intestinal fortitude
- n. 勇气;决心
- 1. A job like that calls for a man with intestinal fortitude.
- 像那样的工作要一个有勇气的人去做。
- 2. I lacked the intestinal fortitude to do much more than take a few hesitating steps within that infamous cathedral of legend.
- 除了有些犹豫的走进那个传说中臭名昭著的教堂外再也做不了更多事情了。
- 3. Readily will display the intestinal fortitude to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.
- 在战斗中展示勇气是游骑兵的义务,有可能牺牲,也有可能我是唯一幸存者,我们的目标是完成任务!
- 4. That progress speaks well not only for the sacrifices and intestinal fortitude of a people but also for a nation in which the gains were possible.
- 这样的进步很好地说明不仅是一个人也是一个民族的牺牲和勇气,使得到这样的进步成为可能。
- 5. Readily will display the intestinal fortitude to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor. Rangers, Lead the Way!
- 尽管会有牺牲,我也许会孤单的生还,但在战斗中尽情展示内在的坚韧的意志是游骑兵们的终极目标,目标就是完成任务。游骑兵,做先锋!
- 6. I began by saying that I would take my hat off for anyone who could lose for 13 days in a row and have the intestinal fortitude to come in and trade the next morning.
- 首先我是这样说的:我要向那些连续亏损了13天,还有勇气在第二天继续交易的交易者们脱帽致敬。
- 7. I began by saying that I would take my hat off for anyone who could lose for 13 days in a row and have the intestinal fortitude to come in and trade the next morning.
- 首先我是这样说的:我要向那些连续亏损了13天,还有勇气在第二天继续交易的交易者们脱帽致敬。
- There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude.
并不缺乏勇气和刚毅。 - A job like that calls for a man with intestinal fortitude.
像那样的工作要一个有勇气的人去做。 - So we can all take umbrage in that this will be the Lakers true test of intestinal fortitude.
因此我们都谨慎看待这将是湖人决心的真实考验。 - Tell this to yourself over and over, and it will help you get through the rough spots with a little more fortitude.
用作名词 (n.)
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