march toward
- 朝 ... 行进
- 1. March toward the bright tomorrow.
- 迈向明天灿烂的阳光。
- 2. We've hit some serious bumps in the road recently in our march toward change.
- 在朝向变革的行进途中,我们近来遭遇了一些障碍。
- 3. Other clouds follow, big and little and tiny on their march toward whereness.
- 别的云跟随着,大的小的还是微小到看不见的,都朝着自己的方向前进。
- 4. Other clouds follow, big and little and tiny on their march toward whiteness.
- 其它的云彩——有大有小,洁白如雪——都跟随着它,不知要往哪儿走。
- 5. Two steps forward, then, in the march toward the universal recognition of gay marriage?
- 那么,这是朝向普遍承认同性婚姻的征程中迈出的两步么?
- 6. The present Hefei is just a fleeting moment on its relentless march toward the future.
- 如今的合肥只是迈向未来漫漫征途中的瞬间。
- 7. The present Hefei is just a fleeting moment on its relentless march toward the future.
- 相对于若干年后的城市形态,今天的合肥将仅仅是一个瞬间。
- 8. Two steps forward, then, in the march toward the universal recognition of gay marriage? Well, yes and no.
- 那么,这两步推进了迈向普遍承认同性婚姻的征程?不错,既是也不是。
- 9. Beyond a line of woods that he could see was a field where the troops had once bivouacked on their march toward the sea.
- 在一带树林后面,他望到一片田野,当年弟兄们朝海边挺进时,曾在那里扎营。
- 10. The Fed said it still expected a slow economic expansion, and it still expected to continue a slow march toward higher rates.
- 美联储表示,它预计经济还会缓慢增长,利率会继续缓慢提升。
- 11. Singapore will soon offer renminbi clearing, another step in the steady march toward internationalisation of the Chinese currency.
- 新加坡不久将开通人民币结算业务,人民币稳步国际化的进程又将向前迈进一步。
- 12. Thank you for finding time to hang down and read my recommending oneself material, give me one to march toward chance to succeed!
- 感谢您抽空垂阅我的自荐材料,给我一个迈向成功的机会!
- 13. The truth is that Europe's march toward a common currency was, from the beginning, a dubious project on any objective economic analysis.
- 真实情况是,根据任何客观的分析,欧洲走向共同货币一开始就是一个可疑的项目。
- 14. Extraordinary events have reminded the world that the collective action of ordinary citizens can lead the march toward liberty and justice.
- 全世界通过极其重大的事件再次认识到,普通公民的集体行动可以领导我们向自由和正义迈进。
- 15. With John Hume's support, the White House decided to maintain contact with Adams, waiting for the moment when the march toward peace could resume.
- 在约翰·休姆的支持下,白宫决定保持与亚当斯的联络,等着重新迈向和平的时刻到来。
- 16. We use our good faith, professional supply, enthusiasm and timely service to welcome you to discuss the business, and march toward success together!
- 公司上下时刻以诚信经营、专业供应、热情和及时的服务等候着您前来商洽,共同迈向成功!
- 17. Whenever I come across setbacks, I will recall what the teacher said, learn lessons from mistakes, muster up the courage and march toward a new goal.
- 每当遇到挫折,我就会想起老师的话,吸取教训,鼓起勇气,迈向一个新目标。
- 18. In view of this, I seriously recommend to your school XuDanDan classmate, sincerely wish she would be in the talents gathered on the platform of the talent show, march toward success!
- 有鉴于此,我郑重地向贵校推荐许丹丹同学,衷心祝愿她能在这个人才云集的平台上展示才华、迈向成功!
- 19. Hope the wise in Buddhist and academic societies can contemplate the rationale in the papers together and march toward the state of true historiography that personally realize liberation and wisdom.
- 祈请佛教界与学术界的贤达人士,共同思考其中的道理,并齐步迈向亲证解脱与智慧的真史学境界。
- 20. But if we're going to reconcile human flourishing with the march of technology, it might help to understand what technology is marching toward.
- 但如果我们能使人类的兴旺与科技的进步保持一致,我们就能更好的理解科技演变的方向。
- 21. The bottom image shows the dust storm on March 4, 2011 after the dust has traveled toward the east-southeast.
- 下方的照片则显示了此次沙尘天气过程在2011年3月4日的情形,可见沙尘已经吹向了东南偏东方向。
- 22. This much is certain: the tendency is upward with the march of civilization, toward a higher velocity.
- 有一点非常确定:随着文明的进步,流通速度将保持上升的趋势。
- 23. The key to Lincoln's policy toward the states that had seceded may be found in a passage of his First Inaugural, delivered on March 4, 1861.
- 林肯对脱离联邦的州邦所采取政策的核心也许可以在他1861年3月4日的首次就职演说的字里行间中找到。
- 24. FRIDAY, March 25 (HealthDay News) — Even very young children can get stressed by depressed parents who display negative emotions toward them, researchers confirm.
- 3月25日(健康新闻)——研究人员日前确认,就算是非常小的儿童,当感到沮丧的父母对他们表露出消极情绪的时候,他们也能从中感觉到压力。
- 25. March without the people and you march into night, their instincts are a figure-pointing of Providence, always turned toward real benefit.
- 不与人民共同前进,你就会走进黑夜里;他们的直觉就是天意之指,总是指向实在的益处。
- 26. The March figures showed again how American tastes are moving toward smaller, more fuel-efficient models.
- 三月份的销售数字再次显示,美国人的兴趣正转向燃油效率更高的小型车。
- 27. On March 8, the United States joins people around the globe in honoring women and celebrating their contributions toward building a more peaceful, just, and prosperous world.
- 3月8日,美国与全世界人民一起向妇女们表示敬意,纪念她们为打造一个更和平、公正和繁荣的世界做出的贡献。
- 28. On March 8, the United States joins people around the globe in honoring women and celebrating their contributions toward building a more peaceful, just, and prosperous world.
- 3月8日,美国与全世界人民一起向妇女们表示敬意,纪念她们为打造一个更和平、公正和繁荣的世界做出的贡献。
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