hesitate in
- adj. 支吾(吞吞吐吐)
- 1. I hesitate in this work.
- 我对这项工作有所犹豫。
- 2. They may hesitate in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision.
- 面对政治压力或明确的决定,他们可能会犹豫不决。
- 3. Don't hesitate in doing anything good.
- 做好事切勿迟疑。
- 4. Only hesitate in near you hovering around.
- 只能犹豫的在你的附近盘旋徘徊。
- 5. Don't hesitate in killing him with your finger.
- 不要迟疑,用你的指尖捏死他。
- 6. My son likes the flavor and does not hesitate in taking this every morning!
- 我儿子也很喜欢它的味道,每天早上都吃的津津有味!
- 7. Why did the captain first hesitate in letting the boy risk climbing the tree?
- 为什么上尉一开始犹豫让那个男孩冒险爬树?
- 8. Only those we don't hesitate in giving can meet with others' respect and support.
- 在这个世界上,只有真诚地付出,别人才会回报给我们以尊敬和支持。
- 9. If a drug trafficker is going to shoot me, I won't hesitate in shooting him first.
- 如果一名毒贩朝我射击,我会毫不犹豫地首先向他开枪。
- 10. However, most people begin to hesitate in this kind of situation (Fredkin's paradox).
- 但是,很多人却迟疑不觉,进入了“弗里德金”悖论的状态。
- 11. Sometimes we over-analyze our next move and hesitate in fear they we may not get it right.
- 有时我们过度地分析了下一步情况而产生犹豫,担心我们可能做不好。
- 12. They may hesitate in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision to err on the side of inflation rather than deflation.
- 它们可能在面对政策压力或是一个明确的决定时犹豫,而这个决定错误的倒向通货膨胀这边而不是通货紧缩。
- 13. I think a man of courage will value truth and justice, and not hesitate in his actions to do what he thinks is right, There is no such word as fear in his dictionary.
- 我想,一个有勇气的人将维系真理与正义,他会毫犹豫地去做自己认为正确的事,在勇取者的字典中,没有害怕这个字眼。
- 14. They don't have to hesitate in saying "no" when they are not able to, or don't want to, offer help to a friend in need. There is no embarrassment attached to this behavior.
- 在西方,朋友需要帮助时,如果自己无能为力或不愿相助,可以毫不犹豫地说“不”,这不会造成尴尬局面的产生。
- 15. Looked at the rice birds, looked at my eyes, then looked at it the day of heavy rainfall, I would like to hesitate in a hesitant, but it may not know how much I hope it can stay.
- 鸟儿望望饭粒,望望我的眼,再望望这大雨滂沱的天,我想它在踟躇着,但它或许不知道,我是多么希望它可以留下来。
- 16. Then you must not hesitate in communicating the cause of delay to the concerned and also inform about the revised date, when the chances of the remaining job completion are almost 100%.
- 那么你必须毫不犹豫地沟通说明你延误的原因,并告知修改后的你几乎能够百分之百完成剩下工作的日期。
- 17. When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.
- 每当停电的时候,人们在摇曳的烛光下四处摸索;汽车在马路上彷徨-因为没有交通灯做导向;电冰箱不再“嗡嗡”,里面的食物也要变质了。
- 18. When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight; cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.
- 如果没有电,人们需要借助微弱的烛光来摸索前行,路上的汽车由于没有交通信号灯的指示将会迟疑不前,食物也会在没有电的冰箱里腐烂。
- 19. Don't hesitate to turn to us if you are in difficulty. We are always ready to help.
- 你要有困难,尽管来找我们好了,我们很乐意帮忙。
- 20. How could we hesitate to press forward in the face of difficulties?
- 在困难面前怎能畏缩不前呢?
- 21. If you get in trouble, don't hesitate to ask for advice.
- 如果碰到麻烦,要赶紧向人求教。
- 22. We hope that you will not hesitate to make us aware of any shortcomings which you may find in this plan.
- 这个计划有什么缺欠,希望大家提出来。
- 23. We hope that you will not hesitate to make us aware of any shortcomings which you may find in this plan.
- 这个计划有什么缺欠,希望大家提出来。
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