in a huff
- 生气的
- 1. She went off in a huff.
- 她怒气冲冲地走了。
- 2. She flounced out of my room in a huff.
- 她愤愤地冲出我的房间。
- 3. He was so disappointed that he drove off in a huff.
- 他失望至极,愤然开车离去。
- 4. He's gone back to Cleveland in a huff, and good riddance.
- 他已经怒气冲冲地回克利夫兰了,真是谢天谢地!
- 5. How can you expect him to listen to me, when he's still in a huff with me?
- 他跟我别着劲哪!能听我的吗?
- 6. He left in a huff and a car.
- 他怒冲冲地坐汽车走了。
- 7. A lady left the grocery in a huff.
- 一位女士生气地离开了杂货店。
- 8. 'Now let's gaze into each other's eyes, ' he continued in a huff.
- 现在让我们凝视对方的眼睛,”他气鼓鼓地说道。
- 9. The person promptly muttered something about blasts and me, then she walked away in a huff.
- 这人立即冲我咆哮,然后气冲冲地走了。
- 10. He left Juventus in a huff after it became apparent to him that he would face another season riding the Bianconeri bench.
- 在明白下赛季只能在球队坐替补席后,他一怒之下离开了尤文图斯。
- 11. In July 2007, my bank card a thousand strange few dollars less. It was in a huff to a case. But the final result, I really shocking!
- 2007年7月,我的银行卡离奇少了千几元。一怒之下便去报了案。可是最终的结果,真是我瞠目结舌!
- 12. In a huff, my wife and I went to the pet market, his wife said to the shopkeeper: "you this liar, that you sold us the fragrant pig in Thailand?"
- 我和妻子来到宠物市场,妻子气呼呼地对店主说:“你这个骗子,你卖给我们的是泰国香猪吗?
- 13. This so infuriated the local priest that he came in a huff to argue the matter out with the Master. "But surely the word 'God' can lead us to God"? Said the priest.
- 这话激怒了一个当地的牧师,他怒气冲冲地来找大师争论。
- 14. Let's say you recently turned someone down for a raise or a promotion, and he has now retaliated — for instance, by quitting in a huff and taking a valuable client list with him.
- 假设你最近拒绝给某人涨工资或者升职,现在他开始实施报复——比如,愤然辞职并且带走了一份重要的客户名单。
- 15. Bob Huff voted for a bill that would have pressed schools to teach pupils more about Filipinos' role in the second world war.
- 鲍勃·哈夫,赞同通过一项法案来给学校施压,让学校给学生讲授菲律宾人在二战中扮演的角色。
- 16. In view of interlayer and areal problem after multi cycle of huff and puff, a new high temperature temporary blocking agent has been developed through laboratory experiment and field test.
- 针对稠油蒸汽吞吐开采过程中多轮次吞吐后层间及平面矛盾突出的问题,通过室内及现场试验,研制出一种新型高温暂堵剂。
- 17. In heavy oil reservoir with active edge and bottom water. the incursion of edge and bottom water has a serious impact on the production performances during steam huff and puff.
- 具有活跃边底水的稠油油藏,在其蒸汽吞吐过程中,边底水侵入给开采动态带来了严重的影响。
- 18. Compound steam flue gas drive has obvious advantages than steam drive, and is a prospective production method in late period of heavy oil steam huff and puff.
- 蒸汽复合烟道气驱比单纯蒸汽驱具有明显优势,是稠油区块吞吐后期一种很有前景的接替开发方式。
- 19. A production decline model which is fit for water huff and puff well is established based on the in-site production data and imbibition experiment in lab.
- 并根据矿场生产动态数据和室内渗吸实验,建立适合于注水吞吐井的产量递减模型。
- 20. As much as he wanted to use a time-turner and stop himself from leaving in such a huff, there was nothing he could do now.
- 除了用时间转换器来阻止自己一气之下离开他们,他什么也做不了。
- 21. As much as he wanted to use a time-turner and stop himself from leaving in such a huff, there was nothing he could do now.
- 除了用时间转换器来阻止自己一气之下离开他们,他什么也做不了。
- John is always an animator in our office.
在我们办公室里约翰总是个赋予生气的人。 - The angry mother gave her son a good spanking.
in compliance with sb.'s wish
In Defense of National Interest
In-situ and self-assembling
In great confusion and disorder
in a very advantageous position
In-Flight Safety Inhibit Test
In the ac tive/passive voice
In your tuxedo jacket pocket.
in the upper/middle register
in-fresh-field hyperthermia
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