infant school
- 幼儿学校
British school for children aged 5-7
- 1. An infant school is a school for children from about five to seven years of age.
- 幼儿园是五岁至七岁儿童的学校。
- 2. The four-year-olds were pictured as they tried on uniforms before their first day at Osborne Junior and Infant School in Erdington, Birmingham.
- 图为这对四岁的双胞胎穿着制服,准备开始她们在伯明翰爱丁顿奥斯本幼稚园的第一天。
- 3. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names.
- 译文:刚一上幼儿园,老师们就按照字母顺序给学生排座位,以便更容易记住他们的名字。
- 4. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names.
- 在幼稚园第一年开始的时候,老师们就按字母顺序给学生安排座位,为的是更容易记住学生的名字。
- 5. Hannah taught Richard to read before he went to infant school and awakened his interest in her own specialized areas of classics, languages, and history.
- 汉娜在理查德上幼儿园之前就教会了他认字,并且在古典文学,语言,和历史这些自己擅长的领域里激发了他的学习兴趣。
- 6. It is taught from infant school and kindergarten, and is the medium of instruction for a few primary schools, many secondary schools and all universities.
- 英语从婴儿学校及幼儿园就开始教授,并且是少数小学、许多中学和所有大学的教学语言。
- 7. In 1985, after the National Literacy Crusade had ended, the infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate and for those educated in primary school remained more or less unchanged.
- 1985年,在全国扫盲运动结束后,那些仍处于文盲状态的妇女和接受过小学教育的妇女生出来的的婴儿的死亡率基本没有变化。
- 8. In the countryside they were far removed from nurses and schools, but here they can get free medical care for their infant son, and Anuka can attend a public school.
- 在乡下,他们离医院和学校很远,但在城市里,襁褓中的儿子可以得到免费的医疗,而阿奴卡可以去公立学校上学。
- 9. Among rich countries, those that are more unequal appear to have more mental illness, infant mortality, obesity, high school dropouts, teenage births, homicides, and so on.
- 那些富裕并有着更多不平等现象的国家面对着更多的精神疾病,婴儿死亡,肥胖,高中辍学,青少年生育,杀人等问题。
- 10. Some of the other goals include achieving universal primary school education, reducing infant and maternal mortality, and ensuring environmental sustainability.
- 其他目标包括普及小学教育,降低婴幼儿和孕产妇死亡率,确保环境可持续性。
- 11. By contrast, Sub Saharan Africa has lagged in many areas, including school enrollments, infant and child mortality, and maternal mortality.
- 与此相反,撒哈拉以南非洲地区在许多方面都很滞后,包括入学率、婴幼儿死亡率和孕产妇死亡率。
- 12. And getting girls into school in the first place is one of the best ways to reduce future child mortality, as well as infant and maternal mortality.
- 首先,让女孩入学是避免日后孩童、婴儿及其母亲死亡的最佳方法之一。
- 13. Infant education is the education of children before they would normally enter school. "Infant" typically describes a child under two years old.
- 幼儿教育孩子的教育问题之前,他们通常会进入学校。“婴儿”的典型的描述两岁以下的儿童。
- 14. Nursery school is the important base of growing up and education of infant.
- 幼儿园是幼儿健康成长和开展教育的重要基地。
- 15. Abstract: : the infant normal school "biology" (try out originally) is the textbook of the biology course usage of our country three years for medium.
- 摘要:幼儿师范学校《生物学》(试用本)是我国三年制中等幼儿师范学校生物学课程使用的教科书。
- 16. Known as the Infant Pavilion, the 1,000-square-metre building is set on a plot adjacent to the school and provides facilities for 225 children aged between three and five.
- 1000平方米的建筑被建在邻近小学的地块内,为225个年龄在3到5岁的孩子提供设施,被称为婴儿馆。
- 17. Middle vocational education is an infant in the field of education, comparing with the ordinary high school and Secondary school, it has vocational characters.
- 中等职业教育作为教育领域的一个“新生儿”,与普通高中、普通中专等其他成员相比较,有其职业的特殊性。
- 18. Lin Ying, who was born in 1972 and studied in Fujian Teachers? University from 1991 to 1993. She has been working in Fuzhou Infant Teachers? School since graduation, She is an instructor now.
- 林英,1972年出生,1991年入福建师范大学物理系读本科,1993年毕业分配福州幼儿师范学校任教至今,现为中专讲师。
- 19. The Group has also extended its business scope to the manufacturing and selling of infant and pre-school products under its own brand, "Angel".
- 本集团亦扩展业务范畴,以“小天使”品牌制造及销售婴儿及学前产品。
- 20. The Group has also extended its business scope to the manufacturing and selling of infant and pre-school products under its own brand, "Angel".
- 本集团亦扩展业务范畴,以“小天使”品牌制造及销售婴儿及学前产品。
- At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names.
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