just as
- 正如,就好像; 同样地
at the same time as;
"even as he lay dying they argued over his estate"
"the building collapsed just as he arrived"
- 1. She lost it, just as I said she would.
- 我就说了吧,她把它丢了。
- 2. Just as John has changed, so has his wife.
- 正如约翰已经变了,他妻子也变了。
- 3. Could he not, just as a precaution, move to a place of safety?
- 难道他不能就当是一种防范搬到一个安全的地方去吗?
- 4. He stopped just as his truck tilted down the steep incline, put on the handbrake, and stepped out.
- 就在他的卡车沿陡峭的斜坡向下滑的时候,他停了下来,拉住了手闸,然后下了车。
- 5. That's just as it should be.
- 本来就该如此。
- 6. I bake, just as a hobby.
- 我烘焙,只是作为一种爱好。
- 7. Just as I said just now.
- 就好像我刚才说的。
- 8. He is brave, just as a cowboy should be.
- 他很勇敢,就像一个真正的牛仔一样。
- 9. Just as dead earnest as I'm sitting here.
- 就像我坐在这里一样千真万确。
- 10. He worked just as hard as anyone.
- 他同每个人一样勤奋工作。
- 11. She's just as smart as her sister.
- 她与她姐姐一样聪明。
- 12. It's just as I thought.
- 我正是这样想的。
- 13. The clock struck six just as I arrived.
- 我到达时,时钟正敲六点。
- 14. The house was just as she had imagined it.
- 这房子正是她所想象的。
- 15. You can get there just as cheaply by plane.
- 你坐飞机到那儿同样便宜。
- 16. I'd just as soon not have to make this public.
- 我宁愿不公开此事。
- 17. It's just as dramatic as a film, only it's real.
- 这真和电影一样富有戏剧性,只不过它是现实。
- 18. I'd just as soon stay at home as go out tonight.
- 今晚待在家里或出去我都乐意。
- 19. I caught him just as he was leaving the building.
- 他正要离开大楼时,我追上了他。
- 20. Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today.
- 当时的性犯罪与现在一样多。
- 21. Exercise is just as important to health as good food.
- 锻炼和好的饮食对身体健康一样重要。
- 22. Just as they were leaving the rebels started shelling.
- 他们正撤离时,叛军开始炮击。
- 23. It would be just as well to call and say we might be late.
- 还是打个电话说一声我们可能到得晚些比较好。
- 24. He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents.
- 他和他的暴君父母一样为人惧怕和憎恨。
- 25. Just as the show ended, he heard a huge hue and cry outside.
- 正当演出结束的时候,他听到外面一阵喧嚣的愤怒抗议。
- 26. The new laws will be just as oppressive as those they replace.
- 新法律将跟被它所取代的那些法律一样不公正。
- 27. The apple tasted just as I remembered – sharp, sour, yet sweet.
- 这苹果尝起来跟我记忆中的完全一样–味道十足,酸中带甜。
- 28. The weather was so bad we might just as well have stayed at home.
- 天气糟糕透了,还不如待在家里好。
- 29. We arrived just as the musicians were packing up their instruments.
- 我们到场时乐队已开始收拾乐器了。
- 30. Just as revealing are Mr. Johnson's portraits, of which there are dozens.
- 透过约翰逊先生的许多肖像画,同样也可以了解其人。
- It happened even as he had expected.
事情正如他所料的那样发生了。 - We hope things will pan out as we expect.
我们希望事情的结果正如所料。 - The sheets grow heavy as a lecher's kiss.
被褥变得和色鬼的亲吻同样地沈重。 - The orchestration was equally simple and equally just right.
- might just as well 倒不如
- just as well 幸好
- may just as well 索性 ... 算了...
- it is just as well 幸好如此
- even as 当
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