long before
- 在很久以前
- 1. Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my imagination.
- 早在我去非洲之前,它就栩栩如生地在我的脑海中了。
- 2. They were around long before films.
- 在电影诞生之前,他们就已经出现很久了。
- 3. The history of the EEOB began long before its foundations were laid.
- 艾森豪威尔行政大楼的历史早在奠基之前就开始了。
- 4. There were badgers here, I've been told, long before that same city ever came to be.
- 我听说,在同样的那座城市出现很久以前,这里就有獾子了。
- 5. He might appear to have died with a bang, but he had long before died with a whimper.
- 他好像是死于一声枪响,但很早以前,他就已经在一声呜咽中死去了。
- 6. I could see the details of people's faces long before they were standing in front of me.
- 早在人们站在我面前之前,我就能看到他们面部的细节。
- 7. Long before Man lived on the Earth, there were fishes, reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals.
- 在人类出现很早以前,地球上就出现了鱼类、爬虫类、鸟类和一些哺乳动物。
- 8. But long before that even, people were experimenting with ways to modify traditional acoustic guitars.
- 但甚至早在那之前,人们就已经在试验改良传统原声吉他的方法了。
- 9. The trend toward rationality and enlightenment was endangered long before the advent of the World Wide Web.
- 远在万维网出现之前,理性和启蒙的趋势就已受到了威胁。
- 10. We ran across open ground, then scrambled over broken rock that men had ejected from the mountain long before.
- 我们跑着穿过空地,然后攀登越过人们在很久以前从山上搬下来的碎石块。
- 11. The book he's trying to read goes back to long before even the first word was written, and it is a story of migration.
- 他尝试阅读的这本书可以追溯到很久以前,甚至在第一个字被写出来之前,这是一个关于移民的故事。
- 12. It's understandable that this was before 1879 which was when Red Cliff was founded, and long before Harvard became co-ed.
- 可以理解的是,那是1879年之前,雷德克利夫学院刚成立,并且远在哈佛成为男女合校之前。
- 13. He seems to have known something about the modern economic theory of society long before modern economics was even developed.
- 他似乎早在现代经济学发展之前就对现代社会经济理论有所了解。
- 14. Now, British research psychologist Gram Shaffer has discovered that infants can learn words or uncommon things long before they can speak.
- 现在,英国心理学家格兰姆·谢弗发现,早在婴儿会说话之前,他们就能学习单词或一些不寻常的事物。
- 15. "The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came along," says Moschandreas, a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland.
- 马里兰州交美特科技公司的莫斯坎瑞斯,一位专门研究污染的科学家,说:“早在节能技术出现之前,室内环境就已经很脏了。”
- 16. He retired long before the war.
- 他在战争之前早就退休了。
- 17. Your baby will begin to vocalize long before she can talk.
- 你的女婴在会说话前很早就要开始咿呀发声了。
- 18. Shoppers began arriving long before the 10am opening time.
- 离上午10点开门时间还早,顾客就陆陆续续地来了。
- 19. It was not long before I realized the enormity of my faux pas.
- 没过多久我就发现了我有多么的失礼。
- 20. It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall.
- 过不了多久,通货膨胀的数字就会开始下降。
- 21. It wasn't long before the strain began to tell on our relationship.
- 很快,这种极度的紧张就开始对我们的关系产生严重影响。
- 22. "This should have been decided long before now."—"We can't think of everything."
- “这在此前早该定下了。”—“我们不可能事事都考虑。”
- 23. There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countries went to war.
- 早在两国交战之前就有了根深蒂固的种族偏见。
- 24. I ran up against the problem of getting taken seriously long before I became a writer.
- 还远没有成为作家我就碰到了得到重视的问题。
- 25. I was up long before the sun.
- 我比太阳起得早。
- 26. Long before morning, all was done again.
- 天还没亮,一切又重新开始。
- 27. Most avalanches occur long before this happens.
- 大多数雪崩在这之前就发生了。
- 28. Nor was it long before the little man reappeared.
- 没过多久,小个子男人又出现了。
- 29. It wasn't long before me integrated into my new class.
- 没过多久,我就融入了新班级。
- 30. It won't be long before you regret what you have done.
- 过不了多久,你就会后悔你做的事。
- Their marriage was washed up long before they separated.
他们分居前婚姻早已破裂了。 - It was not long before tragedy struck again.
没多久,灾难又再次降临。 - We had not waited long before she came.
我们没等多久她就来了。 - I knew Tom long before I knew you.
我在认识你之前很久就认识了汤姆。 - Old Joe went to heaven long before the World.
老乔在第二次世界大战以前就早已经见上帝去了。 - Several candidates had been manoeuvring for position long before the leadership became vacant.
- before long 不久以后
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