in care of
- 由 ... 转交
- 1. He wrote to me in care of my publisher.
- 他写信给我,经由我的出版商转交。
- 2. Address my mail in care of Mary.
- 我的邮件请由玛丽转交。
- 3. He wrote me in care of a friend of mine.
- 他写的信由我的朋友转交给我。
- 4. This letter is written to my uncle in care of Mr. Green.
- 这封由格林先生转交的信是写给我叔叔的。
- 5. I guess they must not have your contact information, so they sent it addressed in care of your department head.
- 我想他们一定是没有你的联系方式,所以才在地址处上加上烦转交部门领导。
- 6. She was placed in the care of an uncle.
- 她由一位叔父照顾。
- 7. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living.
- 在未来,他们将改善我们的医疗保健、社会福利和生活水平。
- 8. A nurse who understands the healing value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.
- 不管病人来自哪个国家,了解静默治疗功效的护士都可以把此方法运用到病人护理工作中。
- 9. According to Dean Noble, director of marketing at Santa Barbara Zoo in California, this black-bodied bird is the master of post-coitus care.
- 加州圣巴巴拉动物园的营销总监迪恩·诺布尔表示,这种黑色的鸟在交配后十分懂得照顾对方。
- 10. In 1938, at the government-convened National Health Conference, organized labor emerged as a major proponent of legislation to guarantee universal health care in the United States.
- 1938年,在政府召开的全国卫生会议上,有组织的劳工成为立法的主要支持者,以保证美国的全民医疗保健。
- 11. Mary's eyes turned toward her in spite of her intention not to seem to care.
- 玛丽很想显得漠不关心,但眼睛却转向了她。
- 12. The letter is in fairly good condition, in spite of being out of the care of trained museum staff for so long.
- 虽然很长一段时间里,该信件没有受到专业博物馆员工的维护,但是其状况良好。
- 13. In today's America, health care is one of the very biggest businesses.
- 在当今的美国,医疗保健是几个最大的行业之一。
- 14. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of all information given in this leaflet.
- 已经采取了一切措施来保证这张传单上所有信息的准确。
- 15. "Your granddaddy don't care for 'em, neither," he threw in. "Not that I know of, leastways."
- "你的祖父对他们都不喜欢,"他插话说。 "至少,据我所知不是。"
- 16. Most of the staff specialize in the care of children.
- 大部分员工都擅长照顾孩子。
- 17. The child was left in the care of friends.
- 小孩被留下由朋友照管。
- 18. In this case, we only care about the first word of the register.
- 在本例中,我们只关心寄存器的第一个单词。
- 19. In these books, Tolstoy believed humans should live a simple life and take care of their families.
- 在这些书中,托尔斯泰认为人类应该过着简单的生活,照顾家庭。
- 20. My mother is a housewife whose time are employed in taking care of the family and doing house work.
- 我的母亲是一位家庭主妇,她的时间都用在照顾家人和做家务上。
- 21. This is certainly true in health care, where some of life's best and worst moments involve doctors.
- 这在医疗保健领域是千真万确的,在这个领域里,生命中一些最好和最坏的时刻都与医生有关。
- 22. In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attitude of I don't care, or I don't know.
- 在英式行为中,耸肩可能表示“我不在乎”或“我不知道”。
- 23. This is what Mr. Obama victoriously campaigned on and, at least in the case of health care, what Americans seem to want.
- 这正是奥巴马在竞选中获胜的原因,至少在医疗保健方面,这似乎是美国人想要的。
- 24. We have one bed available in ward 3, send him here and I will take care of him.
- 3号病房还有一张空床,把他送来,我会照顾他的。
- 25. While there is many strict occupational discipline in home health care system, by far the largest percentage of employment is found with the aide position.
- 虽然在家庭保健制度中有许多严格的职业纪律,但到目前为止,助理职位的就业率却是最高的。
- 26. They sweat in a strange kitchen, take care of a bossy mother-in-law and see their husbands only for a few weeks each year.
- 她们在陌生的厨房里挥汗如雨,照顾专横的婆婆,每年只有几周时间能见到自己的丈夫。
- 27. Thou shalt stay in thy stable and be well taken care of.
- 你应该待在你的马厩里,被好好照顾。
- 28. Art works in museums should be better taken care of.
- 博物馆里的艺术作品应该得到更好的保护。
- 29. Should we direct our wealth toward letting everyone in on today's level of care?
- 我们应该把我们的财富用于让每个人都享受到今天的医疗水平?
- 30. Now, for animals other than birds, the care of young by both parents is pretty unusual in the animal kingdom.
- 现在,对于鸟类以外的动物来说,父母双方都照顾孩子在动物界是很罕见的。
- Your letter for me might be in care of Kate.
你写给我的信可由凯特转交。 - Write to him care of his solicitor.
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