- 豁免
- 免除
- 免疫力
- 免疫性
- 豁免权
- 受保护
- 特权
- 无灾难
- 抗扰性
n. (名词)
the state of not being susceptible;
"unsusceptibility to rust"
(medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
the quality of being unaffected by something;
"immunity to criticism"
an act exempting someone;
"he was granted immunity from prosecution"
- 1. The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released.
- 那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放。
- 2. Because of the immunity of the immature insects, it'simportant to spray regularly.
- 由于幼虫对药物有免疫力,因此必须经常喷药。
- 3. The police are offering immunity to witnesses.
- 警方对证人将免予起诉。
- 4. The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu.
- 这种疫苗对流感的免疫效力时间较长。
- 5. A strong immunity to reinfection develops after one year.
- 一年后能对再度感染产生强大免疫力.
- Children who have gotten the chickenpox build an immunity to it so that they do not get it a second time.
已经得过水痘的小孩会对它免疫,所以不会再得第二次。 - This vaccine will give you immunity for two years.
接种这种疫苗可有两年免疫力。 - Nobody will be given immunity from taxation.
没有人可以免除被征税。 - He has diplomatic immunity.
他有外交豁免权。 - They can't be prosecuted for this offence - they have diplomatic immunity.
他们不会因这次违法行为而受到检控 - 他们享有外交豁免权。
用作名词 (n.)
- humoral immunity 体液免疫
- acquired immunity 获得性免疫
- diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权
- adaptive immunity 适应性免疫
- tissue immunity 组织免疫
- artificial immunity 人工免疫,人工被动免...
- antitoxic immunity 抗毒免疫
- antibacterial immunity 抗细菌免疫性,抗菌免...
- native immunity 天然免疫
- inherent immunity 先天免疫性,天然免疫...
- noise immunity 噪声免疫
- transplantation immunity 移植免疫性
- active immunity [医][生]自动免疫...
- adoptive immunity 过继性免疫
- cross immunity 交叉免疫
- cellular immunity 细胞性免疫
- maternal immunity 母体免疫
- passive immunity 被动免疫
- congenital immunity 先天性免疫
- natural immunity 天然免疫,自然免疫力...
- freedom 自由
- concession 让步
- safety 安全
- license 许可证
- security 安全
- resistance 抵抗
- exemption 免除(税)
- protection 保护
- invulnerability 不受伤害
- insusceptibility 无感觉
- exception 例外
- liberty 自由
- liberation 解放
- imperviousness 不透过性
- unsusceptibility 免疫
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