march into
- 长驱直入
- 1. The troops are even now preparing to march into the city.
- 部队此刻正在准备向城里开进。
- 2. We will march into the global market!
- 我们要进军全球市场!
- 3. Big Pharma continues its march into emerging markets.
- 大型制药公司继续进军新兴市场。
- 4. To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause!
- 愿意昂首阔步迈入地狱只为一个神圣使命!
- 5. China's long march into space has so far followed a well-trodden path.
- 至今为止,中国迈向太空的长征走得是其他国家已经铺好的路。
- 6. At this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future.
- 在这一时刻,在这次选举中,我们必须再一次保证,向未来挺进。
- 7. I'm not suggesting that you march into work tomorrow and throw a crumpled up goodbye letter in your boss's face.
- 我可不是怂恿你明天冲到办公室团一团皱巴巴的辞职信扔到你老板脸上。
- 8. We saw 204 national delegations march into the beautiful new national Stadium in the age-old tradition of the Games.
- 我们看到204个国家代表团在奥运会古老传统下步入漂亮的新国家体育场。
- 9. We have not sufficiently matured to march into the squares and shout the truth our loud or to express aloud what we think.
- 情况还没有成熟到,可以允许我们走上广chang,大声喊出真相,或者大声表达我们的心声的地步。
- 10. Three minutes'; silence followed, and then came the playing of "the March Into Paris," "specially composed for this occasion."
- 在三分钟的沉寂后,开始播放《行军入巴黎》这支为进入巴黎而临时谱写的曲子。
- 11. In 2001, Zhouzhuang Kunqu Opera Stage Base was established in Kunshan, and Kunqu Opera began to march into the tourist market.
- 2001年,昆山周庄昆曲戏台演出基地建立,苏州昆曲由此挺进旅游市场。
- 12. Some suggestions and feasible methods are put forward for these companies to march into international market as early as possible.
- 为国内工程公司早日跨入国际大市场提出了一些良好的建议和可操作的具体方法。
- 13. Week after week his followers march into the 300-metre-wide perimeter zone which Israel declared off-limits after last year’s assault on Gaza.
- 他的追随者接连好几个星期总是长驱直入300米宽的周边地带,以色列宣布去年攻击了加沙,以后不再限制。
- 14. March without the people and you march into night, their instincts are a figure-pointing of Providence, always turned toward real benefit.
- 不与人民共同前进,你就会走进黑夜里;他们的直觉就是天意之指,总是指向实在的益处。
- 15. She hunches forward, carrying hertwo-year-old on her back. Then, as cars and trucks rumble past, she leads thegroup on a steady march into town.
- 她背着两岁大的孩子向前走去,随着一辆辆轿车和卡车隆隆驶过,她就带着这拨儿人向着前方的城区稳步进发。
- 16. For example, if you're distressed that your boss excluded you from a project, don't march into his office and say, 'Why didn't you put me on that team?
- 比方说,如果你对老板没让你参加项目感到不爽,别闯进他的办公室说,“你为什么没让我进项目组?”
- 17. This week it confirmed that it will launch a digital music-player, called Zune, in response to Apple's successful march into non-PC markets with the iPod.
- 这周,Microsoft宣称他们将推出名为Zune的数字音乐播放器,以回应苹果公司通过iPod成功进军非pc市场造成的竞争。
- 18. Sure, Nishiyama is clearly living under Ebi's shadow, but it's good to see brown hair, bright makeup and pink clothes continue to march into a new decade.
- 西山的确生活在Ebi的阴影之中,但是就算接着看十年这样的打扮——棕发,亮妆,粉色衬衫——也不会觉得厌倦的。
- 19. With time going, the people of THT, armed with advanced scientific thought, is marching firmly ahead of the industry and will march into the more glorious future!
- 时至今日,用先进科学技术武装思想的凯德人,正以坚实的步伐走在业界的前列,并且将走向更加辉煌的明天。
- 20. My dear friends, let's make a wish under the national flag together, wish the flower of civilization blooms everywhere. Wish we march into the civilization gradually.
- 同学们,让我们在国旗下共同祝愿,祝愿我们的生活处处开满文明之花!祝愿我们自己一步步地迈向文明!
- 21. In contrast to the gentle woman, the man keeps his head upright, eyes on the environment, wears a steel flint and bravely guards his wife at his back to march into the town.
- 相对温婉的女子,昂首的男子眼观四方,佩戴火镰,英勇地为随后的妻子护航,向城镇迈进。
- 22. Summary It all starts out simply enough: four people dressed in painters' outfits march into the busy lobby of Manhattan Trust, a cornerstone Wall Street branch of a worldwide financial institution.
- 该片的开篇简单至极:四个身着油漆工服装的人跨步走进了曼哈顿信托银行(一家国际金融机构位于华尔街的重要分行)的繁忙大厅。
- 23. Summary It all starts out simply enough: four people dressed in painters' outfits march into the busy lobby of Manhattan Trust, a cornerstone Wall Street branch of a worldwide financial institution.
- 该片的开篇简单至极:四个身着油漆工服装的人跨步走进了曼哈顿信托银行(一家国际金融机构位于华尔街的重要分行)的繁忙大厅。
- They had marched south into England as far as the town of Derby before being forced to retreat.
在被迫撤退之前,他们曾向南开进英格兰,长驱直入打到德比镇。 - With the Macedonian cavalry engaged on both flanks, Alexander sends his phalanxes straight into the center of the Persian lines.
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