leave over
- 剩下; 暂时不去解决
- 1. Similarly the output messages will leave over a channel.
- 类似地,输出消息将通过通道离开。
- 2. Local regulars sometimes obtained leave over the New Year holidays to get married.
- 家在当地的士兵有时在新年节假期间获准回家结婚。
- 3. But after having heard her expressing her need to leave over and over, they no longer took it seriously.
- 但是,听她说起要走的次数多了,他们就不再把她的话当真了。
- 4. I looked them over with a burglar's eye, deciding what might be worth the risk of stealing, what on the other hand I would leave behind.
- 我用小偷的眼光扫了它们一眼,决定了哪些东西值得冒险去偷,哪些东西应该留下。
- 5. Parents can leave children over eight alone in the cinema, but should know that the cinema doesn't provide any official child care.
- 家长可以把八岁以上的孩子单独留在电影院,但需要知道,电影院不提供任何官方的儿童看护服务。
- 6. I wish you wouldn't leave your clothes all over the floor.
- 我真希望你不把衣服丢得满地都是。
- 7. Most chefs cut through this and turn the oyster over but I prefer to leave this to the customer.
- 大多数厨师都会把生蚝切开,但我更喜欢把生蚝留给顾客。
- 8. Miss Smith has asked for a sick leave, and I have to take over her work for a couple of days.
- 史密斯小姐请了病假,我得接替几天她的工作。
- 9. Here's some expert advice on how bosses can best express their regret over layoffs and leave their former employees with dignity and self-respect — and maybe a little less anger.
- 以下列举一些专家提出的建议,管理者可以用这种方法来表达对裁员的遗憾,并给被裁员工留下尊严和宽慰,至少不会太过生气。
- 10. After reading this, please share your thoughts about this subject over in the forum section, or leave a comment on guestbook.
- 在读了这些之后,欢迎你在论坛上分享你关于这个主题的想法,或者留下你的评论。
- 11. Do not leave your homes, "comes the clipped command in Russian over the loudspeaker."
- 不要离开你的家“,扬声器播放着短而急促的俄语录音。”
- 12. Edward and Emmett were ready to leave, Emmett carrying a heavy-looking backpack over his shoulder.
- 爱德华和艾美特正准备离开,艾美特肩上背着一个看上去很沉的背包。
- 13. A quarter would more than do it, and leave a few cents over fora treat for you. Don't you like limes?
- 两毛五绰绰有余,还能剩下几分钱招待你们,你不爱吃酸橙吗?
- 14. Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs's leave of absence spurred concern over the leadership of the world's second - biggest company.
- 全球第二大电脑企业苹果公司的首席执行官斯蒂芬·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)宣布因病休假,引发外界关注。
- 15. Having joint bosses can also help companies hang on to talented executives who might otherwise leave if passed over for the top job.
- 联席CEO还可帮助公司挽留住有才能的执行官(否则他们可能由于未能获得这一高层职位而离开公司)。
- 16. To make up the deficit, DeFelice made sure that both received all the annual leave they had accumulated over two decades-90 percent of which had technically been forfeited but was now restored.
- 为了弥补这个差距,德费利斯设法使这两人都重新获得超过20年期间内的所有年假——此前其中90%都算做自动放弃了,但现在被重新恢复有效。
- 17. We calculated something like 850,000 people have been forced to leave Mogadishu over the last year because of the fighting there.
- 根据我们的计算,在过去一年中,已经有大约85万人由于冲突而被迫离开了摩加迪沙。
- 18. When the conversation ended and Bradshaw stood to leave, Axelson walked over and gave him a big hug, to appreciative applause from the audience.
- 会谈结束后布拉德肖起身离开,阿克赛尔森走过去给了他一个大大的拥抱,观众也鼓起了赞赏的掌声。
- 19. Cook has long been the favorite to take over the throne since Jobs took leave from the company in January.
- 自从今年一月,乔布斯离开公司以后,库克就是长期接任他职务的幸运儿。
- 20. If you want to take time over your journey, leave earlier and walk at normal walking pace.
- 如果你想要在你的旅途中花时间,那就早点出发,用正常速度去步行。
- 21. We should not assume that the default mode of every migrant is protest — more often, the urge to leave wins out over everything else.
- 我们不该假定每一个农二代的都会反抗——更普遍的是,(在发生冲突时)走人的冲动盖过了任何其他的想法。
- 22. Cook first took over earlier this year when Jobs went on medical leave for the third time in seven years.
- 在今年早些时候乔布斯休病假时,库克接管了他的工作,这已经是七年里的第三次。
- 23. These log files grow in size over time, so you should not leave this setting enabled for long periods or you could consume all available drive space.
- 这些日志文件随着时间会不断增大,所以不应该长时间启用该设置,否则会消耗掉所有可用的设备空间。
- 24. If you stood in the furthest room, you could see through all the other rooms and it made you feel sad; it was like a train ready to leave with its lights shining over the platform.
- 如果你站在最远的房间里,你的视线能穿过所有其他的房间,这让你很沮丧。它就像一列准备发车的火车,天花板的布满了闪耀的灯光。
- 25. Leave the room, Ellen! 'she repeated, trembling all over.
- “离开这间屋子,艾伦!”她重复说,浑身发抖。
- 26. If they don't tell you so you can talk it over, it could leave them with emotional scars or leave them in danger.
- 如果他们没有告知你,因而你大肆谈论这件事,这会对孩子们造成情感上的伤害,或者将他们置于危险的境遇。
- 27. So continuous exposure over time could leave substantial amounts of inflammatory particles in the brain, he speculates.
- 因此,长时间持续接触污染物会使得大量致炎粒子停留在脑部,他推测道。
- 28. So continuous exposure over time could leave substantial amounts of inflammatory particles in the brain, he speculates.
- 因此,长时间持续接触污染物会使得大量致炎粒子停留在脑部,他推测道。
- I can lunch off the bread left over from yesterday.
午餐我可以吃昨天剩下的面包。 - I have only half an hour to leave.
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