lung capacity
- 肺活量
- 1. Increasing lung capacity has some drawbacks.
- 肺活量的增加有一些缺点。
- 2. Swimming can improve your breathing lung capacity.
- 游泳有益于增大肺活量。
- 3. Lung capacity slowly starts to decrease from the age of 20.
- 从20岁开始肺活量缓慢地开始减少。
- 4. This exercise increases your lung capacity, which becomes hindered by stress.
- 这个练习是为了增加你的肺活量,它可以用来阻碍压力。
- 5. Wenzel noted that the drug had no effect on lung capacity or general symptoms.
- 温泽博士指出,该药对肺容量或一般症状没有影响。
- 6. Pregnant Aboriginal women were believed to make the best divers, as it was thought they had greater lung capacity.
- 据说怀孕的土著女人是最好的潜水员,因为她们被认为有更大的肺活量。
- 7. Different frequency and different events have different effects on indexes of lung capacity and step testing.
- 不同项目、不同活动频度对肺活量、台阶测试指数的影响不同。
- 8. Participants must undergo intense training to increase their lung capacity while learning crucial safety measures.
- 参加者必须进行严格的训练以增加肺活量,同时学习残酷的安全措施。
- 9. In three to nine months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10%.
- 在三到九个月内随着你的肺活量增加了10%,咳嗽,哮喘和呼吸道疾病将会消失。
- 10. Your progress in running will basically depend on two major components: the strength of your legs and your lung capacity.
- 你在跑步上的进步基本上由两个重要部分决定:腿部力量和肺活量。
- 11. You see, yoga enhances your lung capacity, oxygenates your cells, and increases circulation, energizing your entire body.
- 你可以知道,瑜伽增加了肺活量,给肺泡细胞带来充盈的氧气,增加了血流循环,提升了全身的能量。
- 12. Studies have shown that Kenyans' use less energy to run the same distance as other populations, due to their long legs and large lung capacity.
- 研究表明,跑相同的路程,肯尼亚人比其他人群节省能量。 这要归功于他们的长腿和大肺活量。
- 13. My lung capacity was borderline average. But I was told natural delivery wouldn't be an option given that my pelvis could shatter in the process.
- 我的肺活量刚刚达到平均线,但我不能自然分娩因为我的骨盆太小可能会碎裂。
- 14. Your lung capacity depends on your lifestyle and genetics and running will actually help you to increase it (that's where heart benefits come from).
- 肺活量由生活方式和基因决定,跑步能帮助增加它(肺活量也是心脏获益的源泉)。
- 15. The results show that tea polyphenols can reduce the body fat, balance blood pressure and help increase lung capacity with little rise of step index.
- 结果表明,茶多酚可降低肥胖学生体脂含量、维持正常血压、提高肺活量,但对台阶指数的提高不甚明显。
- 16. If you encounter negative mood, try to rechannel it into something good. This time, I used a little alchemy, turning the senstaion into lung capacity.
- 如果你遇到不好的情绪,试着把它变化成积极的东西。比如这次我用的炼金术就把想念化作肺活量。
- 17. Function of aerobic exercise can improve heart and lung capacity and physical fitness of children improved and strengthened, consumption of excess fat;
- 有氧运动的功能可以让儿童提升心肺能力及体能得到提高与强化,消耗多余的脂肪;
- 18. In addition, the amount of nicotine in the bloodstream of bar workers declined, and their lung capacity improved one month after the ban was introduced.
- 另外,在禁烟实施后的一个月后,在酒吧工作者血流中的尼古丁含量有所下降,他们的肺活量得到了很好的恢复。
- 19. We are starting the drug 10, 15 years after the problem started, so it's very difficult to recover lung capacity once you've damaged the lungs all this time.
- 而且是在罹患哮喘10、15年后,才开始应用该药,因此很难一次就恢复长期哮喘对肺容量造成的损害。
- 20. Objective: the paper aims at supplying a scientific basic for unifying the reference value standard of Total Lung Capacity of Chinese healthy presenile women.
- 目的:本文的研究为制定中国健康老年前期女性肺总量参考值的标准提供科学依据。
- 21. American scientists have added new research to the growing body of evidence on why pregnant women should not smoke-showing it can reduce their babys lung capacity.
- 越来越多的证据阐明孕了妇不应吸烟的原因,美国科学家对此问题又进行了一项新的研究证明,孕妇吸烟降低婴儿肺活量。
- 22. Also, a daily pranayama (breathing) practice could help you quiet the mind, clear out your lungs, and increase your lung capacity and your ability to carry oxygen to your body.
- 日常的呼吸练习也可以帮助你平静意识,清洁肺部,增加肺活量和携氧能力。
- 23. "The reason for that is probably because these patients have had very difficult asthma for a long time and their lung capacity gets reduced because of that," o 'byrne said.
- 奥拜恩称,“之所以这样可能是因为,这些患者长期患有严重哮喘,导致其肺容量下降”。
- 24. Late in the pregnancy, the fetus pushes up against the thoracic cage and decreases a woman's lung capacity, putting her at risk for respiratory complications if she contracts flu.
- 在怀孕后期,胎儿推挤胸廓,导致孕妇肺活量减少,这样当她感染流感后,就面临着呼吸并发症的风险。
- 25. Overweight and obese primary school pupils of the lung capacity is higher than normal weight, while the vital capacity index was significantly lower than the normal weight students.
- 超重、肥胖小学生的肺活量高于正常体重小学生,而肺活量指数明显低于正常体重小学生。
- 26. Aerobic exercise can remarkably enhance the lung capacity, pulmonary ventilation volume as well as cardiac functions of blood-pumping and contraction etc. in female college students.
- 有氧运动能有效地提高女大学生的肺活量和肺通气量以及心脏的泵血和收缩等功能。
- 27. Two studies showed no improvement in lung function, In one study there was an improvement in diffusing capacity in the treated group.
- 有两个研究显示,肺功能没有任何改善,在一个研究中,治疗组出现了扩散能力的改善。
- 28. In Guangzhou, a lung function test on 72 aged people that practiced Taiji for over 1 year showed their vital capacity and other lung functions were better than their health peers.
- 广州市一项对72名练太极拳1年以上的老年人肺功能测定表明,罘肺活量等肺功能指标优于一般健康老人。
- 29. In Guangzhou, a lung function test on 72 aged people that practiced Taiji for over 1 year showed their vital capacity and other lung functions were better than their health peers.
- 广州市一项对72名练太极拳1年以上的老年人肺功能测定表明,罘肺活量等肺功能指标优于一般健康老人。
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