heat of fusion
- 融解热,熔解热,溶化热
heat absorbed by a unit mass of a solid at its melting point in order to convert the solid into a liquid at the same temperature;
"the heat of fusion is equal to the heat of solidification"
- 1. There are many methods to get the latent heat of fusion and heat capacity of substance.
- 有很多方法,以获得潜热融合和热容量的实质内容。
- 2. The heat of fusion welding is generated in several ways, depending on the sort of metal which is being welded and on its shape.
- 熔焊的热度有几种来源,取决于被焊金属的种类及其形状。(注重的是翻译出语言的简练)
- 3. Release of the heat of fusion is believed to alter the pressure gradient in such a way as to diminish the destructive winds near the storm center.
- 人们认为融解热的释放可以改变气压梯度,结果减小风暴中心附近的破坏性风力。
- 4. The latent heat of fusion and heat capacities of paraffin wax are important parameters in design and calculation of thermal energy storage system.
- 潜热的融合和热的能力,石蜡是重要的参数设计与计算热储能系统。
- 5. The most important properties of these microcapsules, like the chemical structure, particle size distribution, thermal stability and the latent heat of fusion were studied.
- 对制备的微胶囊的化学结构、粒径分布、热稳定性、融化潜热等特性进行了详细的研究。
- 6. The solar dynamic power module proposed for the space station uses the heat of fusion of a phase change material (PCM) to efficiently store thermal energy for use during eclipse periods.
- 利用相变材料(PCM)的熔化潜热来蓄热可以保证空间站太阳能热动力系统在轨道的阴影期内仍能连续发电。
- 7. A calorimeter based on the quasi-steady state theory was developed to measure the latent heat of fusion and specific heat capacity of substance from 250 K to 400 K at atmosphere pressure.
- 基于准稳态理论,建立了准稳态量热器,可用于常压下250~400K物质的融解热、固相和液相比热容的实验测量。
- 8. Fusion in a star's core produces heat and outward pressure, but this pressure is kept in balance by the inward push of gravity generated by a star's mass.
- 恒星核心中发生的核聚变产生热能与向外的压力,不过这份压力由恒星质量所产生的内向重力抵消了。
- 9. This standard covers the procedures for the heat joining of pipe and fittings made from polyolefin materials utilizing either the socket or butt fusion methods.
- 这个标准涵盖采用承插热熔和对焊热熔方法对聚烯烃材料管道和连接件进行热连接的程序。
- 10. The small fusion body is a loose to tightly woven series of threads of light that illuminate the cellular structure burning off density through application of heat.
- 小型的融合体,是一系列从松到紧编织的光之线,它会通过应用热而照亮细胞,烧掉致密。
- 11. The joint which is connected by welding method is called the welding joint, which is composed of welding seam, fusion zone, heat affected zone and its adjacent base metal.
- 用焊接方法连接的接头称为焊接接头,它由焊缝、熔合区、热影响区及其邻近的母材组成。
- 12. Heat sealing: a method of uniting two or more surfaces by fusion either of the coatings or of the base materials under control led conditions of temperature pressure and dwell time.
- 热封:把两层或多层表面融合为一的方法。它是把涂层或基层材料在固定的温度、压力和接触时间下进行。
- 13. After removing of fusion heat of freezing bone marrow cells the activation of DNA in cryopreser…
- 因而,融合热的释放是骨髓细胞生物活性下降的重要因素。
- 14. Such fusion reactions will give rise to a great deal of energy to enable the sun to continuously emit light and heat.
- 在高压和高温作用下,太阳从内至外不断地产生着聚变反应,这种聚变提供了大量的能量使太阳能不断地释放出光和热。
- 15. Heat sealing: a method of uniting two or more surfaces by fusion, either of the coatings or of the base materials, under controlled conditions of temperature, pressure and dwell time.
- 热封:把两层或多层表面融合为一的方法。它是把涂层或基层材料在固定的温度、压力和接触时间下进行。
- 16. English Name: welding consumables - wire electrodes, strip electrodes, wires and rods for fusion welding of stainless and heat resisting steels - Classification.
- 简体中文标题:焊接消耗品。不锈钢和耐热钢氧炔焊用焊丝电极、焊丝和焊条。分类。
- 17. A crack is found after SR heat treatment in the vertical welding fusion line for water distribution ring pipe of a electric machinery.
- 某设备制造厂电机配水环管立缝在消除应力热处理后,熔合线附近出现裂纹。
- 18. In basis of analyzing the features of the conventional arc welding technology, a DC low-frequency plasma welding power with fusion penetration is selected as the heat source for metal forming.
- 本课题在分析常规弧焊技术特点的基础上,选取熔透式低频直流等离子弧焊电源作为成形的热源。
- 19. Two kinds of heat simulated specimens of fusion line are made that their resistance to H2S stress corrosion is proved to be the minimum.
- 作了两种熔合线部位的热模拟试件,证明其抗h_2s应力腐蚀性能最差。
- 20. The heat and light energy from the Sun is due to the fusion of hydrogen atoms at a very high temperature and pressure.
- 太阳的光能和热能是由于氢原子在极高的温度和压力下发生核聚变的缘故。
- 21. The accurate and fast method for numerically solving radiation heat conduction, associated with the applications of astrophysics physics and Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) etc.
- 辐射热传导计算是辐射流体力学数值模拟的重要组成部分,广泛应用于天体物理、惯性约束聚变等诸多领域。
- 22. Stress-strain tests show that: the weld residual stress and the fusion zone is relatively concentrated, the residual stress of the heat affected zone is relatively small.
- 应力应变测试表明:焊缝与熔合区是残余应力比较集中的地方,热影响区的残余应力比较小。
- 23. Stress-strain tests show that: the weld residual stress and the fusion zone is relatively concentrated, the residual stress of the heat affected zone is relatively small.
- 应力应变测试表明:焊缝与熔合区是残余应力比较集中的地方,热影响区的残余应力比较小。
- The heat of fusion is equal to the heat of solidification.
熔解热等于凝固热。 - The heat of fusion is the heat required to melt a substance at its normal melting temperature.
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