- 小孩,孩子
- 小家伙
- 小山羊
- =kiddy
n. (名词)
- 1. Here's the typical attack process that a script kiddie USES.
- 以下是脚本kiddy经常使用的攻击过程。
- 2. No problem! Find a spot in the shade and set up a kiddie pool.
- 没关系,在一个阴凉处设一个小水池。
- 3. She can cook up delicious kiddie snacks, but not full-course meals.
- 她能烹制小孩的美味点心,但不是完整的一餐。
- 4. We went to Kiddie Kandids portrait studio to take some family pictures.
- 去照相馆给小小贝照百天照,也拍了几张家庭合影。
- 5. That's why we put the rainbow - colored cereals and other kiddie catnip at their eye level.
- 这就是我们为什么把彩虹色的谷类早餐和其他小孩喜欢的东西放在他们一眼就能看到的地方。
- 6. We think: 'Man, at least I'm not getting eaten by the monster. Kiddie vampires aren't knocking at my window!'
- 我们会想:‘起码我不会被怪兽吃掉,僵尸小鬼也没有敲我们家的窗户!’
- 7. You want to cover your walls with posters; they don't understand why you don't like your kiddie wallpaper anymore.
- 你想把墙壁贴满海报,他们就不明白为什么你不再喜欢那种孩子气的墙纸了。
- 8. The dogs food is hand mixed with a shovel in a gigantic, kiddie pool-sized bowl and then transfered into wooden troughs.
- 这些狗粮都被放进一个如孩童游泳池般大小的巨碗里,用铁铲搅拌后再放到木制的饲料槽中。
- 9. In this step, the script kiddie may employ a technique to cover up his or her tracks or the evidence of the penetration.
- 在该步骤中,脚本kiddy将使用一项技术掩饰其踪迹或渗透行为的证据。
- 10. We're marketing to your kids too. That's why we put the rainbow-colored cereals and other kiddie catnip at their eye level.
- 我们也是在向您的孩子销售。这就是我们为什么将彩伞样的颗粒食品和其他的小山羊猫薄荷放在他们眼睛能看到的范围内的原因。
- 11. To complete their enjoyment, children can listen and watch with specially-designed kiddie-sized headsets available in bright colours.
- 孩子们可以使用专门为儿童设计的亮丽头戴式耳机收听收看节目,全面丰富机上趣味。
- 12. Among the fans, there are fans from Vietnam, Kiddie. 22years old Kiddie flew to Singapore and will follow Min Ho to Malaysia tomorrow.
- 粉丝中,还包括了来自越南的Kiddie。22岁的她,特地从越南飞来新加坡,明天也将追随偶像,一同飞到马来西亚。
- 13. Remember the old kiddie song "Comet..it makes your mouth turn green. Comet..it tastes like Listerine"?...Well, Crystal took it literally.
- 还记得那首古老的儿歌是这样唱的吗”彗星清洁剂~~让你的牙齿变绿。彗星清洁剂~~喝上去像防腐液”?。。。好吧,克里斯多真的那么做了。
- 14. Milk and cookies at bedtime, kiddie-sized bathrobes, baby-sitting services, toys on loan and a special children's menu all make a huge difference.
- 睡前牛奶与饼干、儿童浴袍、保姆服务、租赁玩具以及特价儿童菜单等都十分重要。
- 15. You start schooling by rolling into pre-school with your chocolate milk and snack pack. The next year, you bring your kiddie backpack to kindergarten.
- 你带着巧克力奶和零食包很圆润的滚到了小班,第二年,带着你的玩具袋进到了幼儿园。
- 16. 1952 - Memphis Kiddie park opens in Brooklyn, Ohio. The park's Little Dipper roller coaster would become the oldest operating steel roller coaster in North America.
- 1952年的今天,孟斐斯儿童公园在俄亥俄州的布鲁克林开始。公园中的小北斗七星过山车成为北美最古老的翻滚过山车。
- 17. Many other kiddie movies come out with a message of conservation or protection of endangered species. Surf's Up doesn't take this route, but just asks us to have some fun.
- 很多儿童电影都传递着要自然守恒或者保护濒临物种的信息,但《冲浪企鹅》并未走这个路线,而是告诉我们要找点儿乐子。
- 18. To diversify the facilities provided by the Hotel to our guests and patrons, the Regal Airport Hotel unveils its new kid's playground, the Kiddie Wonderland, in January 2010.
- 为使酒店住客及食客尽享更多元化的设施,富豪机场酒店于2009年底兴建一所儿童乐园,并于2010年1月正式启用。
- 19. The low barrier of entry leads some people to call it a script kiddie language, others scoff at the concept of a dynamic language while riding their statically typed high horse.
- 它的低学习门槛让很多人都称它为学前脚本语言,它另外一个让人嘲笑的东西是动态语言的概念是偏偏使用了高标准的静态数据类型。
- 20. The situation today - safe area or not, has unfortunately changed, largely due to media hype about how "kiddie snatchers" lurk on every corner, and how no child is safe anywhere.
- 如今不管这儿是不是还是个安全地区,情况都不幸地有了变化,这得归功于媒体每天大肆宣传说绑架孩子的歹徒们比比皆是,孩子们到哪儿都不安全。
- 21. Save for the immortal line "I always knew you were a bender", m Night Shyamalan's opulently awful kiddie-comic fantasy adventure has already disappeared into the cultural waste disposal.
- 除了那句不朽的经典台词“我一直都知道你是一个酒鬼”。导演M .奈特·夏马兰令人糟糕的儿童动漫奇幻历险早已消失在文化废墟之中。
- 22. Now, in this rapidly expanding market, a major network is about to adopt a range of kiddie-phones designed for children as young as 4, with claims that its handsets are safer and smarter.
- 在现在这个快速扩张的的市场里,一个主要的网络将采用一系列为年纪最小为4岁的儿童而设计的儿童手机,而且声称它的手机更加安全和更加智能。
- 23. Now, in this rapidly expanding market, a major network is about to adopt a range of kiddie-phones designed for children as young as 4, with claims that its handsets are safer and smarter.
- 在现在这个快速扩张的的市场里,一个主要的网络将采用一系列为年纪最小为4岁的儿童而设计的儿童手机,而且声称它的手机更加安全和更加智能。
- kiddie car 儿童玩的三轮脚踏车...
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