- 1. A lognormal distribution model was used to fit the mite species abundance.
- 革螨种多度分布用对数正态分布模型拟合。
- 2. The results showed that Al-humic floc size followed a lognormal distribution.
- 结果表明,腐植酸絮体的粒径呈现对数正态分布。
- 3. Thermal fatigue Random variable Probabilistic analysis Solder joint Lognormal distribution;
- 热疲劳;随机变量;概率分析;焊点;对数正态分布;
- 4. The species abundance distribution of fleas conformed to the lognormal distribution pattern.
- 蚤类群落的种多度分布服从对数正态分布。
- 5. The peak currents for metastable pits also follow lognormal distribution and rise with potential.
- 亚稳蚀孔的峰值电流在恒电位下也服从对数正态分布且随电位升高而增大。
- 6. It is demonstrated that lognormal distribution is closely related to the multi-fold fracture of the material.
- 从分析可以看出,岩石破坏块度的对数正态分布与材料的多重破坏有关。
- 7. When the dataset was fitted against a three parameter lognormal distribution curve, the data was a reasonable fit.
- 当数据集根据三参数分布曲线得到填充时,数据就是有限匹配的。
- 8. If the cold deformation rate is higher than 70 %, the recrystallized grain size distribution agrees with lognormal distribution.
- 在冷形变量大于或等于70 %时,其再结晶晶粒尺寸分布符合对数正态分布。
- 9. This paper studies how to use the geostatistical method in processing geochemical data, which follows the lognormal distribution.
- 本文研究如何用地质统计学方法处理服从对数正态分布的化探数据的问题。
- 10. In the statistical analyses, the result shows that the lognormal distribution model is more suitable for the index of deflection.
- 同时从统计分析中可知,对数正态分布模型更适合于弯沉指标。
- 11. The Lognormal modelling method is an efficient method for resource assessment and has widely been paid attention to in recent years.
- 对数正态模拟法是近年来受到广泛重视的一种资源评价方法。
- 12. The results indicated that the packing of PMMA beads with lognormal distributions was different due to the difference of mean parti…
- 因此,通过提高PMMA粉的平均粒度及粒度分布宽度,降低堆积空隙率,可以在结构上为提高粉液比提供可行性。
- 13. It has found that section dimension deviations yield with normal distribution; axis line deviations yield with lognormal distribution.
- 混凝土截面尺寸偏差服从正态分布,轴线位移偏差服从对数正态分布。
- 14. The distribution form of safety factor is standard normal distribution while soil parameter distribution is normal or lognormal distribution.
- 土性参数的分布形式取正态分布或者对数正态分布时,安全系数的分布均呈标准正态分布;
- 15. It is shown by test results that at a given equivalent stress amplitude the constant amplitude fatigue life follows the lognormal distribution.
- 结果表明,在同一应力水平下,所用试样的常幅疲劳寿命服从对数正态分布。
- 16. By analyzing and comparing the calculated results, the effectiveness about the model of the 3-parameter lognormal distribution is demonstrated.
- 通过对生成结果的分析比较,初步论证了文中所推导的显式三参数对数正态分布模型的有效性。
- 17. The lognormal kriging systems and logarithmic kriging variance are established after non-bias condition and minimum estimation variance are studied.
- 在分析了无偏条件及最小估计方差之后,给出了对数正态克立格法方程组及对数克立格方差。
- 18. Weibull distribution or lognormal distribution is often used to analyze lifetime problem, so the two models are preferentially considered in tis paper.
- 由于威布尔分布或对数正态分布常用来分析寿命分布问题,故优先考虑这两种模型。
- 19. The numerical results show that the infrared LED life is characterized by lognormal distribution, and the accelerated model meets the inverse power law.
- 数值结果表明,红外LED 的寿命服从对数正态分布,其加速模型符合逆幂定律。
- 20. In this paper, we make a demonstration analysis on net asset value distribution, it is proved that the net value of assets subject to lognormal distribution.
- 本文对净资产价值的分布进行了实证分析,结论表明净资产价值服从对数正态分布。
- 21. And a scaling lognormal model of flood volume is introduced to represent the affection of temporal scale of duration in annual maximum flood volume distributions.
- 并提出了洪水洪量的对数正态分布模型来表征年最大洪量分布中历时的尺度影响。
- 22. The method and the resulting software for automatic generation of lognormal probability paper and the automatic extraction of distribution parameters are introduced.
- 介绍对数正态概率纸自动生成和分布参数自动提取的方法以及据此开发的软件。
- 23. Then we fit family income distribution with three-parameter Iognormal distribution, and using iteration method, we determine three parameters of lognormal distribution.
- 然后,把家庭收入拟合于三参数的对数正态分布,并用迭代的方法求出分布的参数。
- 24. Then we fit family income distribution with three-parameter lognormal distribution, and using iteration method, we determine three parameters of lognormal distribution.
- 然后,把家庭收入拟合于三参数的对数正态分布,并用迭代的方法求出分布的参数。
- 25. When fatigue life following lognormal distribution, fatigue life scatter factor (LSF) methods are constructed to evaluate component reliability with very small samples.
- 在假设产品寿命服从对数正态分布情况下,提出了用分散系数法评估极小子样产品的可靠性。
- 26. We have got the conclusion from the fiducial test, that the partial distribution is better than the lognormal distribution used commonly describing the structure of stock prices.
- 检验结果表明:偏态分布在描述股票指数及股票价格结构的行为特征上优于当前国际上常用的对数正态分布。
- 27. We have got the conclusion from the fiducial test, that the partial distribution is better than the lognormal distribution used commonly describing the structure of stock prices.
- 检验结果表明:偏态分布在描述股票指数及股票价格结构的行为特征上优于当前国际上常用的对数正态分布。
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