- 1. The university has been working on hypersonic technology for nearly 16 years.
- 该大学研究极超音速技术已经近16年了。
- 2. We know how to insert the aircraft into atmospheric hypersonic flight.
- 我们知道如何让飞机进入大气层并以高超音速飞行。
- 3. The system will be capable of destroying hypersonic and ballistic targets.
- 该系统将能够摧毁超音速和弹道目标。
- 4. Trajectory optimization is a key technology of hypersonic glide vehicle.
- 轨迹优化是高超声速滑翔式飞行器关键技术之一。
- 5. The account, privilege and audit information is stored in an embedded Hypersonic database.
- 帐号、权限和审计信息存储于一个嵌入式Hypersonic数据库中。
- 6. JBoss, an open source application server, by default is configured with the Hypersonic database.
- JBoss是一个开源应用服务器,在默认情况下,使用Hypersonic数据库来配置它。
- 7. That engine would carry the hypersonic craft to an altitude where air density and resistance are less.
- 引擎将高超音速飞机带向空气密度、阻力比较稀少的高度。
- 8. HTV-2, an unmanned hypersonic aircraft designed to travel at Mach 20, failed during a test flight last month.
- HTV - 2,一架巡航速度设计为20马赫的无人超音速飞机,于上月试飞失败。
- 9. Might the idea of near-hypersonic passenger aircraft, which has lain dormant for a few years, be coming back?
- 已被搁置多年的超音速民航客机概念是否会再次复苏?
- 10. So research of power hypersonic vibration system and its control technique is paid more and more attention.
- 因此,功率超声振动系统及其控制的研究越来越受重视。
- 11. A hypersonic plane could potentially enable the US military to hit targets anywhere in the world in under an hour.
- 高超音速飞机或可助美军在一小时内对世界上任何地区的目标实施打击。
- 12. In this paper, plasma wake flow of hypersonic reentry vehicle and radar scattering characteristics have been studied.
- 对再入飞行器等离子体尾迹及其雷达散射特性进行了分析、研究和大量的计算。
- 13. A novel guidance law is devised for developing the guidance technology of optimal glide of a hypersonic reentry vehicle.
- 针对高超声速再入飞行器最远距离滑翔制导关键技术,设计了一种新型制导律。
- 14. Air-breathing hypersonic vehicle(AHV) has been the next generation single stage to orbit vehicle and hypersonic cruise vehicle.
- 吸气式高超声速飞行器是下一代单级入轨和高超声速巡航研究的重点飞行器。
- 15. Put another way: NASA is dreaming up massive railguns to launch hypersonic space vehicles into the atmosphere at blinding speeds.
- 换句话说:太空署梦想着设计大型轨道炮来将超高速太空飞行器以盲速发射至大气层。
- 16. The Falcon Hypersonic Test Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) successfully separated from its rocket but lost contact shortly into its "glide phase".
- “猎鹰”高超音速试验机(HTV -2)成功与运载火箭分离,然而进入“滑翔阶段”后不久便与地面失去了联系。
- 17. Launched from a standard runway, a hypersonic aircraft could fly faster than Mach 5 to strike anywhere in the world within two hours.
- 从标准跑道起飞,高超音速飞机能以5倍音速在两小时内出击在全球任何地点。
- 18. In order to grasp the hypersonic vehicle models complex dynamic characteristics, a new hypersonic vehicle model method was proposed.
- 为了掌握高超音速飞机复杂的动态特性,提出了一种研究高超音速飞机模型的新方法。
- 19. The developing tools for hypersonic vehicle, i. e. ground test, computation and flight lest all have limitations for simulating hypersonic flight.
- 高超声速飞行器的设计工具,即地面试验、计算和飞行试验,在模拟高超声速飞行方面都有其局限性。
- 20. It is necessary to simulate the high enthalpy, high pressure, Mach number and the same concentration of oxygen species as air in hypersonic flight.
- 地面实验设备必须要模拟高超音速飞行状态下气流的焓、压力、M数和空气中氧气的组分。
- 21. Scramjet inlet is of great importance in the hypersonic airbreathing propulsion system and plays significant role in the realization of hypersonic flight.
- 高超声速进气道是高超声速吸气式推进系统的重要组成部分,对实现高超声速飞行起着关键作用。
- 22. According to the boundary layer character in reentry wake of hypersonic blunt cone body, this paper presents a local similar solution for hypersonic wake.
- 依据钝锥体再入远尾迹流动的边界层特征,从边界层方程出发得到了高超声速远尾迹流动的拟相似性解。
- 23. According to the boundary layer character in reentry wake of hypersonic blunt cone body, this paper presents a local similar solution for hypersonic wake.
- 依据钝锥体再入远尾迹流动的边界层特征,从边界层方程出发得到了高超声速远尾迹流动的拟相似性解。
- hypersonic aerodynamics 高超音速空气动力学...
- hypersonic range 特超声速区
- hypersonic similitude 特超声速相似律...
- hypersonic glider 高超音速滑翔机...
- hypersonic heating 高超音速加热...
- hypersonic flight 高超音速飞行...
- hypersonic speed 高超音速
- hypersonic analyzer 超声波探伤器...
- hypersonic flow 高超音速流动,高超音...
- hypersonic inlet 高超音速进气口...
- hypersonic transport 高超音速运输机...
- hypersonic interceptor 高超音速截击机...
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