in a row
- 成一排; 连续
- 1. This is her third win in a row.
- 这是她连续获得的第三次胜利。
- 2. Inflation has fallen for the third month in a row.
- 通货膨胀率连续第三个月在下降。
- 3. He finished second in the championship four years in a row.
- 他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。
- 4. He grew a different crop on the same field five years in a row, what researchers call crop rotation.
- 他连续5年在同一块地上轮流种植不同作物,研究人员称之为轮作。
- 5. The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row.
- 这家剧院的观众人数已连续三年打破纪录。
- 6. A more villainous-looking lot never hung in a row on Execution dock.
- 刑场上没有一排排地挂过面相更为凶恶的歹徒了。
- 7. A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hours every night for two nights in a row.
- 一周后,他们被要求连续两晚每晚只睡四个小时。
- 8. For example, is it better to study for 4 hours straight or to study for 1 hour a day for 4 days in a row?
- 例如,是连续学习4个小时好,还是连续4天每天学习1个小时好?
- 9. Gustav landed as a secondary storm with a wind speed of about 175 kilometers per hour, and New Orleans is expected to be hit for several hours in a row.
- 古斯塔夫登陆时的强度为二级风暴,风速大约每小时175公里,预计新奥尔良将连续数小时受到冲击。
- 10. The traffic signals along Factoria Boulevard in Bellevue, Washington, generally don't flash the same length of green twice in a row, especially at rush hour.
- 华盛顿贝尔维尤的法克托利亚大道上的交通信号通常不会连续两次闪烁相同时长的绿灯,尤其是在交通高峰期。
- 11. While boasting annual box-office revenue increases for nine straight years, largely due to increased ticket prices, the number of actual tickets sold has declined for the second year in a row.
- 尽管连续九年每年票房收入快速增加,很大程度是因为票价上涨,实际销售的票数量在第二年是下降的。
- 12. He threw three sixes in a row.
- 他一连掷出三个六点。
- 13. I won six tricks in a row.
- 我接连赢了六墩牌。
- 14. He retired twelve batters in a row.
- 他一连使十二个击球手出局。
- 15. We sat in a row at the back of the room.
- 我们在屋子的后面坐成一排。
- 16. Woods won record-breaking performance of the year for winning four majors in a row.
- 伍兹以其在四个大满贯赛事中连胜赢得了年度破纪录大奖。
- 17. They have won five championships in a row.
- 他们已经五次蝉联冠军。
- 18. Count and see how many trees there are in a row.
- 数数看一行有多少棵树。
- 19. Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground.
- 运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。
- 20. Sprint failed, 3 times in a row.
- Sprint失败了,连续三次。
- 21. Students stand hand in hand in a row.
- 学生们手牵手站成一排。
- 22. You thanked her by asking to sit in a row.
- 而你对她的感恩回报,就是请她坐到另一排去。
- 23. A cell in a row can span more than one column.
- 行中的单元格可以跨多个列。
- 24. He also lost four in a row to Andy Murray.
- 与穆雷的对决,也是四阵连败,无一胜迹。
- 25. And he beat me nine or ten games in a row.
- 结果他连赢了我九盘或是十盘。
- 26. You have been late for work three days in a row.
- 你已经连续三天上班迟到了。
- 27. They should not work more than 21 days in a row.
- 他们不应连续作裁判超过21天。
- 28. You can select a system that is present in a row.
- 您可以选择在行中存在的系统。
- 29. You can select a system that is present in a row.
- 您可以选择在行中存在的系统。
- The teacher told the children to stand in a row.
老师叫孩子们站成一排。 - They sat all in a row, like magpies on a fence.
三个人坐成一排,象是停在栅栏上的鹊儿。 - The team notched up their third victory in a row.
该队连续三次获胜。 - She's worked for 27 hours without a break.
- ducks in a row 一致(像鸭子似地一个...
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