的储备货币,脱钩现象就不会发生。
- 8. "Under these circumstances it is hard to see why the RMB should be a very strong currency," he points out.
- 在目前如此的环境之下,是很难理解为什么人民币应该是一个非常强有力的货币,“他指出这一点。”
- 9. But without a reliable currency benchmark, it is hard to set accurate prices or to value assets.
- 没有了可靠的汇率基准,很难进行准确的商品定价和资产评估。
- 10. It is hard to rally the public behind austerity programmes at the best of times; even harder to solicit their support for measures to bolster a currency they do not like.
- 即使在好年头让公众支持紧缩计划也是不容易的,何况现在,动员大家力挺一个他们不喜欢的货币,难度可想而知。
- 11. Economists find it devilishly hard to define the "correct value" for a currency.
- 经济学家发现给货币定义“正确的价值”难于上青天。
- 12. Traders said they expect currency-swap trading volumes to grow significantly after the new rule takes effect, though banks may initially have a hard time pricing longer-term swaps.
- 交易者预计,虽然刚开始,银行或需要较长时间为长期互换定价,但在新的规定生效之后,货币掉期交易额肯定会有大幅度增长。
- 13. But in other cases, the manufacturing capacity lost when a currency rises might be hard to recover when the currency eventually falls.
- 如果换成其他领域,即使货币最终贬值,当初因升值损失的生产能力未必能如此容易地恢复。
- 14. Few of China’s exporters are willing or able to demand yuan from foreign customers, though those customers should not find it hard to get hold of the currency.
- 中国出口商很少愿意或能够要求外国顾客付人民币。这些顾客要握有人民币其实不难。
- 15. But for periods when imports temporarily exceeded exports, the country needed a stock of dollars or some other acceptable "hard" currency "in reserve" to pay for excess imports.
- 但当一个国家出现进口暂时超过出口的情况时,该国就需要美元储备或一些其它可接受的“硬通货”“储备”,以支付超额的进口。
- 16. In a single currency it is hard to become more competitive and repay your debts.
- 在单一货币环境中国家难以同时提高竞争力和偿还力。
- 17. Even if you weren't intrigued by other aspects of the rock star digital currency, it's hard to argue with over 5, 000% appreciation in less than a year.
- 对于比特币这种摇滚明星般的数字货币,就算你对别的方面不感兴趣,不到一年升值5,000%的抢眼表现应该足以激发你的好奇心了。
- 18. Since the study of foreign currency statement translation in our country started very late, we have a lot of hard work to go.
- 由于我国对外币报表折算的研究起步较晚,至今尚无这方面完整系统的会计准则。
- 19. Surroundings and architecture artifice can not currency in every region, modern thick line artifice is hard to satisfy the need of multi-technology and taste psychology in huge difference region.
- 但环境、建筑手段并不是在每个地区是通用的,粗线条的现代技术手段,并不能满足差异巨大的地方环境条件下多种技术与审美心理的需求。
- 20. Few of China's exporters are willing or able to demand yuan from foreign customers, though those customers should not find it hard to get hold of the currency.
- 中国出口商很少愿意或能够要求外国顾客付人民币。这些顾客要握有人民币其实不难。
- 21. Generally, the loss brought by environment effectiveness and pollution effect is hard to be calculated quantitatively by currency.
- 通常,环境效益和污染影响带来的损失都很难直接用货币进行定量计算。
- 22. Generally, the loss brought by environment effectiveness and pollution effect is hard to be calculated quantitatively by currency.
- 通常,环境效益和污染影响带来的损失都很难直接用货币进行定量计算。
- The hotel insisted that we pay in hard currency.
旅馆坚持要我们以硬通货付款。 - As China does not make such machines,I have to find hard currency to import them.
用作名词 (n.)
- hard money 硬通货,硬性货币...
- hard cash 硬币
- cash 现金
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