- adj. 螺旋状的;蜗牛壳状的;回转式的
- n. 螺旋体;螺旋面
- 1. The shape of the tooth is an involute helicoid.
- 形状的牙齿是一个渐开线。
- 2. Helicoid spiral form of entity (S method) and the spiral belt (D method) two.
- 螺旋面的形式有实体螺旋(S制法)和带式螺旋(D制法)两种。
- 3. Adopt the helicoid transporting charging platform, and reduce the labor intensity.
- 机采用回转式输送料台,降低劳动强度。
- 4. The surface obtained when every point on the edge generates an involute is called an involute helicoid.
- 那表面获得当每一点在那之上边缘产生一纷乱的是呼叫一纷乱的螺旋状的。
- 5. Finally, the profile and the curvature of tools for producing the worm of the involute helicoid are discussed.
- 最后还以生产中用得最多的渐开线蜗杆为例说明该通用程序的使用。
- 6. The infection bleeds Huang Dan is the end helicoid causes by hemorrhagic Huang Dangou, mainly encroaches upon the young dog.
- 传染性出血黄疸是由出血性黄疸钩端螺旋体引起的,主要侵犯幼犬。
- 7. The technology of graphics simulation is introduced to check the grinding interference of the helicoid face of cylindrical milling cutters.
- 介绍了用图形模拟技术校核前刀面磨削干涉的方法。
- 8. On the basis of helicoid theory and computational geometry, the sectional contours of a sample twist drill were found for producing similar twis1t drills.
- 本文利用螺旋面理论。结合计算几何知识,根据-麻花钻实物求出了加工该工件用的二次圆盘刀具截形。
- 9. It's introduced in this paper how to draw the engineering drawing of the plow surface formed by a combination of a oblique helicoid and a hyperboloid of one sheet.
- 本文介绍由斜螺旋面和单叶双曲面组成的犁面在犁面主参数确定后的工程作图法。
- 10. So the autor proposed a new design project use logarithmic helicoid instant of planar plane of action and at the same time this two project were compared in detail.
- 通过对采用平面楔合面内星轮的超越离合器的受力及摩损对其使用可靠性影响的分析 ,从而提出了用对数螺旋楔合面代替平面楔合面的设计方案 ,并对两种方案进行了比较。
- 11. According the laevorotatory helicoid structure characteristic of the stainless steel spiral plate, analyzed the forming process, and introduced forming die structure.
- 针对不锈钢螺旋板的左旋螺旋面结构特点,分析了成形工艺,并介绍了成形模具结构。
- 12. In rough cut of NC milling of helicoid, there are many defects when the generic programming means, for example, longer cutting time, inefficient, exigent tools are used.
- 在螺旋曲面的数控粗加工中,采用一般的编程方法得到的刀具路径在实际应用中存在加工时间长、效率低、对刀具要求高等缺点。
- 13. To simplified the designing, diagram presentation, construction and profile of helicoidal stair, the formation of helicoid is analyzed, and it's mathematical model is studied.
- 为简化旋转楼梯的设计、图示、施工及剖面形状,对螺旋面的形成进行了分析,建立了螺旋面的数学模型。
- 14. This article introduces a means of nc program about rough cut of helicoid base on helix-milling. The means can improve efficiency of cutting, reduce the cutting abrasion, depress the operating costs.
- 基于螺旋线数控铣削的螺旋曲面粗加工的方法可大大提高加工效率,减少刀具磨损,降低加工成本。
- 15. This article introduces a means of nc program about rough cut of helicoid base on helix-milling. The means can improve efficiency of cutting, reduce the cutting abrasion, depress the operating costs.
- 基于螺旋线数控铣削的螺旋曲面粗加工的方法可大大提高加工效率,减少刀具磨损,降低加工成本。
- Congenital syphilis says the embryo passes syphilis again, it is syphilis helicoid to infect fetal syphilis via placenta.
先天梅毒又称胎传梅毒,乃梅毒螺旋体经胎盘传染给胎儿之梅毒。 - To the dog pathogenesis is the hemorrhagic yellow helicoid and the dog hook end helicoid two blood serums.
对狗致病的是出血性黄疸螺旋体和犬钩端螺旋体两个血清型。 - The helicoid equation of contacting surface befween workpiece and die in the process of cross wedge roiling was proposed in this paper.
用作名词 (n.)
- helicoid spiral 蜗牛式旋壳
- skew helicoid 螺旋面
- helicoid conveyer 螺旋输送器,螺旋式输...
- involute helicoid 渐开线螺旋面...
- helicoid screw conveyor 螺旋运输器
- helicoid cell 螺形细胞
- helicoid dichotomous branching (拉ramifica...
- helicoid conveyor 螺旋输送机
- helicoid inflorescence 螺纹花序
- helicoid dichotomy 螺形二歧式
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