- n. 枝干;肢;翼
- 名词limb的复数形式.
名词 limb:
one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper
any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree
(astronomy) the circumferential edge of the apparent disc of the sun or the moon or a planet
either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip
the graduated arc that is attached to an instrument for measuring angles
any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm
- 1. For a while, she lost the use of her limbs.
- 好一会儿她四肢都动弹不得。
- 2. She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.
- 她将可以伸开蜷缩的四肢,休息几个小时。
- 3. It is often possible to see the vestigial remains of rear limbs on some snakes.
- 在某些蛇身上常可看到退化后肢的痕迹。
- 4. Almost all sensory information from the trunk and limbs passes through the spinal cord.
- 几乎所有来自躯干及四肢的感官信息都经由脊髓传递。
- 5. Lost fingers and limbs will be able to regrow.
- 失去的手指和四肢将能够再生。
- 6. At last Becky's frail limbs refused to carry her farther.
- 最后,贝基虚弱的四肢再也支撑不住了。
- 7. It clearly had four limbs that could have been used for walking.
- 它显然有四肢,可以用于行走。
- 8. She has Adelheid's fine limbs and black eyes, and curly hair like Tobias and the old man.
- 她有着和阿得海特一样优美的四肢和黑色的眼睛,还有像托比亚斯和山上的老头儿那样的卷发。
- 9. It was actually nice to be awake, and he turned over and stretched his limbs luxuriously.
- 醒来真好,他翻过身来,尽情地伸展四肢。
- 10. "No, no, child," the old woman reassured her, "the frost has just gone into my limbs a little."
- “不,不,孩子,”老奶奶安慰她说,“寒冷让我的四肢有点僵硬。”
- 11. My love came not, but her touch is in my limbs, and her voice comes across the fragrant fields.
- 我的爱没有来,但我的四肢却感到了她的爱抚,她的声音穿过芳香的田野传来。
- 12. Archaeopteryx shows no obvious features of gliders, such as a broad membrane connecting forelimbs and hind limbs.
- 始祖鸟并没有表现出明显的滑翔机的特征,比如有一层连接前肢和后肢的宽膜。
- 13. There are few known fossil specimens of these ancient snakes and only three in which the hind limbs are preserved and visible.
- 这些古老蛇类的化石标本非常稀少,仅有的三个标本的后肢保存完好并可见。
- 14. Puppets need the ground only to glance against lightly, like elves, and through this momentary check to renew the swing of their limbs.
- 木偶只需在地上轻轻一瞥,就像精灵一样,通过这短暂的停顿,就能使它们的四肢重新摆动起来。
- 15. Fossilized remains of Acanthostega, a primitive fish, reveal that even though the animal had rudimentary limbs, it could not walk on land.
- 棘螈是一种原始鱼类,它的化石遗迹显示,尽管棘螈有基本的四肢,但它却不能在陆地上行走。
- 16. He proposed that the earliest examples of this are an infant's attempts to control physical objects, such as toys or his or her own limbs.
- 他提出,最早的例子是婴儿试图控制实物,如玩具或他或她自己的四肢。
- 17. Using four paddle-like limbs to propel its bulky body through the water, the pliosaur made easy work of passing prey such as dolphin-like ichthyosaurs.
- 上龙用四根桨状的四肢推动它庞大的身体在水里游来游去,轻而易举地就能掠食形似海豚的鱼龙。
- 18. In a latest reanalysis of Gavan's data, nevertheless, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates.
- 然而,动物学家伊丽莎白·沃茨在对加万的数据进行的最新再分析中发现,随着黑猩猩达到性成熟,它们四肢的生长速度会加快。
- 19. She says: "I believe that the day is not far off when we will be able to prescribe drugs that cause severed spinal cords to heal, hearts to regenerate and lost limbs to regrow."
- 她说:“我相信,我们能够开出药方,让切断的脊髓愈合、心脏再生、失去的四肢再生的那一天不远了。”
- 20. The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing but hard shell to bite.
- 海龟颈部和四肢的肌肉及骨骼的特殊设计使它能把暴露在外的部分缩回去,这样攻击者只能去咬坚硬的外壳。
- 21. Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs.
- 此外,尽管人类直立行走已经有数百万年的历史,我们的脚和背部仍在两足行走的姿势中艰难斗争,无法轻易承受过长的四肢持续施加的压力。
- 22. It has got one of its limbs injured.
- 它的一条腿受伤了。
- 23. Some people had broken limbs and others had suffered bruising.
- 一些人的四肢骨折,还有一些人受伤。
- 24. How could he run now, with his fear and all his poor, sore limbs?
- 现在他那么害怕,那么可怜,浑身酸痛,怎么还能跑得动呢?
- 25. Many of these have minuscule limbs; some look more like snakes than lizards and a few have completely lost the toes on their hind limbs.
- 其中很多动物都有细小的四肢;有些看起来更像蛇而不是蜥蜴,还有一些完全失去了后肢的脚趾。
- 26. Whales and dolphins have been found with hind limbs; this rare occurrence is due to the reemergence of a trait they inherited from their terrestrial ancestors.
- 发现鲸和海豚身上有后肢;这种稀有的现象是由于它们在陆地上的祖先身上的特征再次被遗传。
- 27. Fossa ovalis and the tributaries of great saphenous veins were observed and measured on 52 lower limbs of the patient.
- 在患者的52个下肢上观察并测量了卵圆窝和大隐静脉的支流。
- 28. Study the genes of polydactyly and molecular mechanism can help us to know how limbs form and reveal the producing process of limbs.
- 对控制多趾的相关基因及其分子机制进行研究,有利于我们深入了解多指(趾)畸形的形成机制,揭示肢体发育的过程和机理。
- 29. Ballism was defined as "Repetitive, but constantly varying, large amplitude involuntary movements of the proximal parts of the limbs".
- 颤搐被定义为“四肢近端重复的,但不断变化的大幅度不自主运动”。
- 30. Has not gout pinched your limbs?
- 痛风病不是折磨你四肢吗?
- She buys some roses with long limbs.
她买了一些枝干很长的玫瑰花。 - The limbs in the forest canopy are so thickly intertwined that they form a natural cradle for Wookiee architecture.
森林林冠部分的枝干彼此缠绕得非常紧密,伍基人就拿这样的枝干当做他们建筑的天然的模板。 - It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain.
音乐好象在我的肢体内注入力量,头脑内注入思想。 - Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs.
小儿麻痹症患者需要物理疗法防止病肢萎缩。 - The membranes extend backward to encompass hind limbs that are quite a bit smaller than those of a terrestrial mammal of comparable body size.
翼膜向后延伸包围住后肢,蝙蝠的后肢比其他体形相当的陆栖哺乳动物明显小了许多。 - But the dip angles of both limbs of the syncline look different, with one limb steeper than the other though they dip toward the opposite direction.
用作名词 (n.)
- magnet limbs 凸极
- four limbs 四维, 四桎
- restless limbs 不宁肢体
- spasm of limbs 四肢拘挛, 四肢拘急...
- tic of limbs 四肢抽搐
- cold limbs 厥逆
- myasthenia of limbs 四肢无力
- clammy limbs 四肢湿冷
- numbness of limbs 四肢不仁, 四肢麻木...
- cold clammy limbs 四肢湿冷
- lassitude of limbs 四肢疲倦, 四肢倦怠...
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