known quantity
- n. 已知量;熟知的人或事
- 1. She had known Max for some years now, but he was still pretty much an unknown quantity.
- 她现在认识马克斯也好几年了,但是他仍然是个大大的未知数。
- 2. Does the calculated value compare with the known quantity?
- 是否与计算值比较噪。
- 3. The last step is to judge whether the estimated quantity compares with a known quantity.
- 最后一步是判断估计量相比有噪。
- 4. One advantage of sticking with the current version: it's a known quantity, and plenty of review materials exist.
- 坚持考老版本SAT的好处是:我们对这个考试有充分的了解,市面上充盈着丰富的复习资料。
- 5. The third step in estimating is to use the concept and the model to provide a comparison with the known quantity.
- 第三步是用估算的概念和模式提供了一个比较有噪。
- 6. If so, does it make sense that the concept would have a value on this dimension about the same as the known quantity?
- 若有,是否有道理,就这个价值观念方面将有大约相同噪。
- 7. This can be determined by directly measuring the temperature increase associated with the introduction of a known quantity of heat.
- 确定热容量的方法可以采用向其加入已知的热量,然后直接测量所引起的温度增加量。
- 8. We fill in the model with imagined values on the model variables and calculate a comparison value in the dimension of the known quantity.
- 我们填写示范模式与想象中的变数和计算值的比较价值的层面的噪。
- 9. Method: Based on the assay method of ChP 2005 edition, the recoveries of microorganisms were measured in the samples which it were contained or contaminated the viable known quantity.
- 方法:以《中国药典》2005年版收录的离心沉淀集菌法为基础,对已知活菌数量的菌液或人工污染定量活菌的药品溶液进行离心操作,测定回收率。
- 10. If so, they might do worse than plump for Mitt Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts and a primary candidate last time: a known quantity with what looks like a safe pair of hands.
- 如果是这样,他们就应该[注2]支持米特·罗姆尼,他是马萨诸塞州的前州长,上一次大选也参加了共和党初选,是大家熟知的竞选人,而且看上去办事牢靠[注3]。
- 11. This found that if the reverse idea of the electron charge-mass ratio as a known quantity, it can re-theoretical derivation, and thus obtain the value of the vacuum in the speed of light.
- 笔者发现,如果进行逆向构思,把电子的荷质比作为已知量时,可重新进行理论推导从而得到真空中的光速值。
- 12. He’s a critic of ”umbrella” contracts, which allow large amounts of diverse work to fall under one contract, like what are known as “indefinite delivery–indefinite quantity” contracts.
- 他是一揽子合同(umbrella contract)的批评者,这类合同在一个大合同下包含着许多不同的协议,诸如人们所知的“不定期交货合同,不定量合同。”
- 13. The measurement target molecule with known concentration is used to perform the measurement, and the measured result is consistent to the added DNA quantity.
- 用已知浓度的检测靶分子进行测试,测定结果与加入的DNA量是一致的。
- 14. By comparing the heating effect of an unknown AC signal to that from a known DC reference, metrologists can determine the RMS AC quantity (voltage or current) in terms of the DC quantity.
- 为了对比一个已知直流参考的未知交流信号热效应,计量人员可以确定在一段时间内直流的交流有效值(电压或电流)。
- 15. Some American well-known colleges do not want to expand as universities because they feel quality is more important than quantity.
- 有些美国有名的学院,不要扩充成大学,因为他们觉得质比量更重要。
- 16. The operation state of the treatment system can be known by observing the changes in kinds and quantity of micro zoo.
- 通过活性污泥中微型动物种类和数量变化的显微观察,可及时地了解处理系统的运行状态。
- 17. The excellent performance of digital pulse compression have been well known, the main problems for its application are a large quantity of operation, complex circuits and high cost.
- 数字脉冲压缩技术的优点已被普遍承认,制约其应用的一个主要问题是运算量大、设备复杂、成本高。
- 18. But I do not have cosmetic so great power, although had been imperial crown class, although such credence is accumulated, very difficult also one make known to lower levels arrives such quantity.
- 但是化妆品我没有那么大的力量,虽然已经是皇冠级了,虽然有这样的信用积累,也很难一下达到这样的量。
- 19. It's a fairly simple program that only has a fixed quantity of objects with known lifetimes.
- 有确定数量的已知生命期的对象的程序是非常简单的。
- 20. When the material does not display a yield point, a quantity known as the proof stress is used when making design calculations.
- 在二维或三维的情况下,屈服极限是当所有应力分量的某个函数达到某一固定值时达到的。
- 21. A measure of the iodine absorption by an oil under standard conditions; used to indicate the quantity of unsaturated compounds present. Also known as iodine value.
- 在标准条件下油吸收碘的数量,用以表明不饱和化合物存在的数量。
- 22. Resistant starch is known more by people as a new food component of low quantity of heat and high content of fibre.
- 它作为一种低热量、高纤维含量的功能性食品成分,越来越被人们所认识和重视。
- 23. When the material does not display a yield point, a quantity known as the proof stress is used when making design calculations.
- 当材料不显示屈服点时,在进行设计计算中,往往使用所谓弹性极限这一数值。
- 24. It is analyzed that Dongguan is well-known for its market volume since there are more than ten thousand factories in the city. Further more, goods for export and domestic sale is in large quantity.
- 业内人士分析说,东莞物流市场规模大是公认的,因为在东莞分布着数万家工厂,而且它们目前产品的出口和内销数量均十分庞大。
- 25. It is analyzed that Dongguan is well-known for its market volume since there are more than ten thousand factories in the city. Further more, goods for export and domestic sale is in large quantity.
- 业内人士分析说,东莞物流市场规模大是公认的,因为在东莞分布着数万家工厂,而且它们目前产品的出口和内销数量均十分庞大。
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