have occasion to
- 需要
- 1. My friends, you shall never have occasion to blush for me again.
- 我的朋友们,你们再也没有机会为我脸红了。
- 2. I hope I shall not have occasion to warn you again.
- 我希望我不需要再次提醒你一下了。
- 3. How many letters you must have occasion to write in the course of the year!
- 你一年里头得写多少封信啊。
- 4. In doing the design exercises, you may have occasion to use the web as a resource.
- 做设计作业时,你们也会常常用到网络资源。
- 5. However due to fee limitations the architect will never have occasion to prepare a complete analysis.
- 然而由于费用限制的原因,建筑师永远也不用准备一份详尽的分析报告。
- 6. "You may have occasion to possess or use material things, but the secret of life lies in never missing them." ~ Gandhi.
- 你也许有占有或使用物质事物的机会,但生活的秘诀在于永不留恋它们。
- 7. And anything else needed for the temple of your God that you may have occasion to supply, you may provide from the royal Treasury.
- 你上帝殿里若再有需用的经费,你可以从王的府库里支取。
- 8. Do not attribute to me more than I deserve, sire, that your majesty may never have occasion to recall the first opinion you have been pleased to form of me.
- 陛下,请不要对我过奖了,否则,我将来恐怕再无机会来附和您的好意了。
- 9. I have no occasion to see him these days.
- 这些天我都没有机会见到他。
- 10. Marius had lived in the house for a tolerably long time, and he had had, as we have said, but very rare occasion to see, to even catch a glimpse of, his extremely mean neighbors.
- 马吕斯住在这栋破房子里已有一段相当长的时间了,我们说过,他只有很少的机会能见到,也只能说略微见到,他那非常卑贱的邻居。
- 11. You're weeks away from becoming a first-time father, and by now, countless friends and relatives have tried to prepare you for the momentous occasion by giving you well-meaning advice.
- 还有几周时间你就要成为新爸爸了,如今不计其数的亲戚朋友给你各种建议,为你那个重要的时刻做准备。
- 12. So when some sort of special occasion rolls around that requires you to look nice, you’ll have to procure new ones.
- 因此当有些需要衣着得体的特殊场合到来时,你就需要新衣服了。
- 13. According to Ypartnership and Disney, 70% of leisure travelers have taken a vacation to celebrate a special occasion.
- Ypartnership公司和迪斯尼研究发现,70%的休闲旅行者的度假目的是庆祝一个特别时刻。
- 14. My conscience tells me I have on every occasion acted up to that declaration according to its obvious import and to the understanding of every candid mind.
- 我的良知今天告诉我在以往每一个场合中我都根据这些原则的明显含义和每一个坦诚思维对之的理解来遵守它们。
- 15. This would have been a favorable occasion to secure his dinner; but dantes feared lest the report of his gun should attract attention.
- 他如果想得到一顿午餐,这本来是一个很好的机会的,但唐太斯深怕他的枪声会引起注意。
- 16. You have to choose the right paper for the occasion and decide how to align it.
- 您必须为各种情况选择恰当的包装纸,并且决定如何排列。
- 17. They are different from writer in that they have no occasion to talk about what they have fathomed in life.
- 他们与文人不同的是:他们虽然“琢磨”出了生活的本质,却连一句多余的话都懒得说了。
- 18. If I do become the Oldest Man in the World, I'll almost certainly have to mark the occasion in some sort of institution.
- 如果我能成为世界上最长寿的人,我几乎可以肯定自己是在某家疗养机构里庆祝这一殊荣的。
- 19. To mark the occasion, two exhibitions have been staged in Moscow.
- 为了纪念这一特殊时刻,莫斯科举办了两场展览。
- 20. Naturally, TV networks of all sizes have compiled a diverse list of tribute programs, news reports and documentaries to commemorate the occasion.
- 自然地,所有的电视媒体都编制了不同的纪念活动的清单,新闻报道和纪录片纪念这个事件。
- 21. But, although the holidays have passed, it's never too late to purchase a robotics kit for a birthday or for no occasion at all.
- 尽管假期已经过去了,但是无论何时购买一个机器人技术套件送给您的孩子都为时不晚。
- 22. It is also customary to buy new clothes for Christmas and tensions have been known to run high if a husband does not buy his wife a dress for the occasion.
- 在圣诞节这天买新衣服也是这里的一种风俗,在圣诞节这一天,如果哪位丈夫没有给他的妻子买上新衣服,那么家庭气氛一定会变得相当紧张的。
- 23. They have helped me build a mindset to make the all important first step on more than one occasion.
- 他们促使我去建立良好的心态,并在很多事情上敢于迈出第一步。
- 24. Americans have loved their booze since long before Memorial Day became an occasion both to commemorate fallen soldiers and throw back a few.
- 自从“阵亡将士纪念日”在很久之前变成纪念牺牲将士同时小饮几杯的场合之后,美国人就已经爱上了酒宴。
- 25. It is a very special pleasure for me to have this occasion to publicly express my deep admiration and appreciation for Grigori Perelman.
- 能在这个场合公开表达我对格里戈里·佩雷尔曼深深的敬佩和欣赏是一件特别荣幸的事情。
- 26. I have on occasion "fired" clients because they were not pulling their weight, yet expected me to bust my gut. It doesn't work like that.
- 我有时会对客户“炒鱿鱼”,因为他们没有做好自己份,却希望我拼命努力,没有这样工作的。
- 27. Hopefully, with Uzbekistan's uninhabited and incinerating deserts now behind me, the bus journey will be the last occasion I have to rely on public transport.
- 我身后是乌兹别克斯坦荒无人烟的沙漠,但愿这次巴士旅行是我最后一次搭乘这个国家的公共交通。
- 28. Hopefully, with Uzbekistan's uninhabited and incinerating deserts now behind me, the bus journey will be the last occasion I have to rely on public transport.
- 我身后是乌兹别克斯坦荒无人烟的沙漠,但愿这次巴士旅行是我最后一次搭乘这个国家的公共交通。
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