labour bureau
- 劳动局
- 1. Have no the contract, the Huai Nan City physical Labour bureau not asking that the boss controls person, beats person, cannot return to a salary.
- 没合同,淮南劳动局不问,老板控制人,还打人,还不给工资。
- 2. Article 2. The Labour plan of a joint venture will be decided by the Board of Directors and filed with the department in charge of the enterprise and the Shanghai Municipal Labour Bureau.
- 第二条合营企业的劳动计划由董事会决定,报企业主管部门和上海市劳动局备案。
- 3. In September, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, Oklahoma City's unemployment was just 5.9%.
- 九月,根据劳动局统计,俄克拉荷马城市失业率仅有5.9%。
- 4. They also used data from the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics and Trade Associations.
- 他们还采用了来自美国劳工统计局和行业协会的数据。
- 5. The Bureau of Labour Statistics has released its latest inflation figures, providing us with an opportunity to reflect on where the American macroeconomy is heading.
- 美国劳工统计局刚刚公布了最新的通胀数据,通过这些数据,我们得以思考美国宏观经济的未来走向。
- 6. After 2000, the country's metal-bashers somehow managed to raise their productivity growth by another notch, to 5.1% a year, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
- 根据劳工统计局的历史资料,2000年之后,美国的冶金企业以某种方式保持年生产率的增长并达到一个新的水平,每年5.1%。
- 7. The Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that workers recently laid off have a 30% chance of finding work in a given month.
- 劳工统计局估计刚刚失业的工业在接下来的一个月内有30%的机会找到工作。
- 8. In each of the past four years the Census Bureau has had to revise down the estimated Hispanic population, leading to smaller estimates of the overall Labour force.
- 在过去四年里,统计局每年都会调低预期的西班牙裔人口数量,使预估的整体劳动力人数逐年减少。
- 9. Consumer spending per household fell by 2.8% in 2009, the first time it had fallen since the Bureau of Labour Statistics started gathering data in 1984.
- 2009年每个家庭的消费开支下降了2.8%,是自1984年劳工统计局开始数据采集以来的第一次下降。
- 10. The Bureau of Labour Statistics has given American workers a big reason to hope, however.
- 然而,美国劳工统计局却给出了一个好理由足以让美国劳工们怀有希冀。
- 11. And according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics, time has changed little. The current unemployment rate among black Americans is almost 16%; among whites the figure is under 10%.
- 劳动统计局的最新数据显示,时间并没有改变什么,当前美国黑人的失业率几乎达到16%,而白人则不到10%。
- 12. Last week the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported fourth-quarter labour-productivity growth of 6.9%, after increases of 7.6% and 7.8% in the previous two quarters.
- 上周劳工统计局公布的第四季度劳工生产力增加了6.9%,而在前两个季度这个数字分别是7.6%和7.8%。
- 13. This morning, the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported a disappointing gain of only 39,000 jobs for the month of November.
- 今早,来自美国劳动统计局的报道令人失望,11月份一个月仅增加39000个工作岗位。
- 14. Each month the Census Bureau on behalf of the Bureau of Labour Statistics surveys 60,000 households, then extrapolates the results to the entire American population.
- 每个月人口调查局会代表劳工调查局对6万户家庭进行住户调查,然后将推算结果用于整个美国人口。
- 15. Each month the Census Bureau on behalf of the Bureau of Labour Statistics surveys 60, 000 households, then extrapolates the results to the entire American population.
- 每个月人口调查局会代表劳工调查局对6万户家庭进行住户调查,然后将推算结果用于整个美国人口。
- 16. Although manufacturers added jobs in June, the average workweek shortened by half an hour, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
- 根据劳工部的统计,虽然在6月,生产厂家增加的工作岗位,但每周工作时长却减少了半个小进。
- 17. This morning, the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported a disappointing gain of only 39, 000 jobs for the month of November.
- 今天早上,劳工统计局报告,美国11月份令人失望地增加了39,000个工作岗位。
- 18. The Bureau of Labour Statistics has released the latest state-level employment data, for the month of December, so it's possible to get a look at which states enjoyed the most job growth in 2010.
- 劳动统计局已经发布了12月最新的州级雇佣数据,所以有可能观察到哪个州在2010年有最多的职位增长。
- 19. The Bureau of Labour Statistics calculates that women make up more than two-thirds of employees in ten of the 15 job categories likely to grow fastest in the next few years.
- 劳工统计局(BLS)计算,在今后几年增长最快的15类工作中的10种中,女性占据了2/3多。
- 20. The accused, an inspector at the Labour affairs inspection department of the Labour and employment bureau, embezzled part of the holiday compensation of a dismissed labourer.
- 被告在劳工暨就业局(劳工局)属下的劳工事务稽查厅担任稽查员时,侵吞了一名被解雇劳工的部分休假赔偿金。
- 21. Keiko Suehiro, director of the Labour ministry's employment bureau in Nagasaki, says there has been some success with call centres.
- 末弘贵子,长崎就业局的劳动部门主管说:“我们在呼叫中心上取得了一些成功。”
- 22. According to the professional standard and training documents issued by Labour Security Bureau strictly, we compile curriculum teaching guideline and organize teaching activity.
- 严格按照劳动保障局颁布的职业标准、培训文件编制教学大纲、组织教学活动。
- 23. AMERICANS are spending less on clothes and eating out and more on household fuel bills and healthcare, according to data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
- 根据来自劳动统计局的数据,美国人花在衣服和下馆子上的钱较少,而在家庭燃料费和医疗上的开销较大。
- 24. AMERICANS are spending less on clothes and eating out and more on household fuel bills and healthcare, according to data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
- 根据来自劳动统计局的数据,美国人花在衣服和下馆子上的钱较少,而在家庭燃料费和医疗上的开销较大。
- This violates the National Labor bureau's stipulation?
这不是违反国家劳动局的规定? - Company must first contact the Labour Department before employing underage personnel.
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