low ground
- 低地
- 1. The single line-to-ground (SLG) faults in low ground current system may have many features.
- 小电流接地系统单相接地时有许多特点。
- 2. Whether it is low ground, mountainous or alpine meadow, the basic factor of their vegetation formation is water condition.
- 不论是低地草甸、山地草甸,还是高寒草甸,其植物群落发生的基本因素是充足的水分条件。
- 3. To create an reset input to the supervisory chip, its input must receive an active-low ground signal, requiring transistor Q1 to turn on.
- 为管理芯片产生复位输入,其输入必须接收低有效的地信号,需要晶体管q 1导通。
- 4. A direct result of land subsidence in Cangzhou coastal plain areas of low ground elevation loss, resulting in sinking of the railway roadbed, storm surge disasters.
- 地面沉降直接导致沧州滨海低平原地区地面高程资源损失,造成铁路路基下沉、风暴潮灾害加重。
- 5. The road double lines multi-arch tunnel has such advantages as low ground area, easy connection with other lines and so forth, and is adopted more and more widely in high grade road construction.
- 公路双线连拱隧道以其占地少、与线路连接方便等突出优势在高等级公路建设中被越来越多的采用。
- 6. Round the cottage on the moor, there was a piece of ground enclosed by a low wall of rough stones.
- 在荒野上的农舍边,有一块被一堵低矮的粗石墙围着的土地。
- 7. Low Till Agriculture leaves much or all the soil and remains of plants on the ground.
- 低耕农业在地面上留下许多或全部土壤,以及植物残体。
- 8. Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly.
- 像其他种类的草一样,竹子可能被砍得很低,但它会长得很快。
- 9. A strong wind of dust storms can carry heavy objects, so you should try to stay low, and close to the ground, and protect your head with your arms or a backpack.
- 强劲的沙尘暴可以卷起重物,所以你应该尽量保持低姿态,靠近地面,并用你的手臂或背包保护你的头部。
- 10. They're pretty close to the ground, but these warblers also nest in forests that have low shrub density.
- 它们离地面很近,但是这些蓝莺也会在灌木密度低的森林里面筑巢。
- 11. Notice how the house sits fairly low to the ground.
- 注意这座房屋有多接近地面。
- 12. This center looks like the Death Star and consists of a spherical glass and steel nest and a very long, low building raised off the ground.
- 这个中心看起来像是死亡星球,由一面球形玻璃,钢制鸟巢和一个很长但又很窄的从地面拔地而起的建筑物构成。
- 13. However, she cautions that it is difficult to capture accurate readings of sulfur dioxide from the satellites due to difficulties detecting the gas low to the ground, where it is most abundant.
- 然而,她注意到,通过卫星获取二氧化硫的准确读数是困难的。二氧化硫在贴近地面的低空区含量最为丰富,由此,卫星探测就显得困难重重。
- 14. Often you can find a set of monkey bars low enough to bonk your own head on, or better yet, low enough that your child can reach them from the ground.
- 你很容易就可以找到有你一人高的攀吊架,或者你可以找一些低到孩子站在地面就可以够到的。
- 15. No, the Carrera GTS doesn’t have a lot of ground clearance, but it’s so low that most zombies you hit will go over the top of the car (especially if you keep your foot on the gas).
- 是的,Carrera 4GTS离地不高,但它足够低以至于大多数僵尸都会被你撞飞到车顶(特别是你把油门踩到底的时候)。
- 16. With its low noise output and rugged design, the 55lq2 is for military and aerospace programs, including airborne, shipboard, and ground applications.
- 由于具有低噪声输出,并采用了加固设计,它能用于军事与航空应用,包括机载、舰载和地面应用。
- 17. But because of this very low level tritium getting into the ground water and migrating it shut the laboratory down.
- 但是由于这个非常低标准的氚,进入到地下水里,迁移了水,关闭了实验室。
- 18. Then get low to the ground, where you can breathe and see better, until help arrives.
- 然后蹲下离地面近些,这更有利于呼吸,视野也更清楚,直到援助人员到达。
- 19. Outside a small store we sat down on a low wooden bench and, sheltered by a high wall, we communicated partly by writing on the ground with a bottle top.
- 我们在一家小店外的木头长凳上坐下,外面有高墙挡风。我们的交流部分要借助用啤酒瓶盖在地上写字。
- 20. Stay low: Shorten your running stride and keep your feet lower to the ground.
- 保持低速:减少跑步步幅,保持双脚与地面的低距离。
- 21. They eitherejected at too low an altitude, hitting the ground before theirparachutes could open, or they went down with their planes.
- 他们要么因为弹射高度太低,降落伞没打开就已经坠地,要么就和飞机一道坠毁。
- 22. Under the award, SRA International will provide a low-cost ground surveillance (LCGS) solution for small - to medium-size airports in the national Airspace System.
- 根据合同,SRA国际公司将为国家空域系统的中小规模机场提供一个低成本地面监视(LCGS)解决方案。
- 23. We've all used a canopy of leaves to produce a frame around a subject in our compositions, but you can take this technique to the extreme by getting down low and shooting from the ground up.
- 我们都用过拍摄对象周围的植物叶子充当过相框,但你也可以把这个技术用得极端一些,从很低的角度,从地面往上拍摄。
- 24. They either ejected at too low an altitude, hitting the ground before their parachutes could open, or they went down with their planes.
- 他们要么因为弹射高度太低,降落伞没打开就已经坠地,要么就和飞机一道坠毁。
- 25. At ground level, such vibrations-akin to low-frequency sound waves-are very small, only about the size of the vertical motions that produce them.
- 在地表,这种类似于低频声波的振动非常小,只相当于造成它们的垂直振动的幅度。
- 26. At ground level, such vibrations-akin to low-frequency sound waves-are very small, only about the size of the vertical motions that produce them.
- 在地表,这种类似于低频声波的振动非常小,只相当于造成它们的垂直振动的幅度。
- The low land should be ridged before they are used.
低地在使用前应先整成交替的垄和沟。 - A flight of aircraft flashed low across the field.
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