march off
- 出发,带走
- 1. I watched two players tee off, hoist their bags and march off to battle.
- 我看见两名球员走过球座,拎起背包,开始比赛。
- 2. So neither side wants to let Carlo Ancelotti's men march off into the distance.
- 所以没人希望被安切洛蒂的球队甩开距离。
- 3. Now introduce the lifters, NO. 1 Bian Jianxin of China......, lifters Please march off!
- 介绍运动员,1号中国边建欣……,介绍完毕,请运动员退场!
- 4. Soldiers would march off to Marine engagements with Britain, that great marry time nation.
- 士兵们会从此出发去和海上强国——强大的英国进行海战。
- 5. The march jumped off at 4 a.m.
- 行军从凌晨4点开始。
- 6. The space shuttle Endeavour lifts off to begin mission STS-123 at the Kennedy space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida March 11, 2008.
- 2008年3月11日,奋进号航天飞机从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角的肯尼迪航天中心起飞,执行sts- 123航天任务。
- 7. Winter storms cut perhaps half a percentage point off growth from January to March, according to some estimates.
- 按照某些人的估计,从一月到三月,冬季暴风雪可能将增长率消减了半个百分点。
- 8. That seems to have been happening since March, after asking prices rose too much and turned off buyers.
- 自三月来,似乎情况即是如此,此前,房产报价上涨过快,许多买家望而却步。
- 9. To underpin the new mechanism, Germany has pressed for small changes to the EU's treaty, which Mrs Merkel said she hoped would be formally signed off by the region's leaders in March.
- 为了巩固新的机制,德国已经敦促对欧盟条约进行细小的修改。默克尔希望新的欧盟条约可以在三月份得到各国领导人的签署。
- 10. His CFO, Marilynne Franks, said that the hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act's tax credit for hiring unemployed workers, which took effect in March, would soon be paying off for the company.
- 他的首席执行官玛丽莲·弗兰克斯表示,三月份生效的《恢复就业法》规定了招用失业人员的税收抵免激励,会很快使公司得到回报。
- 11. It was March, a bright cold day, and the ashy remains of her night's fire gave off a surprising sullen heat, for which she was not ungrateful.
- 那是三月里明亮寒冷的一天,晚上壁炉未尽的余火散发出让人吃惊却昏昏沉沉的热气,那是她喜欢的余热。
- 12. There are already signs that the German economy may be coming off the boil. Manufacturing orders fell in March.
- 已有证据显示德国经济有可能冷却下来,制造订单的数量在三月下跌。
- 13. If Discovery isn't flying by then, it will have to get in line behind a Russian Soyuz rocket that's set to blast off March 26 with a fresh space station crew.
- 如果到时发现号还没有上天的话,发现号将不得不在预定于三月26日俄罗斯发射的联盟号火箭上天后才能升空。联盟号主要是运送新一轮空间站工作人员上天。
- 14. Against Bolton in March, United found itself down to 10 men after Jonny Evans was sent off for a reckless challenge on Stuart Holden.
- 又是三月与博尔顿之战,曼联发现在埃文斯因对斯图亚特·霍尔顿恶意犯规被罚出场之后只能10人应战。
- 15. Miami looks poised for a march to the conference finals at the least, and Collins' club has the misfortune of facing off against the Heat in the first round.
- 迈阿密人淡定自若,看起来至少也会走到东区决赛的样子,科林斯不幸又要在首轮成为热火的垫脚石了。
- 16. Time Warner, which span off its cable-operating business in March and has pruned its film-production outfit, is now trying to undo its eight-year partnership with AOL, an Internet portal.
- 时代华纳,三月份才拓展其有线运营事业,如今却缩减了其电影制片组,现正准备解除与美国线上服务公司(一家网络机构)长达八年的合作伙伴关系。
- 17. The catastrophic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan depressed global markets in March, and may have shaved a few tenths of a percentage point off America's growth.
- 三月份日本的大地震、海啸及核灾难抑制了全球市场,也可能将美国的经济增长刮去了十分之几个百分点。
- 18. A deal to pay off that debt was rejected in a referendum in March; a less onerous settlement is now being debated.
- 还款协议在三月份的全民公投中被否决;目前正在商讨一个更为简易的解决方法。
- 19. Some fled the same night, and vanished as surely as the commandant, who had made himself scarce as soon as the column of prisoners set off on the forced march to west.
- 有些人当天晚上就逃走了,那个总指挥一定消失了,那一队囚犯们一开始被迫朝西进发,他就逃之夭夭了。
- 20. The most important decisions—how much to cut farm subsidies and tariffs or to lower barriers to industrial goods—will be put off again, probably until March.
- 将撤除多少贸易壁垒,给予产品准入权? ――这些问题将再次被搁置,可能会推迟到明年三月份。
- 21. The Hatter was the only one who got any advantage from the change: and Alice was a good deal worse off than before, as the March Hare had just upset the milk jug into his plate.
- 这次挪动唯一得到好处的是帽匠,爱丽丝的位子比以前差多了,因为三月兔把牛奶罐打翻在位子上了。
- 22. When we set off on the final leg of our march to the county town of Ningyuan (in Hunan), we were told it was "more than 30 li".
- 当我们踏上通往湖南宁远县的最后一段路程时,人们告诉我们路有“30多里”。
- 23. The group also plans to follow the Olympic torch relay, which will step off in Athens this March.
- 该组织还计划跟随将于明年3月从雅典开始的奥运会火炬接力。
- 24. Requests for the ceremony have tripled since the March 11 9.0 magnitude quake set off a massive tsunami.
- 自3月11日日本发生9级大地震及海啸以来,离婚典礼的申办量达到原来的三倍。
- 25. Week after week his followers march into the 300-metre-wide perimeter zone which Israel declared off-limits after last year’s assault on Gaza.
- 他的追随者接连好几个星期总是长驱直入300米宽的周边地带,以色列宣布去年攻击了加沙,以后不再限制。
- 26. Bill Gates uncorked that surprise at the Mix '06 conference in March, catching both attending Microsoft developers and Microsoft's own IE team members seemingly off guard.
- 比尔·盖茨是在三月份的Mix06大会上透露这一惊喜的,这把微软开发人员和IE小组成员都弄个措不及防。
- 27. Analysts say GM has backed off on incentives in March and taken a resulting hit in market share.
- 分析师们表示,3月份,通用汽车停止推行营销激励措施,其市场份额随之下降。
- 28. The Ontario Lottery says the Super Bingo game didn't have the same flaw as the tic-tac-toe game but that it was pulled off the Ontario market in March 2007 as a precaution.
- 安大略博彩说超级宾狗游戏并不具有和井字游戏一样的缺陷但是为安全起见在2007年3月将其撤出安大略市场。
- 29. The drafters of the new five-year plan adopted in March were clearly hoping to head off such a calamity.
- 3月份正式通过的一个新五年规划的起草者当然希望避免这种灾难的发生。
- 30. The drafters of the new five-year plan adopted in March were clearly hoping to head off such a calamity.
- 3月份正式通过的一个新五年规划的起草者当然希望避免这种灾难的发生。
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