- adj. 竞走的
- 1. Finally, analyze Yunnan province the man's heel-and-toe walking sport actual circumstance in member of team.
- 最后,分析云南省男子竞走队员实际情况。
- 2. She looked at his brown face, his lithe build, his shock of hair, and the quick heel-and-toe way that he walked.
- 她望著他那棕色的脸,矫健的身材,蓬乱的头发和那敏捷的步伐。
- 3. This text makes use of the data information that related the heel-and-toe walking sport in nearer in the last years walk score first, looking for its latent regulation.
- 本文首先利用近些年来相关竞走成绩的数据信息,寻找其潜在的规律。
- 4. And finally here is the bipedal version of BigDog that walks heel-to-toe just like humans do.
- 最后我们这里还有一个两足版的“大狗”,它可以像人类一样利用脚跟和脚趾来行走。
- 5. People walking with an erect gait produced footprints with nearly equal heel and toe depths, the team found.
- 研究小组发现,人们以直立步态行走时脚跟和脚趾深度几乎相同。
- 6. Take that misplaced center of gravity and put it into running shoes, which naturally tip you forward with a heel higher than the toe, and your feet and ankles start to bear the brunt of any impact.
- 穿上跑鞋并且重心不对,都会导致你脚跟高于脚趾,这种往前倾斜的状态让你的脚和踝关节开始忍受首当其冲的冲击力。
- 7. To Raichlen's surprise, previous calculations of Laetoli footprint depths closely matched the even heel and toe depths left by people walking in their usual fashion.
- 令瑞奇兰惊讶的是,先前对于拉多里脚印深度的计算甚至与人们以正常方式行走时留下的脚跟和脚趾深度密切匹配。
- 8. If your foot points down, you need to measure the distance between the top of your big toe and an imaginary line from the bottom of your heel.
- 如果你的脚底朝下,那么你需要测量你的脚后跟到你大脚趾所在垂线的最短距离。
- 9. Notice how they make contact with the ground as they roll from heel to toe and then travel through the air to stride forward.
- 留意它们是如何从脚跟到脚趾接触地面,然后离开地面向前迈进。
- 10. Still, heel and toe depths at Laetoli provide a glimpse of efficient walking “long before the emergence of our own genus, Homo, ” Jungers says.
- 然而,拉多里脚印脚跟和脚趾的深度提供了有效步行的一瞬间,它“远在我们自己的Homo人类属出现之前,”蒋格斯说道。
- 11. Some women prefer a pump style shoe, which is a slip on style with a low to high heel and a closed toe that can be rounded, squared or pointed.
- 有些妇女宁可选择一个泵式皮鞋,这是一个滑风格与低到高踵和一个封闭的脚趾头,可以四舍五入,平方或尖锐的。
- 12. The soles of shoes need more than walking shoes flexibility, to withstand the fast landing heel and toe movement from the ground suddenly action.
- 跑鞋比步行鞋更需要脚掌的灵活性,以承受运动中脚跟快速落地和脚趾突然离地的动作。
- 13. It had a one-inch heel and a toe that curved upwards.
- 它的鞋跟有一英寸高,鞋尖处弯曲向上翘。
- 14. Toe tapping involves sitting in a seat with bare feet on the ground and simply lifting the front of the foot, keeping the heel in place.
- 足尖点地,是指我们坐在椅子上,光脚平落地上,抬起前脚掌,脚跟固定不动。
- 15. Then use the toe and the other one heel stacked straw together.
- 然后用脚尖和另一只脚跟把麦秆堆在一起。
- 16. Project and runs which by the count-down result heel-to-toe walking race, calls " Track athletics " .
- 以时间计算成绩的竞走和跑的项目,叫“径赛”。
- 17. Some bindings have toe and heel mechanisms that stick out more than others, which may require you to increase the binding angle to prevent drag.
- 一些有脚趾和脚跟绑定机制,坚持比别人更多,这可能需要您增加结合的角度,以防止阻力。
- 18. The results show that localization will firstly occur at dam heel and dam toe, but the final failure mode depends on the dam shape.
- 结果表明拱坝的局部化最先出现在下游坝踵和上游坝趾,但其最终破坏形态与坝体型有关。
- 19. Terra Hex lining in the heel and forefoot displaces strikes from sharp terrain, a wide toe box won't destroy your toes even when you're cruising downhill.
- 大地六角衬里的脚后跟和前脚取代罢工从急剧地形,大脚趾方块不会破坏你的脚趾头,即使您巡航下坡。
- 20. When the heel is unstable, toes tend to grip which can lead to tendinitis, worsening of toe deformities, nail problems, corns and calluses.
- 如果脚后跟不稳定,脚趾就会紧紧抓地,可能导致肌腱炎、加剧脚趾变形、指甲异常、鸡眼、产生老茧。
- 21. This type of boot tends to have toe and heel clamps to secure the boot to the board.
- 这种引导式往往有脚趾和脚跟夹具,以确保启动到董事会。
- 22. It is made from a generally foot-shaped bottom layer having a length extending from a heel area to a toe area, a top surface and a bottom surface.
- 该鞋垫由通常为足形的底层制成,该底层具有从踵部区域延伸至脚趾区域的长度、顶表面以及底表面。
- 23. A bad wife wishes her husband's heel turned homewards, and not his toe.
- 不忠的妻子总是希望自己的丈夫出门,而不愿他回家。
- 24. Now it is possible to hit the ball on the heel or the toe of the club and still get good distance.
- 因此现在不论是用球杆头的跟或尖击球,都可以使球飞得相当远。
- 25. When placing your shoes on a shelf, make all the left feet go in toe first and all the right feet go in heel first.
- 在鞋架上排列鞋子时,先把左脚鞋鞋头放进鞋架,然后把右脚鞋鞋跟朝里放。
- 26. In this paper, the assumption of equivalent stress method only used near the dam heel and toe and the middle regions stress USES the FEM calculated stress.
- 针对该问题,提出局部等效应力方法,即对坝基面坝踵和坝趾局部区域进行局部等效处理,坝基面中间大部分区域仍采用有限元计算。
- 27. Reinforced heel and toe construction for increased durability and extended wear.
- 钢筋脚跟和脚趾建设,提高耐久性和延长磨损。
- 28. Reinforced heel and toe construction for increased durability and extended wear.
- 钢筋脚跟和脚趾建设,提高耐久性和延长磨损。
- heel and toe 正常步行
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