in low water
- adj. 缺钱(拮据;经济情况不佳)
- 1. Potassium concentration was enhanced in low water and any nitrogen addition.
- 低供水量都能在不同施氮量下提高叶片中钾元素的含量。
- 2. With employment difficulty, demobilized soldiers have been ranked among weak colonies of our society and some of retired officers live in low water.
- 由于就业困难,部分退役军官生活拮据,退役士兵则被列入社会弱势群体的行列。
- 3. Scientists say Low Till Farming is becoming popular in South Asia, which is facing a severe water shortage.
- 科学家说,低耕农业在面临严重的水资源短缺的南亚越来越流行。
- 4. Far from the sun, in the outer solar system, beyond Jupiter's orbit, temperatures are low enough to permit ices to form out of water and out of gases like methane and carbon dioxide.
- 在远离太阳的外太阳系,在木星轨道之外,温度低到足以使冰从水以及甲烷和二氧化碳等气体中形成。
- 5. In the northern peninsula the elevation is sufficiently low that the ancient Maya were able to reach the water table at deep sinkholes called cenotes, or at deep caves.
- 在半岛北部,海拔足够低,因此古玛雅人能够经由被称为竖井的深层排水口或深洞探及地下水位。
- 6. Residents were warned not to be extravagant with water, in view of the low rainfall this year.
- 鉴于今年降雨量少,居民被告诫不得浪费用水。
- 7. The low pressure sucks water in, carrying the animal along with it.
- 低压把水吸进去,里头的动物也一同带走。
- 8. This is my report: One of the major problems in the Biramichi river is that the level of oxygen in the water is too low.
- 这是我的报告:比拉密契河的主要问题之一是水中的氧气含量太低。
- 9. All these earthquakes happened when the water level in Zipingpu reservoir was low.
- 所有这些地震都发生在紫坪铺水库水位很低的时候。
- 10. Very low levels are found in plants, water and air.
- 其在植物、水和空气中的含量非常低。
- 11. But since water in most places is usually priced so low, if at all, the revenue generated is seldom enough to maintain or replace even existing infrastructure.
- 但因为大多数地方水通常定价如此低,全然,产生的收益很少足够维持或替换已存在的基础实施。
- 12. "Whales, on the other hand, often feed at depth," says Roman. "So they feed low in the water column."
- “另一方面,鲸鱼通常在深海觅食,”罗曼说:“它们在深水层吃东西,在海面附近排便。”
- 13. Water levels in rivers are low, with the result that hydroelectric plants are generating about a fifth less electricity than normal.
- 河流水位普遍偏低,这就导致了水力发电站只能产出不到平时五分之一的发电量。
- 14. The Coast Guard choppers are coming in low over the water, the downdraft streaking a trough across the surface, the rescue guys swinging from cables like anyone could do what they do.
- 国家海岸警备队的直升机在水面上方低空降临,下降的气流在水面吹出一道波谷,前来救援的小伙子们从缆绳上摇荡下来,尽人所能尽之力。
- 15. Despite the fact that they contain water, which usually results in low satiety, many broth-based soups can actually leave your stomach feeling full.
- 尽管肉汤含有水分,水分通常会降低你的饱腹感,但是实际上许多肉汤还是会让你觉得饱饱的。
- 16. In cases where the plankton mysteriously began making low levels of the toxin in clean water, adding urea nearly doubled production.
- 在清水中,浮游生物会产生低量有毒物质,但是加入尿素后毒素增加了两倍。
- 17. Water fills in low areas of the basalt crust to form the world's oceans.
- 水聚集在玄武岩地壳的低洼处形成了海洋。
- 18. It seems absurd that modern day pirates can board and overpower huge tankers and merchant ships and yet sitting low in the water these vessels are vulnerable to attack.
- 现代的海盗可以登上并击败大型油轮和商船,这真是荒谬。尤其是那些水位比较低的船只更容易遭到袭击。
- 19. 1-2 scoops of a protein supplement in low fat milk or water.
- 低脂牛奶和水中补充1—2勺蛋白质。
- 20. In warmer water the animals, Appelqvist said, appear to be somehow "less stressed" by low salinity.
- Appelqvist说,在温暖的海水里,动物会出现对低盐环境的某种适应性。
- 21. Melt chocolate with water in a small pot over a low flame.
- 在一个小锅里加水和巧克力,开小火加热融化它。
- 22. In the rest of the world, a dismal production is forecast in Australia, reflecting extremely low water availability.
- 在世界其他地方,澳大利亚的产量预报令人沮丧,反映了供水量极低的情况。
- 23. Short rainy seasons demand water storage, ideally in places where evaporation is low.
- 短暂的雨季需要储水,理想的是在蒸发低的地方进行储水。
- 24. In India, for example, many rural inhabitants have no access to power or running water, meaning that any low-cost water purifier must be able to operate in the most basic environment.
- 例如,在印度许多农村居民没有电或自来水,也就是说,任何低成本的净水器必须能够在最基本的自然环境下工作。
- 25. Dr Landos and Dr Glanville said there was no danger for people either swimming or eating fish from the Noosa River because if chemicals were in the water, levels would likely be exceedingly low.
- 蓝多士博士和格兰维尔博士表示,游泳或吃从努沙河钓的鱼并无危险。因为假如河里有农药,水平线可能会非常低。
- 26. Unlike its richer cousin coconut milk, coconut water is low in fat and calories.
- 和它的“近亲”椰奶不同,椰子汁低脂肪、低卡路里。
- 27. The water problem is worse than most people realize, particularly in several large cities which are occasionally low on water now and almost certainly face shortfalls in a few years.
- 水资源问题比绝大多数人意识到的都严重,特别是在几个目前尚属偶然缺水的大城市,几年之后的短缺几乎是必然的。
- 28. The water problem is worse than most people realize, particularly in several large cities which are occasionally low on water now and almost certainly face shortfalls in a few years.
- 水资源问题比绝大多数人意识到的都严重,特别是在几个目前尚属偶然缺水的大城市,几年之后的短缺几乎是必然的。
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