helical line
- 螺旋线
- 1. The relations between dielectric, Numbers of circles and the characteristic parameters of the helical line were studied.
- 通过实验研究了充电介质、螺旋匝数及形成线结构与螺旋脉冲形成线特性参量间的数值关系。
- 2. The component comprises the medium holding rod, the helical line, a pipe shell, a first diamond film and a second diamond film.
- 组件,包括介质夹持杆、螺旋线、管壳、第一金刚石薄膜、第二金刚石薄膜。
- 3. This paper describes a new method and device for measuring helical line, pitch diameter, taper and half-angle of thread of petroleum thread gauges.
- 本文介绍一种测量石油螺纹量规的螺旋线、中径、锥度和牙形半角的新方法及装置。
- 4. The influence of the impedence mismatching between the joint section in pulse forming line and the helical line on the voltage waveform of the diode was analyzed.
- 为消除输出脉冲的前沿上冲和后沿拖尾现象,分析了脉冲形成线中的连接段与螺旋线阻抗的不匹配对输出波形的影响。
- 5. Helical port also produces swirl by airflow interaction of valve gap and cylinder wall, so swirl number depends on helical line direction of relevant cylinder center.
- 螺旋气道通过气门间隙与缸壁的气流相互作用也产生涡流,因此,涡流数取决于相应气缸中心的螺旋线方位。
- 6. Helical line (port) is in upstream of tangential port, minimizes the deterioration came from outflow of helical line, and obtains the best support of tangential port airflow.
- 螺旋线(气道)位于切向气道的上游,以使来自螺旋线外流的恶化减至最小,并获得切向气道气流的最佳支持。
- 7. Experimental study on helical Blumlein line.
- 螺旋脉冲形成线实验研究。
- 8. It can reduce the length of the pulse forming line on the premise of forming the same output pulse width to adopt a helical structure.
- 采用螺旋形结构的脉冲形成线能在形成同样脉冲宽度的前提下大大缩短形成线的长度。
- 9. AIM: to reestablish the apical line of the spinous processes with helical ct three-dimensional reconstruction software, and compare the result with the touch diagnosis by orthopedic doctor.
- 目的:利用螺旋CT脊柱三维重建软件重建棘突顶线,并与手法医师触诊结果进行对照。
- 10. The mesh stiffness of a pair of helical gears is calculated by substituting the variance of the contact line length for the variance of the instantaneous mesh stiffness.
- 运用傅立叶级数的形式,计算了一对宽斜齿轮副的瞬时啮合刚度及一对啮合轮齿的啮合刚度;
- 11. The initial contact of helical gear teeth is a point, which changes into a line as the teeth come into more engagement.
- 斜齿轮轮齿的初始接触是一点,当齿进入更多的啮合时,它就变成线。
- 12. High power radial line helical array antenna is a new antenna which realizes the directional radiation of high-power microwave.
- 从理论、模拟和实验等角度详细研究了高功率径向线螺旋阵列天线。
- 13. Based on change law of contact line of helical gears, a method of calculating their time-varying stiffness was proposed.
- 在研究斜齿轮接触线变化规律基础上,提出了一种计算斜齿轮时变刚度的方法。
- 14. A novel feeding system of Tilt-shaped strip line which is very similar to three-dimensional helical structure is proposed to design LTCC Bluetooth antenna.
- 在LTCC蓝牙天线的设计中,提出一种类似于立体螺旋结构的斜体立体式馈电系统。
- 15. A novel feeding system of Tilt-shaped strip line which is very similar to three-dimensional helical structure is proposed to design LTCC Bluetooth antenna.
- 在LTCC蓝牙天线的设计中,提出一种类似于立体螺旋结构的斜体立体式馈电系统。
- The existence conditions of helical equilibrium are discussed as a special configuration of the rod.
作为特殊的平衡状态,讨论杆的螺旋线平衡的存在条件。 - The stability of the helical equilibrium is analyzed with phase plane method, and an analytical criterion of stability is revealed.
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