in obedience to
- adj. 遵从(服从;遵照)
- 1. He has acted in obedience to the law.
- 他是依法行事的。
- 2. It began suddenly to slow down, presumably in obedience to a signal.
- 它突然开始减速,大概是为了遵从一个信号。
- 3. We must now act in obedience to that oath.
- 遵照这个誓言,我们必须要马上行动。
- 4. He acted in obedience to the orders of his superior.
- 他是遵照他的上级指示行动的。
- 5. May our faith increase so that we will live in obedience to you.
- 愿我们有更多的信心,好叫我们遵从祢而活。
- 6. Soldiers act in obedience to the orders of their superior officers.
- 士兵们遵照上级军官的命令行动。
- 7. The rain had nearly ceased, and she opened the casement in obedience to his gesture.
- 雨差不多停了,她按照他手势的意思把窗户打开。
- 8. So David went up in obedience to the word that Gad had spoken in the name of the Lord.
- 大卫就照着迦得奉耶和华名所说的话上去了。
- 9. Wonder young people feel but dare not ask, so they jumped into the water in obedience to.
- 年青人心里纳闷但又不敢问,于是便顺从地跳进河水中。
- 10. To worship and serve God, to experience Him, and to respond in obedience to His leadership.
- 敬拜事奉上帝,经历祂,并顺服祂的带领。
- 11. We are always in obedience to the concept of cleanness and friendship for providing you qualified and warm service!
- 我们将秉承干净、友好的服务理念为您提供优质、热情的服务!
- 12. Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.
- 她们就回去,预备了香料香膏。她们在安息日,便遵着诫命安息了。
- 13. Then everybody will know there is no truth in these reports about you, but that you yourself are living in obedience to the law.
- 这样,众人就可知道,先前所听见你的事都是虚的。并可知道,你自己为人,循规蹈矩,遵行律法。
- 14. And even then he must not do so of his own accord, but in obedience to the judgment of many Bishops and at their urgent request.
- 即使这样,他也不得主动这样做,而要服从众多主教的决断,并应他们的促请而行。
- 15. Still, he did not pass in front of it any more, in obedience to the instinct of timidity and to the instinct of prudence common to lovers.
- 但是他仍同时服从情人们那种怯弱和谨慎的本能,不再往前移动。
- 16. In any large organization the younger men, who are novices, must be set to jobs which consist in carrying out fixed duties in obedience to orders.
- 在任何一家大企业中,刚参加工作的年轻人,必须安排在固定的工作岗位上,听从上级的领导。
- 17. As our Priest and King, he devoted His earthly life to fulfilling the law and the prophets, even dying in obedience to the words of Messianic prophecy.
- 基督作为我们的祭司与君王,他委身其在世生命来实现成全律法和先知书上的话,甚至甘心受死,为了顺从经上有关弥赛亚的预言。
- 18. The king who rules with justice, who rules in obedience to God, is like the sun shining on a cloudless dawn, the sun that makes the grass sparkle after rain.
- 上帝对大卫说:“敬畏上帝并以公义治理国家的人,就像晴朗早晨的朝阳,又像雨后的太阳使青草闪闪发光。”
- 19. Our Father, the choice you lay before us should not be difficult. But we need your Spirit alive in our hearts and minds to choose wisely and to live in obedience to you.
- 我们的父,摆在我们面前的选择,不会太难,但我们需要祢的灵挑旺我们的心思和意念,好让我们作出明智的选择,过顺服的生活。
- 20. In everything that he undertook in the service of God's temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.
- 凡他所行的,无论是办神殿的事,是遵律法守诫命,是寻求他的神,都是尽心去行,无不亨通。
- 21. Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practise a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one's opponent and good temper in defeat.
- 规则是运动的精髓,运动员精神是指按照规则从事体育运动的能力,同时也表现在对对手的慷慨大度,以及失败后的良好心态。
- 22. People don't always blindly follow authority figures though, studies show a huge range in obedience, from 12% to 92% depending on the social context.
- 虽然人们不会盲目跟随权威人物,研究显示了大范围的服从,根据社会地位不同范围从12%到92%不等。
- 23. People don't always blindly follow authority figures though, studies show a huge range in obedience, from 12% to 92% depending on the social context.
- 虽然人们不会盲目跟随权威人物,研究显示了大范围的服从,根据社会地位不同范围从12%到92%不等。
- All of the soldiers should be in obedience to the commander's orders.
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