hot button
- 热线按钮; 热点; 一触即发的事件; 热门问题
- 1. Abortion is still one of the hot button issues of U.S. life.
- 堕胎仍是美国生活中的敏感问题之一。
- 2. Race has always been a hot button in this country's history.
- 种族一直是这个国家历史上争论不休的问题。
- 3. Sign has become a scientific hot button.
- 手语已经成为了一个科学热门话题。
- 4. He touched on a number of hot button issues in an interview.
- 他在采访中谈到了许多热点话题。
- 5. I's a tough thing to talk about because it's such a hot button issue.
- 我不强硬的事谈谈,因为它的这样一个热点。
- 6. Putting it simply, Free is an emotional hot button that immediately reduces the mental barriers for the customer.
- 简单来说,我们可以把“免费”看成是一个情感热键,这个热键能够迅速地降低顾客的心理屏障。
- 7. Across the golf industry, signature design and the existence of a signature hole for a course are hot button topics.
- 纵观高尔夫行业,签名设计和球场里面存在的签名球洞都是炙手可热的主题。
- 8. He does have one exceptional ability: he can detect a hot button a mile away and depress it with remarkable accuracy.
- 他确实有一个例外的能力:他在一英里以外就可以感觉到他人的情绪变化,并能很精准地挑起他人的怒气。
- 9. Whenever it comes up plagiarism is a hot button topic and essays about it tend to be philosophically and morally inflated.
- 不论什么时候提起剽窃,它都是个热门话题。
- 10. Whenever it comes up plagiarism is a hot button topic and essays about it tend to be philosophically and morally inflated.
- 不论什么时候提起剽窃,它都是个热门话题。批判的文章大多在哲学和道德层面上进行了夸大。
- 11. Similar measures in California's Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado's Boulder are becoming hot-button issues.
- 加州奥尔巴尼、奥克兰、旧金山和科罗拉多州博尔德的类似措施正成为热点问题。
- 12. They have a Cappuccino button or a hot dog button, and when someone orders a hot dog they hit the button and up comes an itemized total.
- 他们有一个咖啡键和一个热狗键,当有人点了个热狗时,他们点击热狗键,就会出个分类总金额。
- 13. We see the effects of these mental gymnastics all the time: Few people change their minds on hot-button issues, even when new information is provided to them.
- 这些心理活动的后果显然易见:很少有人会在热点问题上改变自己的观念,即使新信息证明他们错了。
- 14. School bullying, especially gay bullying, has increasingly become a hot-button issue in the media after multiple tragedies such as Rodemeyer have pushed it into the spotlight.
- 在多起如杰米之死的类似悲剧后,校园欺凌、特别是同性恋欺凌事件,被推入公众视野,并越来越成为热门问题。
- 15. When reports are published and news stories written about hot-button topics like childhood obesity and physical inactivity, the responses are as impassioned as they are varied.
- 当出现以热门话题,比如儿童肥胖和体力活动缺乏为主题的新闻报道时,人们的反应真是群情激昂、千奇百怪。
- 16. Debates during an election, for example, tend to highlight hot-button issues and talking points that play to constituents' emotions.
- 举例来说,在选举辩论中,论点往往会集中于能够挑动选民情绪的社会热点事件和话题。
- 17. But despite the passage of time and the accumulation of supporting data, teaching evolutionary theory in the classroom is still a hot-button issue in some U.S. schools.
- 纵使时间推移,数据累积,在美国的一些学校,进化论能否进入课堂仍是一个热点问题。
- 18. The state of Malaysia's public toilets has become a hot-button issue, with tourists saying they were often dirty and lacked basic items such as soap and paper.
- 关于马来西亚公共洗手间卫生状况的问题已经成为人们街谈巷议的一个热门话题,外国游客对此更是怨声载道,他们声称那些地方总是显得很脏而且缺乏诸如香皂和卫生纸等必备物品。
- 19. But Vikram Pandit, who rarely discusses such cross-border, hot-button issues in public, did just that on Thursday in New York.
- 很少在公开场合谈论此类跨国热点问题的潘伟迪(Vikram Pandit)上周四在纽约的确这么做了。
- 20. Next stop was a lawn party in the Boston neighborhood of Roxbury, whose organizer, Sachielle Samedi, 34, wore a button that said "Hot Chicks Dig Obama."
- 下一站要参加一次在波士顿附近的洛克斯贝里举行的草坪聚会。 这次聚会的组织者,34岁的萨奇尔·萨默迪衣服上钉着一粒纽扣,上面写着:“热情的年轻妇女欣赏奥巴马。”
- 21. Nor are there many implications for that hot-button issue in the U. S. Congress, the yuan-dollar rate. Here, recent movement has been incremental at best.
- 对于人民币兑美元汇率这一美国国会的热门问题,也没有太多暗示。近来,人民币对美元充其量最多也只是有所上涨。
- 22. Easy One-button operation, high pressure clean + rinse + hot air dry, all process complete in a cycle automatically.
- 一键式简便操作,高压清洗+高压漂洗+热风干燥全过程一次自动完成。
- 23. Gets a visual style element that represents a toolbar button in the hot and checked states.
- 获取表示处于热状态和选中状态的工具栏按钮的视觉样式元素。
- 24. Gets a visual style element that represents a split drop-down button in the hot and checked states.
- 获取表示处于热状态和选中状态的拆分下拉按钮的视觉样式元素。
- 25. Competitively priced hot water high pressure cleaner of the compact class. very user - friendly by one - button - operation, chassis with integrated tanks, hose and accessory stowage.
- 紧凑型入门级冷、热水高压清洗机,价格极具竞争性。非常友好的一键操纵,底盘集成油箱,高压管及附件存储槽。
- 26. If the food is in a bag, like spaghetti or soup, astronauts put it in a machine and press a button. This puts hot water into the bag.
- 像意面,汤这种袋装食物,宇航员会把它放入机器中按下按钮,机器里的热水就会加热食物。
- 27. If the food is in a bag, like spaghetti or soup, astronauts put it in a machine and press a button. This puts hot water into the bag.
- 像意面,汤这种袋装食物,宇航员会把它放入机器中按下按钮,机器里的热水就会加热食物。
- I am going to hot up some food for you.
我去给你热点饭。 - The green power marketing is a current hot topic.
绿色电力营销是当前探讨的热点问题。 - The hot topic at the time was keeping mistresses.
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