256查询网 英汉词典


英['lɪtl] 美['lɪtl]
  • adj.小的;幼小的;短的;微不足道的;少到几乎没有的adv.甚少;毫不;难得n.极少


    adj. (形容词)
    1. 微量的,不多的
    2. 小的,不大的
    3. 可爱的
    4. 幼小的,年轻的,年纪小的
    5. 琐碎的,微不足道的
    6. 短暂的
    7. 矮小的
    8. 孩子似的,孩子气的
    9. 吝啬的
    10. 心地狭窄的
    11. 有一点的,丁点的
    12. 小型的,小巧玲珑的
    adv. (副词)
    1. 毫不,一点也不
    2. 一点,不多,很少
    3. 稍,略
    4. 几乎不,简直不
    5. 有点,稍微,不大,略微,少许
    6. 几乎没有
    7. 少,少许,少量
    8. 难得
    n. (名词)
    1. 没有多少
    2. 少许,一点点,些许
    3. 利特尔(音译名)
    4. 小,不大
    5. 少,很少,甚少
    6. 短时间,一会儿
    7. 短距离
    v. (动词)
    1. 变少,变小
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 小的,幼小的,矮小的 not big;small;young
    2. [A](时间、距离)短的 (of distance, time) short
    3. [A]琐碎的,微不足道的 not important
    pron. (代词)
    1. 少量,些许 a small amount
    adv. (副词)
    1. 少到几乎没有;毫不,难得,很少 not much;only slightly;rarely


  1. a small amount or duration;

    "he accepted the little they gave him"

  1. limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent;

    "a little dining room"
    "a little house"
    "a small car"
    "a little (or small) group"

  2. (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a') at least some;

    "little rain fell in May"
    "gave it little thought"
    "little time is left"
    "we still have little money"
    "a little hope remained"
    "there's slight chance that it will work"
    "there's a slight chance it will work"

  3. (of children and animals) young, immature;

    "what a big little boy you are"
    "small children"

  4. (informal) small and of little importance;

    "a fiddling sum of money"
    "a footling gesture"
    "our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war"
    "a little (or small) matter"
    "a dispute over niggling details"
    "limited to petty enterprises"
    "piffling efforts"
    "giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction"

  5. (of a voice) faint;

    "a little voice"
    "a still small voice"

  6. low in stature; not tall;

    "he was short and stocky"
    "short in stature"
    "a short smokestack"
    "a little man"

  7. lowercase;

    "little a"
    "small a"
    "e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters"

  8. small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context);

    "a nice little job"
    "bless your little heart"
    "my dear little mother"
    "a sweet little deal"
    "I'm tired of your petty little schemes"
    "filthy little tricks"
    "what a nasty little situation"

  1. not much;

    "he talked little about his family"


    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. We have a little bull session after work.
    2. This little bed will do for our youngest daughter.
    3. She is too little to ride a bicycle.
    4. She walked away and her little heart was broken.
    5. She stayed here only a little while.
    6. The merest little thing makes him nervous.
    7. There was little change in their daily lives.
    8. She shows little appreciation of good music.
    用作副词 (adv.)
    1. He is little known as an artist.
    2. Besides, I knew little about it.
    3. Little does he care whether we live or die.
    4. I go there very little now.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The little that I have seen of his work is satisfactory.
    2. Little is known about the effect of life-long drinking.


用作形容词 (adj.)
in little
    小规模地on a small scale
用作代词 (pron.)
after〔for〕 a little
    经过很短的距离〔时间〕after〔for〕 a short distance or time
用作副词 (adv.)
little and little
    一点一点地;逐渐地making progress slowly;gradually
little or nothing
    几乎无,简直没有hardly anything
make little of
    不明白,看不懂understand or read hardly anything
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词 ~+介词
用作代词 (pron.)
用作副词 (adv.)


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