labor movement
- n. 劳工运动
an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement
- 1. The labor movement gathered some momentum in the decade before the Panic of 1837, but in the depression that followed, labor's strength collapsed.
- 在1837年大恐慌前的10年里,劳工运动积累了一些势头,但在随后的大萧条中,劳工的力量崩溃了。
- 2. This activism and the views underlying it came to prevail in the United States labor movement and in 1935 the AFL unequivocally reversed its position on health legislation.
- 这种激进主义及其背后的观点在美国劳工运动中占据了主导地位,1935年,美国劳工联合会明确地改变了其在卫生立法方面的立场。
- 3. The those in labor movement may also remember that.
- 他们会记得多年以前的我,参加劳工运动的人也一样。
- 4. After that she became involved in the labor movement.
- 此后,她成为劳工运动的人。
- 5. Labor day, the first Monday in September, was created by the U. S. labor movement.
- 把9月的第一个星期一定为劳工节是美国劳工运动的产物。
- 6. That is no longer true today. We are a very different economy and a much weaker labor movement.
- 然而事到如今这种盛况却已是时过境迁了,我们今天的经济完全不同,劳工运动的势力也大不如前了。
- 7. Although it's still early, one possible outcome is a more militant, pumped-up labor movement.
- 虽然现在下定论还为时过早,一种可能性的结果是出现武力性的劳工运动。
- 8. The philosophical basis of the American labor movement is very different from that of other countries.
- 美国劳工运动的哲学基础与其他国家大不相同。
- 9. Labor day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.
- 劳动节,九月的第一个星期一,是建立劳动运动,是专门为美国工人的经济和社会成就。
- 10. This Week at Media Voices we look back on ten years of work by the global child labor movement with a special installment of our interview series, Speak Up for Children - Kailash Satyarthi.
- 这周的“媒体之声”,我们回顾了世界童工运动10年以来的工作,发表了系列采访中一个特殊的分期连载,为孩子说话——凯拉什·萨蒂亚尔希。
- 11. The greatest push to free movement of labor in soccer came in 1995 after the so-called Bosman ruling.
- 1995年博斯曼法案的出台是足球界球员自由流动的最大推动力。
- 12. A global economy would mean complete freedom of movement of goods and services, capital, and labor.
- 一个全球化的经济就意味着商品、服务、资本和劳动力能够完全自由移动。
- 13. Then organized labor joined the movement.
- 然后又组织了劳工参加这个运动。
- 14. This essay analyzes the relations between the movement of enterprise social accountability and human resource management. It puts forward four methods to deal with the Labor Barrier.
- 本文通过分析企业社会责任运动与人力资源管理之间的关系,提出了我国企业人力资源管理应对劳工壁垒的四大策略。
- 15. The Labor Barrier caused by the movement of enterprise social accountability poses a new challenge to the human resource management in China.
- 由企业社会责任运动产生的劳工壁垒,对我国人力资源管理提出了新的挑战。
- 16. Aim and Significance of ResearchCooperative movement is the realization way of self-interests of modern laborers in the contradiction between capital and labor.
- 研究目的和意义。合作运动是近现代劳动者在资本与劳动对立的矛盾中自我利益的实现形式。
- 17. Airport expansion projects often require the present and movement of construction labor and equipment near critical airport traffic areas.
- 机场扩建计画通常需要将劳工及作业机具配置或移动在靠近机场交通的重要区域。
- 18. During the period of May Fourth Movement, the intellectual raised the issue of labor for the first time in the modern history of China.
- 五四时期,知识分子在中国近现代历史上首次提出劳动问题。
- 19. Foot massage is bodily labor, practicing the same movement over and over again makes this girl tired. The students train the strength in their fingers and arms every morning.
- 捏脚是个体力活,同一个动作的反复练习让一个女孩有些疲惫。学员们每天早操都会练习指力和臂力。
- 20. Controls the manipulator using PLC to realize each kind of stipulation working procedure movement, may simplify the control line, saves the cost, enhances the labor productivity.
- 应用PLC控制机械手实现各种规定的工序动作,可以简化控制线路,节省成本,提高劳动生产率。
- 21. It is the basis of peoples life-movement, labor ability and sports ability.
- 体质是人的生命活动、劳动能力、运动能力的物质基础。
- 22. Sixth, we provided guidance to ensure a proper and orderly movement of rural labor.
- 六是引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。
- 23. At the same time, working is limited by season, the tune of employment is gradually shorten, the frequent movement of rural labor force become the adjustable method in supply and demand.
- 同时由于生产的季节性,雇佣期在逐渐缩短,频繁的流动劳动成了劳动力供给与需求的调节方法。
- 24. The utility model has the characteristics of automatic movement, time saving, labor saving, economy, practicality, etc.
- 其具有自行移动,省工省时,经济实用等特点。
- 25. The paper makes a quantitive analysis of the relationship between rural labor force movement and the peasant revenue with the peasant family earnings function and regression analysis.
- 文章借助于农户收入函数,通过回归分析方法对农村劳动力流动对农民收入产生的影响进行定量分析,试图发现农村劳动力流动与农民收入之间的关系。
- 26. To attain the end of a unified labor market in the European Union (EU), it is a prerequisite to address the social security problem for the workers of free movement.
- 欧盟要真正实现人员自由流动以形成内部统一的劳动力市场,必须解决自由流动工人的社会保障问题,免除其后顾之忧。
- 27. Fewer resources and more people make Australia become a leader in the movement of natural persons, less people and more resources make China become Australia's major labor importing country.
- 人少资源多的国情使澳大利亚成为了自然人流动的主导者,而人多资源少的国情使中国成为了澳大利亚的重要劳务输入国。
- 28. Fewer resources and more people make Australia become a leader in the movement of natural persons, less people and more resources make China become Australia's major labor importing country.
- 人少资源多的国情使澳大利亚成为了自然人流动的主导者,而人多资源少的国情使中国成为了澳大利亚的重要劳务输入国。
- A vigorous labour movement began that winter.
那年冬天,展开了蓬蓬勃勃的劳工运动。 - There was increasing dissension within the labor movement.
用作名词 (n.)
- labor 工人
- trade union movement [经] 工会运动...
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